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These specifications are an integral part of the documents drawn up for the invitation to tender for the contract referred to. The documents relating to the invitation to tender comprise:
- a letter of invitation to tender;
- conditions for submitting a tender;
- specifications and the annexes thereto;
- and a model order form.
These specifications are supplemented by the following annexes, which are an integral part thereof:
Annex I: Technical specifications
Annex II: Budget sheet
Annex III: Declaration on the tenderer's honour concerning the exclusion criteria and absence of conflict of interest
Annex IV: Financial identification form - supplier
Annex V: Information sheet concerning consortiums of economic operators
Annex VI: Declaration concerning subcontractors
Annex VII: Financial data sheet
Annex VIII: Label to be affixed to the outer and inner envelopes when a tender is sent
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25October2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the European Union, the European Parliament has decided to issue this invitation to tender for 2015 EUROPE DAY COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN.
The European Parlament (EP) operates an information office in Budapest as in all other Member States' capitals, the task of which is to inform the widest public and press. The offices liase with national and local authorities, representatives of NGOs and citizens. The office also informs the Brussels Headquarters of the EP about the political events in the country and the opinion of Hungarians about the European Parliament and forwards their requests and petitions to the EP. Another task of the office is to inform the citizens about the communication priorities of the EP Directorate-General Communication and to communicate with the citizens about the EP accordingly.
The Europe Day Street Festival is organised every year by the European Parliament Information Office in cooperation with the European Commission (EC) Representation in Hungary. In 2015 the festival will take place on 9 May, Saturday. The planned location of the programs is the Millenáris Park in Budapest. This is also the location of the House of the European Union, which hosts the EP Information Office, the EC Representation and the Europe Point. The Europe Point is a cultural and information centre run jointly by the two Institutions and has yearly 10-12 thousand visitors.
The program will be enhanced with a "11 years - 11 km" running competition to be organised in cooperation with the EC Representation and the Prime Minister's Office.
The organisation of the street festival and the running competition and the related costs are not subject of this contract. The local communication (including communication on the venue, information stands, stage etc.), the elaboration of the general visuals of the event and the logo of the running competition will be the responsibility of the contractors organising the street festival and the running competition. The visuals and graphic elements produced by them will be put at the disposal of the successful tenderer in right time. These graphic elements will be used for the communication campaign to be carried out in the framework of this contract. The online communication campaign will be carried out by the contractor selected by the EC Representation in a tender procedure. Successful tenderer will work in close cooperation with the contractor organising the street festival and the running competition and with the contractor executing the online communication campaign.
Subject of this call for tender is the organisation and execution of the communication campaign of the Europe Day Street Festival and the Running Competition event in accordance with the details set out below.
The aim of the promotion campaign is to promote the street festival, to increase the attendance of the event and to generate media attention. The aim of the festival is to bring the European Union and the European institutions, like the European Parliament closer to the citizens and to support the European identity based on common values.
The required visitor number of the festival is 10-15 thousand people.
The target group of the communication campaign is the general public which involves all social groups. Special target groups are: young people, families and generally the residents of Budapest.
As the event takes place in the city, the communication campaign should cover mainly but not only Budapest.
Planned program elements of the street festival are the following:
· Opening/welcome speech on stage with high representatives of the European Union
· Program elements related to the running competition on stage: warm-up, handover of prizes
· Cultural and music entertainment programs on the main stage with well-known performers who are popular with children, followed by a jazz concert and a street ball in the evening for young people
· during the day EU quiz on main stage between program elements
· EU information tents
· during the day warm-up, entertainment and promotional programs between the tents
The program elements will reflect the main communication priorities below:
Main communication priorities for Europe Day 2015:
1) European core values - equal opportunities, cultural variety, human rights, etc. and European identity
2) Presentation of the new European Parliament (2014-2019) and the Hungarian MEPs
3) European Union developments in Hungary :
4) Priorities of the Juncker Commission:
Further information about the European Parliament and Europe Day can be found on the websites, and Further information about Europe Point on and can be found. Information about the European Commission on and on can be found
Planned campaign period: 13 April - 11 May 2015, with different schedule according to media
1 May is the anniversary of Hungary's EU accession and this date is close to Europe Day. On 9 May 2015 a "11 years - 11 km" running competition will be organised by the EC Representation in Hungary in connection with the Europe Day Street Festival.
The aim of the competition is that on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of Hungary's EU accession a free, 11 km long running competition in Budapest will draw the attention to the developments and projects realised with EU funds and present the role of the EU in the development of Hungary.
Start and finish of the 2015 running competition, the warm-up and the prize award ceremony will be identical with the venue of the Europe Day Street Festival, the Millenáris Park. The running competition will take place in the morning hours.
The route will involve 11 important projects in Budapest, realized with EU funds. The expected number of participants is 4000 and those who run the 11 km will get a medal and presents. Participants will be required to register on the website of the competition which will be opened on 1 April by the organizers.
The organiser of the running competition is the B-B Ultramaraton Kft contracted by the EC Representation in Hungary. The event will be supported by the EP Information Office and the Prime Minister's Office. Successful tenderer will be required to work in close cooperation with the company organising the running competition and also with the EC Representation.
