City of Dallas
Mobility and Street Services
Department of Transportation Division
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) forBYZ1705 Engineering Services
The City of Dallas (City) is seeking qualification statements from experienced civil engineering firms who can demonstrate they have the resources, experience, and qualifications to provide traffic engineering and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) services. This RFQ will allow the City to select engineer firms for specific professional engineering services based on qualifications needed for any given specific project and by the qualifications necessary for a given project.
This RFQ is the first step in a two-step process for selecting firms for the project categories listed in Section II. In the first step, City of Dallas staff will analyze and evaluate the Statements of Qualification (SOQ).Based on the evaluation criteria established for each work category, a shortlist of candidates for each work category will be developed. The RFQ provides information necessary to prepare and submit qualifications for consideration and ranking by the City. In the second step, based on this ranking, after a projectis identified, the City will select the appropriate number of top ranked firms to respond to a separate RFQ.
In the second step of the process respondents will be asked to submit additional information for clarification and amplification of their SOQ. The selection committee will then interview the respondents and will rank the firms.
After the second process, Mobility and Street Services (MSS)will then ask for cost proposals from the highest rankedfirm and then begincontract negotiations. If negotiations cannot be reached with the highest ranking firm, then the City can begin contract negotiations with the 2nd highest ranking firm. The second step of the process will be utilized each time a project is identified.
These Work Categories include:
- Designing and Implementing Traffic Signal Plans and Traffic Signal Database Conversion
A team will need recent experience designing signal timing plans in Synchro and implementing coordinated traffic signal plans for a large group of signals along urban arterials. Understanding of complex traffic signal operations at traditional and diamond intersections is required. A highly desirable team will have recent experience converting a traffic signal database to an advanced traffic signal controller database. Ideally, the team will be familiar with the ATC controller, Intelight’sMaxTime controller software, BiTrans 255 controller software, and the controller software specification released by the City of Fort Worth in partnership with the City of Dallas in January 2012.
- Traffic Signal Design and Inspection
The team will need an understanding of the current MUTCD and be knowledgeable about how recent changes to that manual effect traffic signal design. The team should be able to provide contractor oversight and inspection services. A highly desirable team will have experience designing intersections with Wavetronics RADAR vehicle detection, have a thorough understanding of the ADA’s effect on traffic signal design, have experience designing traffic signals in urban environments with limited right-of-way, and have experience designing simple geometric improvements. Ideally, a team will provide an ADA expert who will provide a written certification that a traffic signal and related infrastructure satisfies the requirements of the ADA.
- ITS Design
The team will need experience within the past three (3) years designing successfully implemented wired and wireless communication systems and traffic monitoring camera systems. A highly desirable team will have experience converting or replacing a twisted pair serial communication system with a wired IP Ethernet based system, have experience implementing wireless communication in environments with tall buildings and/or dense foliage, have designed a scalable traffic monitoring camera system, and have experience designing mounting systems for equipment. The team should also be knowledgeable about installing and maintaining ITS equipment and the costs of those activities. The team should demonstrate a history of quickly identifying and resolving problems as their ITS designs are deployed. Ideally, the team will have the expertise to notify the city as technology advances so the city’s specifications and central computer system improve with technology. The ideal team will be able to train staff how to install and maintain the equipment. The ideal team will have a history of designing projects that did not have additional, unanticipated cost, such as a significant change order.
- Traffic Signal System Upgrade Support
The team will provide expertise in asset management, communication, ITS, and video during the traffic signal upgrade project. The team will supplement staff by providing expertise staff does not have. A highly desirable team will have experience with asset management; designing and installing a communication network; and distributing and displaying video. Ideally, the team will be knowledgeable about the traffic signal system upgrade project, the scope of the project, and the City’s vision for each major component. A highly desirable team will have experience implementing or supporting the implementation of an advanced traffic management system.
Any firm on the team selected for Work Category 4 will be disqualified from being on a team that submits a proposal for the System Integrator for Central Transportation Management Software Request for Proposal. This does not apply to any other work category.
5.Traffic Signal Cabinets and Field Equipment
The team will need experience preparing specifications for traffic signal cabinets, conflict monitors (malfunction monitoring units), and other field equipment. A highly desirable team will demonstrate knowledge of the CalTrans 332 family of cabinets, the ITS cabinet (340 series), and the emerging DC voltage cabinet. The team should share their ideas for limiting the amount of equipment in the cabinet and the size of the cabinet. Ideally, the team will have recent experience maintaining these cabinets; be able to provide training and support; and present ideas that make them easier to maintain.
