Policy Document:
Policy Statement on Able and Talented
Policy Statement on Able and TalentedLearning Together, Learning For Life.
Links to Visionary Statement
We aim to …..
- keep children’s learning at the heart of our thoughts and actions
- provide the opportunity for all our children to achieve academic excellence within a broad and balanced curriculum
- create an ethos which nurtures creativity, self-belief, independence and a sense of respect for other
- ensure that our schools are happy, safe, supportive and secure places in which to learn
- create a stimulating learning environment
- develop strong and productive partnerships with parents and the wider school community
- have high expectations in all areas of school life
- prepare children for the future
Agreed and Signed on behalf of the Full Governing Body…………………………
Next Review:……………………………….
-To acknowledge strengths and talents of individual children and provide (where possible within the remit of the school) opportunities and challenges for all children.
-To value, develop and use ability and talents to further the learning of the whole school.
-To encourage children to tackle challenge and persevere in their own learning at whatever level.
- To create a robust strategy that effectively identifies pupils as able and talented.
- To provide all learners with an education matched to their individual learning needs.
- To encourage in our school, an ethos that ensures that we focus on effective teaching and learning.
- To develop depth and breadth of opportunity which also recognises the social and emotional needs of able and talented pupils.
At Paulton Infant School we recognise that what happens in the classroom, in every lesson, on every day lies at the heart of the provision for Able and Talented pupils, and that this is the direct responsibility of every class teacher. Classrooms should be places where learners are inspired, encouraged and challenged to question, speculate and hypothesise.
To provide appropriately for our able and talented children, our teachers will provide a curriculum that:
- is broad and available to all learners;
- includes opportunities for open-ended and problem-solving activities;
- stretches the most able children and allows them to show what they can do;
- provides breadth and range of learning experiences;
- develops a range of learning styles.
In our day to day teaching, we will:
- provide opportunities for problem-solving, hypothesising and developing thinking skills;
- use a range of teaching and learning strategies;
- have high expectations of all pupils;
- provide rigorous and constructive feedback to pupils on their work;
- use groupings flexibly;
- use appropriate resources to stretch and challenge able pupils;
- encourage pupils to take risks, to play with ideas and to regard all answers, whether right or wrong, as productive opportunities for learning;
- encourage children to be become independent learners and take responsibility for their own learning.
As available, information concerning ‘Able and Talented’ learning opportunities for more able and able pupils will be passed on to teachers and parents concerned. This includes sessions within our Infant Network.
Banks of resources and activities for more able and talented pupils will be developed by subject coordinators.
Teachers will strive to ensure a balanced education for each individual identified regardless of gender, race or creed.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the school policies on Special Educational Needs and Equal Opportunities.
Mrs M Holmes
March 2016
To be reviewed March 2018
Signed : …………………………………………………………………
Chair of Governors or Curriculum & Standards Sub-committee
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