The call for the free running competition communicated by the organiser is expected to find a quick response among the runners. Due to technical reasons max. 4000 registrations can be accepted. Main goal of the communication of the event is to promote the messages of the running competition in the public and to generate media attention mainly through PR and press activities. Target group is the public, mainly but not exclusively the residents of Budapest.
Planned campaign period: 13 April - 11 May 2015, with varied schedule according to media.
2.2.1 TASKS
Tenderer should provide the following services:
Common communication services for the street festival and the running competition, with special emphasis on the promotion of the street festival. PR appearances and press communication must focus on the running competition.
From the proposed elements the offer should involve the most suitable tools for the target groups and communication priorities. It is not necessary to use all proposed elements in the communication plan.
The mediamix, the media appearances, advertisements, radio spots and all the other elements of the communication campaign will be approved by the EP Information Office prior to their publishing.
2.2.2 .Mediamix av and print media
1) Media buying - proposed elements
- in print media, incl. minimum. Budapest program magazines and/or in Metropol
- radio spots in national/popular radio channels
The offer should contain the estimated targets for the proposed media and the media mix, media buying proposal and timing of elements.
2) Contractor will be responsible for design and printing jobs (incl. varieties for different banner sizes, online and print adverts; logo and other graphic elements provided by the EP Information Office should be used), design and production of radio spots, production and execution of other elements of the communication plan and media buying.
2.2.3 PR and press activities
1) Proposed elements:
- interviews, program proposals, reports in online and print media
- interviews, program proposals, studio discussions, reports in national and Budapest radios
- television interviews, program proposals
- other creative PR proposals
For the running competition:
- involvement of well-known personalities in the campaign and/or in the competition, in the communication of messages
- generating media interest, press appearances and interviews with well-known participants on the spot of the competition
- organisation of interviews, program proposals and reports in online and print media, on national and local radios and televisions
- other creative proposals for PR appearances
- production of 2600 eco-bags with EP logo to be distributed at the finish of the competition
(specifications: environment-friendly, 50 g cotton, shopping bag, 4 colour-printed logo and web address of the EP - the new EP logo to be used from 20 April 2015 will be provided by the EPIO ) delivery date: 30 April 2015.
The offer should contain the proposed tools, estimated reaches and timing
2) Contractor will be responsible for preparing a press release prior and after the event. Contractor will register and coordinate journalists at the event and coordinate interviews with the appointed staff of the EP Information Office.
2.2.4 Outdoor elements
1.) Proposed elements:
- advert on tram no. 4-6 (this element is compulsory!)
- metro campaign (adverts at busy stations, in subways at the escalators etc.)
- post adverts and/or citylights in inner districts
- giant posters
- posters to be placed in popular places of entertainment, in cultural and educational institutions
- other creative proposals for outdoor elements
The offer should contain the proposed outdoor surfaces, summarized in a table indicating the exact location and date of appearance and an estimate of reaches.
2) Successful tenderer will execute the outdoor communication plan, reserve and buy the necessary surfaces, design and produce printing (including varieties for different poster formats etc.) using the logo and other graphic designs provided by the EPIO.
3)Successful tenderer will produce and place posters in the venue of the event
European Parliament logo:
The new logo of the European Parliament will be presented on 20 April 2015. The logo and the related graphic guide is available at the EPIO, however, the logo can not be used before 20 April 2015. Therefore the old logo must be used in the print advertisements and PR materials, the new logo can be used only on the eco-bags and in the communication on the venue.
Successful tenderer will prepare a campaign report by completing the attached tables. He/she will prepare a written report in Hungarian and English to be used on the website of the EPIO, a media monitoring table about appearances during the campaign and a summary of media monitoring. The reports including tables and media clipping must be delivered on CD and in printed format to the EPIO by 18 May 2015 latest. Samples of print media advertisement and posters must also be delivered to the EPIO after the event.
The offer must include proposals for all tasks listed above.
Planned duration of communication campaign: 13 April - 11 May 2015
The total duration of the contract shall be 3 months. Performance of the contract shall not begin until the order form is signed.
The total maximum value of the contract is net EUR 25.000.
If the tender is submitted by a consortium of economic operators, AnnexV must be completed and included with it.
Consortiums of economic operators may submit a tender. The European Parliament reserves the right to require the consortium selected to have a given legal form if this is necessary for the proper performance of the contract. This requirement may be communicated by the European Parliament at any time during the contract award procedure, but at all events before the contract is signed.
The consortium of economic operators shall provide proof of its legal form by the time the contract - if awarded to it - is signed. This may take one of the following forms:
- an entity with legal personality recognised by a Member State;
- an entity without legal personality but offering sufficient protection of the European Parliament's contractual interests (depending on the Member State concerned, this may be, for example, a consortium or a temporary partnership);
- the signature by all the partners of a type of ‘power of attorney’ or equivalent document confirming a form of cooperation.
The consortium’s actual status shall be established by any document or agreement signed by the members of the consortium, which shall be appended to the tender.
Those documents or agreements may exceptionally be modified and/or submitted after the time limit for submission of a tender, but under no circumstances after the outcome of the invitation to tender has been communicated to the tenderers concerned. The European Parliament reserves the right to reject a tender if the terms of agreements between the members of a consortium are modified during the procedure, if those terms make no provision for the joint and several liability of the consortium's members or if no agreement with legal force has been submitted with the tender.