Furnish labor, materials, equipment, special tools, supervision of services required to install the complete and fully operating movable Kompakt shelving system specified herein and shown on the accompanying drawings.
All products provided on this bid must be of a standard manufactured product from a manufacturer that has been producing these products for a minimum of the past ten (10) years. All products provided on this bid must be of a national domestic manufacturer and/or assembly.
The successful bidder must have a local factory-trained, full-time sales and service department. The successful vendor must have a local inventory of the product parts to insure customer delivery in a timely manner and be manned by full-time employees. Bidding company and equipment manufacturers must have at least ten (10) years of experience supplying and installing projects and equipment of this size and scope.
There will be no partial award of this bid. The successful bidder must bid all or none of this bid.
All items must be covered by a Limited Lifetime Warranty on structural frames and five (5) years on all other parts that are found to be defective, from date of installation. Labor must be provided at no charge for at least one (1) year.
Service shall be offered through an office located less than XXX miles from the installation site. Four hour turn-around time must be assured and guaranteed on all requests for service. The installation and service must be performed by factory trained and authorized qualified individuals.
1.(Refer to 1.1.2)
Each bidder shall submit specifications to fully describe all elements of the system to be provided in the bid. Each bidder shall include a list of three (3) or more movable shelving projects with different users with equipment as similar to the operation, safety features, scope and magnitude of this project. This list is to include:
1.Customer's name and address;
2.Location of the system;
3.The quantity and length of movable ranges;
4.The commodity that is stored;
5.The name and phone number of the end user contact person;
6.Date equipment installed;
7.Safety features installed.
Unless otherwise directed, make all shop drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently large enough to show all pertinent features of the system specified. Submit all shop drawings in the form of black line prints.
Submit manufacturer’s literature and technical specifications.
Submit any samples such as paint, wheels, etc. as required.
Submit steel and/or laminate color chips of manufacturer’s standard colors.
6.PERFORMANCE/PAYMENT BOND. (if required equals 100% of bid amount)
7.Each bidder must state in the form of a bid submittal, the time it will take to perform the work if contract is awarded to their firm. The time period must be stated from time of award to completion of installation.
8.Each bidder shall submit with the bid a list of deviations to specifications as outlined in this bid package.
9.Submit with bid, location of closest service and parts distribution center.
10.Submit with bid, one (1) complete wheel assembly with pillow blocks/bearings and section of track.
1.1.1Consideration of thorough evaluation by the Owner is related to: the materials to be stored including their usage and access requirements, the safety and desired operation for user personnel, and for minimum maintenance requirements: the Owner desires the system requirements listed in this section.
1.1.2Each bidder shall attach with his bid a "list of deviations" from the drawings and specifications. All deviations offered must list each related section number and be fully detailed and explained with the bid submittals and be accompanied by data and test reports as necessary to either (a) substantiate the deviation is equal to that specified, or (b) fully explain how the deviation differs from that which is specified. The Owner, at his discretion, may accept or reject any or all deviation alternates in the interest of the project.
1.1.3The burden of proof of the merit of any deviation in the requirements of the drawings and specifications shall be upon the proposer.
1.2.1Movable shelving system shall be a combination of mobile and stationary units. Mobile units shall be mechanically assisted, complete with tracks, safety devices and shelving.
1.2.2The sizes of movable and stationary ranges in the modules are shown in the drawings supplied with these specifications.
1.2.3The actual carriage lengths, depths and spacing between closed carriages will be as determined by the manufacturer.
1.2.4The maximum height of movable storage equipment, measured from top of structural concrete floor slab to top of canopy: ____" plus leveling requirements.
1.2.5All aisle widths and clearances for traffic shall be no less than as shown on the drawings and shall not be encumbered by any operating control during normal use of the system.
1.2.6All modules must be supplied with the number of ranges as shown on the drawings.
1.2.7The movable and stationary ranges shall be consistent in design, construction, and configuration and with uniform shelf height in the final installation.
1.2.8The carriages, shelves, and related components shall be designed, constructed, tested and furnished to support and operate within the specified weight loads and within the specified tolerances.
1.2.9The operation of ranges shall be quiet, smooth, and exhibit no twisting, racking, irregular movement or noticeable variation through the complete cycle of operation under any loading conditions.
1.2.10The system alignment shall be 1/2" maximum variation, measured between the edges of end panels within each range in all modules in all aisle positions.
1.2.11Rails, tracks, wheels, and all drive components shall exhibit no abnormal friction, abrasion, binding, or wear on or between contact surfaces.
1.2.12No drifting or rolling of stopped ranges will be acceptable.
