Workshop Update – it’s getting close
ANZAM Health Management and Organization Special Interest Group Workshop - 9 July 2014, 9:30 – 16:00,North Sydney Harbourview Hotel(Precedes the Shape Symposium 10 -11 July – )
Leadership in Health:Identifying capabilities, exploring connectionsand formulating actions
Our purpose
This workshop is the third in a series that provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to come together to explore collaborative research opportunities in the field of health Leadership.It follows two successful engagements between these groups at the SHAPE Symposium in Brisbane in July 2013 and the ANZAM National Conference in Hobart in December 2013. The focus of these forums andthat indicated in our first flyer was on Health Workforce Australia’sNational Leadership Framework – Health LEADS Australia. Given the very recent move of HWA into the Department of Health the implementation program for HLA is not yet clear so we are taking a broader look at health leadership. This will of course continue to include HLA. Our task is to identify potential projects and collaborations and discuss what enables such projects to work. To do this, we need to turn our attention to what interests and capabilities we bring to this work.
Outcomes we are looking for – a shared understanding of:
- The work participants are engaged with in the health leadership field
- Leadership research and practice interests and capabilities represented in the group – what we have to work with
- What it takes to collaborate – what enables it to work
- The collaborative projects that might be feasible andthe potential for innovative approaches – how we might connect with each other and about what
- Means by which we can develop the activeengagement of practitioners and researchers
- Decisions about what next in terms of a collaborative research plan.
What we will do
The workshop will be interactive and engage participants in information sharingabout our research and practice interests and capabilities – what we bring to the table. We will engage in dialogue about how to harness these capabilities to develop meaningfulresearch activity. Theworkshop will be very much a working session offered in two parts, the morning’s contribution providing a foundation for the afternoon’s working groups:
- To ground and focus our attention - a quick review of the major themes and areas of research that have emerged from the collaborative conversations so far
- To stimulate our thinking and mobilise our energy – a smorgasbord of interesting and creative researcher and practitioner based research activities and questions, insights as to what supports effective collaborations and a snapshot of the range capabilities on offer. These will include contributions from and dialogue with:
- Professor Sandy Leggat (La Trobe Uni Health Sciences)
- Sue Thomson (Manager UTAS, Local Health Service Partnership in Sydney)
- Dr Hazel Harden (Qld Health, recently completed PHD in health leadership)
- Professor Gary Day, (Deputy Director, Centre for Health Innovation Griffith Uni)
- Dr Robyn Clay-Williams (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Clinical Governance Research, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, UNSW
- Anne Smyth (Health consultant, researcher and educator with a focus on collaboration)
- To get down to business - how to harness these interests, capabilities and possibilities so we can leverage these resources to undertakecollaborative practice based research. Working groups will consider questions arising from the morning work, what might be done and how
- To commit - establish an action agenda to tangibly progress the work as well as identify further opportunities to continue the conversation
Who should attend
Researchers and practitioners who are interested in the shape and capability of the Australian health workforce, in particular its leadership and management. More specifically, we would love to have those who are keen to work collaboratively on this task. This could include health leaders and managers of all sorts, researchers, policy makers, consultants, and educators
Where, when and how much
WHEN: Wednesday 9 July, 0930 till 1630
WHERE: North Sydney Harbourview Hotel
17 Blue Street, North Sydney
→ANZAM members: $66 (inc GST)**
→Non-members who would like to join ANZAM (until December 2014): $165.00 (inc GST)
→Non- members: $176.00 (inc GST)
**You are a member of ANZAM if you attended the 2013 Conference in Hobart (annual membership is included) or if you became a financial member this year.
Register by 1 July via attached registration form
Please return this form to Anne Anderson at
ANZAM Health Management and Organization Special Interest group
Workshop – 9 July, Sydney
ANZAM Membership No / <if known>Title
Preferred First name
Last name
Any special dietary requirements?
Payment options (tick box)
Current ANZAM member $66.00(includes $6.00 GST)
Attendance + ANZAM membership until 30.11.14:$165.00 (includes $15.00 GST)
Attendance Only (for non-ANZAM Members): $176.00 (includes $16.00 GST)
1. Payment by Bank Transfer
Account Name: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Limited
BSB: 084-004Account No: 18131-5617
** Please ensure you include your name as the transaction reference**
2. Payment by Credit Card
MasterCard Visa
(Sorry, we cannot accept AMEX or Diners Club)
Card Holder’s Name: ______
Card Number: ______/______/______/______
Expiry Date:______/______Amount: $______
Signed: ______