Course Syllabus
Course Overview
Welcome to Geometry! The roots of the word geometry mean “to measure the earth,” but thiscourse will be more than just measuring things. It will emphasize abstract concepts and logicalthinking through inductive and deductive reasoning. Through the course of the semester, we willexplore how lines, planes, polygons, circles, as well as spheres and other three-dimensionalfigures can be used to represent and solve a variety of abstract and real-world problems. Wewill use tools—from the basic, such as straightedges, compasses, and protractors, to the sophisticated, such as computer programs and graphing calculators—to help us solveproblems and learn. The skills you learned in Algebra I will be revisited, reinforced, and appliedthroughout the year. Our work in this course will help you understand how all fields ofmathematics are intertwined and how they depend on each other. I am committed to workingwith you to help you understand geometry and discover its beauty.
Course Content
- Tools of Geometry
- Reasoning and Proof
- Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Congruent Triangles
- Relationships in Triangles
- Quadrilaterals
- Proportions and Similarity
- Right Triangles and Trigonometry
- Transformations and Symmetry
- Circles
- Areas of Polygons and Circles
- Extending Surface Area and Volume
- Probability and Measurement
Course Materials
You will need to bring the following materials with you to class each day:
- Textbook
- Pencils, erasers, and marking pen
- Loose-leaf paper and binder (class notebook)
- Ruler with both inches and metric measurements
- Calculator
- Colored pencils
On occasion, you will also need these other materials:
- Protractor
- Compass
- Graph paper
Course Policies
Absences/Makeup Work: When you return from an absence, you will be responsible for thefollowing:
- Turning in any assignments that was due the day(s) of your absence
- Reading the textbook section or other material that was used as a resource during yourabsence
- Getting the assignment(s) you missed and updating your class notebook
- Turning in your makeup work
According to school policy, you have as five days to turn in missedassignments. However, you should turn in at least one makeup assignment as well as thecurrent assignment each day until you are caught up. If you are absent only on anassessment day, anote from your parents will be required and you will be expected to make up the test on the dayyou return to class. If you are absent any more days, you will have as many days as you wereabsent to make up the assessment. Makeup assessments may be taken during 5th block with permission of your 5th block teacher, during class, or afterschool.
Class Participation: At times we will all be geometry teachers; therefore, be willing to share yourideas with others and to support your reasoning to help each other understand new ways tosolve problems. In other words, participate fully in all class activities. Be “on the court” playingthe game, not “in the stands” watching what is going on.
Classroom Rules/Expectations
- Be responsible for your work. (Bring supplies every day.)
- Be in your assigned seat ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
- Seek additional help immediately if a topic seems difficult or requires alternativeapproaches.
Assignment Policy: Assignments will be given every school day to allow you to explore and practice what you are learning. Unless otherwisespecified, assignments will be due at the beginning of the period the following school day.
- Show all calculations and work, even if you do it in your head or on a calculator.
- Explain your reasoning at the conclusion of each solved problem.
- When you get stuck on a problem, solve it as far as you can, then write a short explanationof your difficulty.
- Use your class notebook and text book as a resource.
In addition, be proactive about creating study groups, using outside resources such asdictionaries and Web sites, and discussing problems with each other and with me. Any and allof these strategies can help you understand more thoroughly the concepts we will be studying.
Assessment Policy: Assessments are extremely important. You will be given an assessment over each unit that we study. In order to take the assessment all work in your notebook must be completed. If any work is missing from the notebook, it will be required to be finished before the assessment can be taken. Your goal will be to receive a score of at least 70% (proficiency) on the assessment. If proficiency is not reached, you will be required to do additional work on the areas of the assessment that you had difficulty with and then reassess on those specific sections when the work is complete. For the assessments, I will provide the rubrics or explain the expectations. Other assessments such as projects may be assigned throughout the course of the year. Rubrics and additional expectations will be provided and explained for most of the assignments.
Grading Policy
Grade Distribution: Semester grades will be calculated as follows:
Assessments 75%
Notebook 25%
Ninety percent of semester grades will be determined by an average of two quarters’ grades;the remaining 10% will be determined by the semester exam.
Progress Reports: Grades will be put into infinite campus for you and your parents to check on a regular basis. I will also print off progress reports on occasion for you to view and take home for parents see how you’re doing.
Course Procedures
Work Requirements: A heading should appear in the upper right-hand corner of the page andshould consist of the following:
- Your name
- Class name and period number
- Textbook page number and assignment numbers OR the name of the assignment
- Date
Class Notebook: You will be required to keep a notebook (3 ring binder) containing definitions,explanations, and examples given in class; paperwork; investigations and other long-term projects. Your classnotebook will be turned in for a grade. It should be organized, with each section labeledclearly. For example:
- Notes (includes vocabulary)
- Assignments (in chronological order)
- Investigations and Projects
Personal Statement
It is very important that you review your notes and assignments frequently! Most assignmentshave one or more of the following aims:
- Practice reinforces the learning of material already presented in class and helps you masterspecific skills.
- Preparation provides information—history, skills, definitions—for forthcoming information; itis intended to allow you to benefit when the new material is covered in class.
- Extension or elaboration involves the transfer of previously learned skills to new situations.
- Integration asks you to apply skills and concepts to produce a single product (e.g., bookreport, science project).
I will make every effort to communicate the purpose of assignments to you. If you arehaving difficulties with any of the topics covered in this course, see me as soon as possible.Times when I am available for extra help are included below.In addition, keep the following thoughts in mind:
- When I worry “I can’t do it,” I will tell myself, “I can do it, and I just need to figure it out.”
- I can always ask for help.
- Every week I will set goals and recognize my accomplishments.
- I will bring a positive attitude and a smile to class.
Additional Information
Extra Help: Get extra help when you need it. I am usually available after school from 3:05 to3:25 p.m. I will be happy to arrange extra help sessions foranyone who requests them.
Contact information
School telephone number: 606-776-8102
Best time to call: During 4th block planning 1:08 p.m. to 2:33 p.m.
Signature(s): Discuss this course syllabus with your parent(s) or guardian(s). A copy of this syllabus will be posted on my website. Please sign, date, and return to me. I am looking forward to workingwith you this year.
I, ______(Student), have read and understand the Geometry coursesyllabus and the course expectations.
I, ______(Parent/Guardian), have read and understand the Geometrycourse syllabus and the course expectations.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______