College of Business
Iowa State University
Spring 2007 Instructor: Stephen K. Kim
Strategic Marketing Management (MKT443) Office: Gerdin 3127
Phone:294-9409(o) 292-3516 (h)
294-7112 (fax)
Class meets: 3:40-5:00 Mo, We
Office hours: 2:00 – 3:00 Tu; 3:00 – 4:00 Th; 4:00-5:00 Friday and by appointment
Course Description
This capstone course is an integration of all the marketing courses you have taken so far. The course examines every step of marketing plan development and you will develop a marketing plan for the firm of your choice. It is designed to be a hands-on course embodying lecture, class discussion, and a term project presentation.
Required Course Materials:
Lehmann and Winer, Analysis for Marketing Planning, (6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005).
Brandenburger and Nalebuff, Coopetition (Currency Doubleday, 1996).
Sheff, Game Over (Cyber Active Publishing, 1999): Need to buy it yourself
Hartley, Marketing Mistakes and Successes (10th edition, Wiley, 2006)
Suggested Readings: Wall Street Journal, Economist, Financial Times.
Course Guidelines:
1) Come to class and participate.
2) Be courteous when someone else is speaking; avoid "side" conversations as much as possible.
3) The syllabus is intended to provide a loose outline of what to expect. So be prepared for deviations. We will need to move certain topics around depending on your preferences and course requirements.
4) No handwritten or late submission will be accepted. No makeup exams will be given unless the student has a reason to justify the absence on the exam time such as serious illness.
Course Elements:
I. Class Lectures and Participation:
It is highly recommended that you attend all scheduled class sessions because the course lends itself to a high level of discussion. PARTICIPATION IS IMPORTANT. Students are expected to participate in everyday class discussion. Students must be prepared to discuss the assigned chapter readings, articles, and cases at all times.
II. Readings and Presentations
The texts and readings are important and should be read before class. The text will provide you with much more detailed information than you will get from the lectures. This will make everything easier to understand and will help you with to be better prepared for the classes and examinations. The readings will give you realistic understanding of a marketing strategy.
It will be done on a group basis (2 students for each team). Each group will choose (a) one section of Module 2 reading and (b) one chapter from Marketing Mistakes and Successes (MMS). You will read and write a short report (prepare 40 copies) and present what you have learned from the reading to class.
III. Examinations
There will be three midterm exams. They will include questions over subject matter covered in the textbook, lectures, and reading assignments. The exams will emphasize the material covered in the lectures; however, assigned materials from the book will be included in the exams, even if it were not discussed in class. The examination format will draw from the following types of questions.
1. Multiple choice questions designed to test knowledge of marketing strategy concepts and terms.
2. Short-answer questions designed to assess students' knowledge and depth of understanding of material covered in the course.
Make-up exams will not be given. Missed exam will be scored as zero. Always try to inform me in advance if you have a legitimate reason to miss the exam.
IV. Term Project (Annual Marketing Plan Development)
The term project will be done on a group basis and each group will consist of 2 students. The product and market will be chosen by the group. The structure and content of the marketing plan will roughly resemble the outline provided in Lehmann and Winer, pp. 23-24, with necessary modifications.
Ideally, the planning project will emerge from the current situation of an existing company, and reflect marketing issues and opportunities that are strategically significant. The product or service can be either entirely new, or involve some improvement to an existing offering. Also, all marketing sectors are open for your project: consumer, industrial, non-profit, domestic, and international.
Your group will hand in a written report of your project as well as present your plan to the class. Use of visual support materials is highly recommended for your presentation.
