What Is Safety andHealth?

Safety and health is an integral part of our company’s work. It is part of our operations andis there to protect our employees, clients, property, the environment and thepublic.

Why Is Safety and Health Important to ABCCompany?

There are many costs to incidents and unsafe work practices. The greatest costs are humancosts. By protecting our employees, we are also protecting their friends, families, fellow workers, management, the public and the environment from the far reaching effects of serious accidents. We are also protecting our ability to continue doing business and employpeople.

In addition to protecting lives, our safety and health program contributes to employee moraleand pride because our employees participate in identifying safety needs and in developing safe work procedures.

What Are the Alternatives to Safety andHealth?

Employees and contracted employer(s) or self-employed person(s) who knowingly violate safety and health rules may face disciplinary action, dismissal or legal action. Visitors may also face legal action if they knowingly disobey safety and health rules. In addition, the company mayface legal action and fines for violations of regulatory requirements. Those individuals who do not fulfill their health and safety responsibilities will become accountable for any problems their negligence creates, and may be liable under thelaw.

Who Is Responsible for Health andSafety?

Everyone employed by the company is responsible for maintaining the safety and health program. Managers and supervisors are responsible for identifying safety and health needs, communicating safety and health hazards, investigating hazardous conditions and incidents, providing training, supplying or wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and ensuring all equipment is properly maintained and meets legislatively safety and health standards. Their role is supported by input fromemployees.

All company employees and others on company work sites are responsible for obeying all health and safety rules, following recommended safe work procedures, wearing and using personal protective equipment when required, participating in safety and health training programs and informing supervisors of any unsafe work conditions. Everyone has the right and responsibility to refuse work when unsafe conditionsexist.

By fulfilling our safety and health responsibilities, everyone who works for our companywill share the benefits of a safeworkplace.

President and ChiefOperatingOfficer: Date:



At ABC Company, the health and safety of our employees comesfirst.

Management is committed to doing everything possible to prevent injuries and maintaina healthy workenvironment.

To thisend:

The company is committed to maintain a workplace safety and health programto ensure the goals of thispolicy;

Every person in the company must integrate workplace safety and healthpractices into their dailyactivities;

All employees are required to support the workplace safety and healthprogram;

Managers are responsible for enhancing safety and healthconsciousness;

Supervisors must ensure their employees are trained in safe and healthywork procedures to obtain optimal output without accident and injuries;and

All employees are accountable for implementing thisprogram.

CEO:Date: _



It is the policy of ABC Company to provide a safe and healthy environment in whichour employees, visitors and customers can carry out theirbusiness.

We firmly believe in and are committed to ensuring that our operations are carried out in a way that ensures the health and safety ofeveryone.

We will not produce or render any service likely to cause an accident or exposure that mayresult in personal injury, damage to equipment or loss inprocess.

Each member of our organization is responsible for health and safety and will beheld accountable for theiractions.

Any and all other policies and procedures must support and comply with this policystatement.

Signed: / President /CEO / Date: / (dd/mm/yr)
JHSCCo-Chairs / Date: / (dd/mm/yr)