- Traffic Engineering Studies and Designs
The team will need experience preparing traffic impact studies; reviewing traffic impact studies; evaluating and designing roundabout intersections; and creating and evaluating unconventional intersection design. The team will need experience designing traffic sign and marking plans. Ideally, the team will have recently evaluated and designed a roundabout or an unconventional intersection that has been constructed.
7.Public Parking Studies and Designs
- Public parking studies include parking demand solutions, parking rate analysis and planning, and parking management standards.
- Public parking design includes public parking design solutions, parking infrastructure planning and design, and parking technology analysis and planning.
8.Special ITS and Lighting Facilities
The team will need experience overseeing the tunnel operation and maintenance (O&M) contractors including but not limited to provide the City technical assistance services associated with the O&M contractor services for equipment located in Woodall Rodgers Tunnel and Klyde Warren Park, three service vaults, site of emergency generator and the control room. O&M may include on-call services.
- CCTV, access control, and Fire Alarms/Fire Protection Systems O&M services.
- Jet Fans, Electrical gear and equipment, HVAC, Generator, Lighting system and controls systems O&M services.
- Provide the City technical assistance services associated with the two O&M service contracts responsible for:
- CCTV and Fire Alarms/Fire Protection O&M
- Jet Fans, Electrical gear, HVAC, Controls systems O&M
- Review O&M Contractor certified invoices and backup from each Contractor for the City payment.
- Review Contractor change requests for technical compliance with related systems O&M.
- Monitor O&M Contractor provided training of City personnel on as needed bases for operation of control systems for the CCTV, Jet Fan and lighting systems. City training subject include both emergency operations and normal operations.
- Review and approve additional submittal items related to construction for items above.
- Other Tunnel O&M related issues, on call within the approved funded amount.
- Provide City professional services during bidding of SOWs above.
- Provide City professional service supporting the City with implementation of Federal Highway Administration National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS) at Woodall Rodgers Tunnel. City will interface with State of Texas for implementation requirements of NTIS.
It is the intent of the City to select multiple firms to perform these services on an on-call basis. Firms may submit qualifications for any or all of the eight (8) Work Categories.
The City currently operates 1,500 signalized intersections. The City currently uses CalTrans 332, 336S, and 337 signal controller cabinets, 170 traffic signal controllers, BiTrans 255 controller software, analog communication, and the ESCORT traffic signal management system. The City is currently upgrading to ATC traffic signal controllers, Intelight’sMaxTime controller software, digital communication, and a new central computer system.
The last day for submitted questions to the Project Managershall be Close of Business (5:00 p.m.), May 11, 2017.
- Each proposer shall submit one (1) original proposal (clearly marked “ORIGINAL”), eight(8) copies (clearly marked “COPY”) and one (1) electronic copy (CD or flash drive only). These are to be typed, bound on 8.5 x 11 paper and tabbed denoting each section of the proposal. The proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Engineering Services – Solicitation BYZ1705”.
- All proposals shall be received at the address below no later than 2:00 p.m. on the due date and time specified on the Proposal Signature Sheet. All Proposals shall be addressed to:
City of Dallas – Business Development and Procurement Services
RFQ# BYZ1705 Engineering Services
Dallas City Hall1500 Marilla St., Suite 3FN, Dallas, TX, 75201
- Any proposals received after 2:00 p.m. on the due date will be considered late and non-responsive and returned to the applicant unopened. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals or waive irregularities. Faxed or emailed responses are not acceptable.
- The submittal must include a response to each item listed in the Selection Criteria section; and the agreement to enter into standard City of Dallas Contract form.
- If the proposer does not ask questions or clarify any assumptions, the City will assume proposer(s) understand(s) the City’s requirements and that the proposer’s offering will meet those City’s needs at the price stated.
1)All inquiries and requests for information regarding this RFQ shall be submitted in writing by May 11, 2017 at 5:00 P.M. to Ms. Gale Salzman, Project Manager, Mobility and Street Services Department at .
2)The City, its agents and employees shall not be responsible for any information given by way of oral or verbal communication.
3)The City will only respond to questions that are submitted in writing to the Project Manager. Any questions that are received and answered by City Staff that affect the RFQ Process, any interpretation of, additions to, deletions from, or any other corrections to the RFQ document, shall be issued as written addendum by the City of Dallas.
- All submittals shall be in the office of the Business Development and Procurement Services Department no later than the proposal due date and time shown on the RFQ Signature Page.
