Presentation assessment form
Please note that this is a template. The content should be tailored to ensure optimal evidence is collected and that measures accurately reflect the needs of the School and the post being recruited.
Post title: / Grade:Candidate: / Date:
Panel Members in attendance:
Session topic/title:
Measure for Evaluating Candidates
Score / Descriptor / Performance indicator:
4 / Exceeds criterion / Demonstratedthorough understanding and inspired application of pedagogy, with compelling commitment to student centred learning.
3 / Fully meets criterion / Demonstrated a broadunderstanding and effective application of pedagogywith acceptable evidence of commitment and aptitude for the role.
2 / Partially meets criterion / Demonstrated an understanding of specific aspects of pedagogy, but little evidence of methodical application. Commitment to teaching not persuasive.
1 / Criterion not met / No evidence of commitment and aptitude for teaching.
Score summary:
Criteria / Panel Score (1-4):Level of engagement and personal impact
Level of pedagogical knowledge and understanding
Commitment to teaching and student centred learning
Pace, content and delivery
TOTAL / [Score] / [Total]
General Summary:
Mock Lecture - Audience feedback form
Guidance Notes
The collective observations from the audience will be used by the selection panel . Please take the time to provide honest feedback as this will help the p
Detail of event (organiser to pre-fill this section for convenience):
Name of presenter/teacher:Session topic or title:
EVALUATION – please comment below
Session settingScore / Descriptor / Evidenced by:
4 / Exceeds criterion / Demonstratedthorough understanding and inspired application of pedagogy, with compelling commitment to student centred learning.
3 / Fully meets criterion / Demonstrated a broadunderstanding and effective application of pedagogywith acceptable evidence of commitment and aptitude for the role.
2 / Partially meets criterion / Demonstrated an understanding of specific aspects of pedagogy, but little evidence of practice and reflection. Commitment to teaching not persuasive.
1 / Criterion not met / No evidence of commitment and aptitude for teaching.
The objectives of the session were clearly identified and these were these met
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The delivery was effective and clear:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The teaching was engaging and motivational:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Questions were handled knowledgably and responses enhanced understanding:
Thank you for your feedback. Please hand this form in before leaving the session.
V1.0August 2016