Course Grading*
Points Notes
Team Component
Reading Presentations
Coopetition or Game Over 20 Prepare one-page report
Marketing Mistakes and Successes 20 Prepare two-page report
Term Project 100 20 - 40 pages
Individual Components
Midterm Exam s 150 50 X 3
Grading System (cutoff scores)
A = 93% (269 points) C = 73% (211 points)
A- = 90% (261 points) C - = 70% (203 points)
B+ = 87% (252 points) D+ = 67% (194 points)
B = 83% (240 points) D = 64% (185 points)
B- = 80% (232 points) D- = 60% (174 points)
C+ = 77% (223 points) F = < 60% (173 points)
An important note: The above scores apply to all students and points can only be obtained from exams, quizzes, and reading presentations. There are no other opportunities for "extra credit" or other projects that can increase your point score. For this reason, if a student wants an 'A' or "B," he/she cannot afford to let more than one quiz slip.
* Total point scores will be used to determine the student's course grade.
Unsolicited Advice:
You have paid for the class and this is the last marketing class for you. Take advantage of it by attending every class. Understanding of the concepts/issues will be greatly enhanced by reading the assigned chapter before the class and ask the questions you might have during the class. As you see, the class schedule is quite busy, but none of the assignments are either very difficult, undoable, or unclear. It simply needs your motivation and commitment of time. My goal is to make sure each of you are ready for a marketing job by integrating your marketing learning so far.
Class Schedule
Chapters are from textbook and readings (L&W: Lehmann and Winer; B&N: Brandenburger and Nalebuff; S: Sheff). All reading should be prepared before the relevant class. We will not hold to this schedule exactly so you will be informed of any changes as the class proceeds.
Module 1: Marketing Plan Development; Module 2: Marketing Strategy Execution
MMS: Marketing Mistakes and Successes
Week of Topic Module 1 Module 2 MMS Notes
Jan 8 Class Orientation and Introduction L&W 1
Jan 10 Defining the Competitive Set L&W 2 B&N 1,2 Ch. 3 (Coke)
Jan 15 No Class (MLK Jr. Day)
Jan 17 Defining the Competitive Set L&W 2 B&N 3 Ch. 3 (Pepsi)
Week of Topic Module 1 Module 2 MMS Notes
Jan 22 Industry Analysis L&W 3 B&N 4 Ch. 4 (Boeing)
Jan 24 Industry Analysis L&W 3 B&N 5 Ch. 4 (Airbus) Proposal Due
Jan 29 Competitor Analysis L&W 4 B&N 6 Ch. 7 (Ford/Firestone)
Jan 31 Competitor Analysis L&W 4 B&N 7 Ch. 9 (Kmart/Sears)
Feb 5 Mid-term examination 1
Feb 7 Video Day (Burton Snowboard)
Feb 12 Customer Analysis L&W 5 B&N 8&9 Ch. 10 (HP)
Feb 14 Customer Analysis L&W 5 Sheff 1,2 Ch. 11 (Toys “R” Us)
Feb 19 Market Potential and Sales Forecasting L&W 6 Sheff 3 Ch. 12 (Gateway)
Feb 21 Market Potential and Sales Forecasting L&W 6 Sheff 4 Ch. 14 (Merck)
Feb 26 Developing Marketing Strategy L&W 7 Sheff 5 Ch. 15 (Snapple)
Feb 28 Developing Marketing Strategy L&W 7 Sheff 6 Ch. 16 (Rubbermaid)
Mar 5 Mid-term examination 2
Mar 7 Video Day (Real Madrid)
Mar 19 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion (+6) Sheff 7 Ch. 17 (Euro Disney)
Mar 21 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion (+4) Sheff 8 Ch. 18 (Harley-Davidson)
Mar 26 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion (+2) Sheff 9 Ch. 19 (Vanguard)
Mar 28 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion Sheff 10 Ch. 20 (Southwest)
Apr 2 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion Sheff 11 Ch. 21 (Wal-Mart)
Apr 4 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion Sheff 12 Ch. 22 (Boston Beer)
Apr 9 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion Sheff 13
Apr 11 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion Sheff 14
Apr 16 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion Sheff 15
Apr 18 Marketing Plan Presentation & Discussion Sheff 16
Apr 23 Midterm examination 3
Apr 25 Review and Conclusion Term Project Due (5:00 P.M.)