- Submittals will be opened by the City at 2:00 p.m. the day following the due date so as to avoid disclosure of contents to competing proposers. Firm names will be publicly read. It is the responsibility of the proposer to clearly mark and identify all portions of the submittal, which, in the proposer’s opinion, contain trade secrets, confidential information and other proprietary information. All submittals are subject to the Texas Open Records Act process.Openings can be viewed at 2:00 p.m. at Dallas City Hall, room #L2ES or online at
- The City will review and evaluate the submittal submitted to determine if submitted submittals demonstrate the required experience and qualifications to fulfill the obligations of the services identified in this RFQ.
- The City may conduct all necessary inquiries or investigations, including but not limited to, contacting references to verify the statements, documents, and information submitted in connection with the submittal. The City may also seek clarification from the referenced firms about any financial and experience issues.
- Please be aware that the City may use sources of information not supplied by the firm concerning the abilities to perform this work. Such sources may include current or past customers of the organization; current or past suppliers; articles from industry newsletters or other publications or from non-published sources made available to the City of Dallas.
- After review of the responses received, the Evaluation Committee may determine that oral presentations are required before making a final decision. Oral presentations will be on an individual basis and closed to third parties and other firms.
- During the presentations, the firm will review in detail all aspects of the City’s requirements and the proposal.
- The City may accept an initial submittal without presentations if the City determines such submittal to be far superior to all other competing proposals.
REJECTION, acceptance or disqualification of SUBMITTALS:
- This RFQ does not commit the City to award any Contract.
- The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive technicalities or minor irregularities, and to accept any proposal it deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any firm responding to this RFQ.
- Firms may be disqualified for any but not limited to the following reasons:
- Reason to believe collusion exists among the Firms;
- The firm is involved in any litigation against the City;
- The firm is in arrears on an existing contract or has failed to perform on a previous contract with the City;
- Lack of financial stability;
- Failure to use the City’s approved forms.
- The City reserves the right to engage in discussions or conduct interviews, either oral or written, with the proposers determined by the evaluation criteria to be reasonably viable to being selected for award. If discussions or interviews are held, the City may request best and final offers. The request for best and final offers may include:
- Notice that this is the opportunity to submit written best and final offers.
- Notice of the date and time for submission of the best and final offer.
- Notice that if any modification is submitted, it shall be received by the date and time specified or it will not be considered.
- Notice of any changes in the Proposal requirements.
- Following evaluation of the best and final offers, Mobility and Streets Services may select for negotiations the offer that is most advantageous to the City, considering price or cost and the evaluation factors in the RFQ.
- After the most advantageous firm(s) has been identified, Contract negotiations may commence. If at any time Contract negotiation activities are judged to be ineffective, Mobility and Streets Services will cease all activities with the proposer and begin Contract negotiations with the next highest ranked proposer. This process may continue until either both the proposer and Mobility and Streets Services and Mobility and Streets Servicesexecutes a completed contract or Mobility and Streets Services determines that no acceptable alternative proposal exists.
- The City reserves the right to reject any or all submittals received or to award, without discussions or clarifications, a Contract on the basis of initial proposals received. Therefore, each submittal should contain the Firm’s best terms from a price and technical standpoint. Also, only proposers submitting a proposal will be notified of any communications after the RFQ closing.
Submittals offered to the City after the time and date specified as the submittal deadline will not be accepted. Any submittal submitted may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled due date.
Firms are advised that materials contained in submittals are subject to open records after the Contract award, and may be viewed and copied by any member of the public, including news outlets and competitors. If there is any proprietary information in the Submittal, it must be clearly marked “Confidential” and the Attorney General may make the final determination as to whether documents are releasable.
Permits Required by law:
Firm shall comply with all requirements of federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertinent to or affecting any phase of the feral hog control and abatement program.
Records and Audit:
The Firm shall keep accurate records of all components of invoices to the City, including but not limited to times and payroll receipts for hourly personnel utilized by this Contract. These records shall be retained for a minimum of two years after the conclusion of the Contract. The City reserves the right to audit any records it deems necessary for the execution of this Contract.
The Firm shall not assign, transfer, sublet, convey or otherwise dispose of the Contract of any part therein or its right, title or interest therein or its power to execute the same to any other persons, firm, partnership, company or corporation without the prior written consent of the City. Should the Firm assign, transfer, sublet, convey or otherwise dispose of its right, title or interest or any part thereof in violation of this section, the City may, at its discretion, cancel the Contract and all rights, title and interest of the Contractor shall therein cease and terminate, and the Firm shall be declared in default.