1.2.13Under normal environmental and use conditions, components shall not rust or exhibit any other type of corrosion.
1.3.1Rail System: shall be designed and manufactured to carry a minimum load of 1,000 pounds per linear
foot of carriages. shall exhibit no movement or deflection during operation of mobile ranges. shall be level and not project above or below the walking surface. shall be designed to be attached on top of structural concrete floor and to allow for
adjustment so rails can be leveled over an uneven floor. of rails: 3/32” maximum variation from true level within any module; 1/16”
maximum variation between adjacent rails, perpendicular to rail direction; 1/32” maximum variation in 10’ 0” of rail length, along any rail. All systems shall operate with a minimum of 2 tracks. All tracks must be driven. The tracks shall be placed no further than 84” center to center. The tracks shall not exceed 1-1/8” in height. Tracks shall consist of a 1” x 1” rail bar stock with a Rockwell rating of B95 or higher and fabricated from C-1045 carbon steel. The rail bar stock shall be plug welded onto an 11 gauge structural “C” channel 4-9/16” wide. The 1” x 1” bar stock shall be connected at all joints with a circular spring pin that will insure both vertical and horizontal alignment of adjoining rails. Tongue and groove type rail connections that insure horizontal alignment only are not acceptable. Systems which require grouting are difficult to re-level and are, therefore, unacceptable. 5/16” x 2” minimum track anchors are every 13.36” on center maximum (2 per location). Leveling shall be by steel shims. Grooved Rail (alternate) systems shall operate with a minimum of two tracks, two being center groove design, all
other tracks being of load bearing design. tracks must be driven. shall not exceed 1-1/8” in height and shall consist of a 1” x 1” steel bar welded in an 11 gauge structural member 4.56” wide. Tracks shall have a minimum Rockwell rating of B-95 and fabricated from C-1045 carbon steel. track shall be anchored to existing floors by using 5/16” x 2” minimum lag screw type anchoring spaced at no more than 13.36” c/c. Leveling shall be by using steel shims. The track system shall be installed by providing a platform decking system parallel with the top of the rail assembly. There shall be no gaps between decking and rail assembly. There shall be stainless steel entry ramps at all access points. Deck (alternate) modular deck shall be designed as a top mounted sub-floor system which requires no
anchoring to the existing floor. Tracks shall have a minimum Rockwell rating of B-95
and fabricated from C-1045 carbon steel. It shall consist of1” x 1” center groove bar stock spaced no further apart than 84” center to center. The 1” x 1” center groove bar stock shall be connected at all joints through a circular spring pin that will insure both vertical and horizontal alignment of adjoining rails. Tongue and groove type rail connections that insure horizontal alignment only are not acceptable. of the modular decking shall be by leveling feet, two (2) at each location, spaced at
a maximum of 11.68” center to center with a minimum of a 1” vertical adjustment. In order to stabilize the deck, spreader channels of at least 16 gauge steel shall be installed between rails at 11.68” center to center and bolted into place. A front ramp plate of at least 14 gauge steel shall be provided for a smooth entrance into the system. The decking shall be at least ¾” thick structurewood. The decking shall be of a tongue and groove design and the decking shall have end caps mounted on the outside of the deck to provide a finished appearance. There shall be absolutelyno vertical or horizontal gap between the rail and the decking. Rail (Alternate) systems shall operate with a minimum of two tracks. All tracks must be driven.
Maximumtrack spacing will be determined by seismic engineer. The tracks shall not exceed 1-9/16” in height. Tracks shall consist of a 1” x 1” rail bar stock with a Rockwell rating of B95 and fabricated from C-1045 carbon steel . The rail bar stock shall be plug-welded onto a 3/16” ga. structural “C” channel 4-1/2” wide. The 1” x 1” bar stock shall be connected at all joints through a circular spring pin that will insure both vertical and horizontal alignment of adjoining rails. Tongue and groove type rail connections that ensure horizontal alignment only are not acceptable. rails shall be leveled to within 1/32” of an inch. Steel shims shall be used every 13.36” which will allow re-level capability should level be lost as a result of the media weight. rail attachment hardware is to be determined by the seismic engineer. Anti-tip (under Carriage) Clips:
The system must be provided with under-carriage seismic anti-tip clips which will prevent the shelving and carriages from failing during a seismic occurrence. The use of overhead anti-tips is unacceptable. There must be a minimum of two (2) clips per wheet per rail. Clips must be manufactured in a “U” channel design to inter-member with rail flanges and must be a minimum material of ¼ ga. steel. of rails: 3/32" maximum variation from true level within any module; 1/16" maximum variation between adjacent rails, perpendicular to rail direction; 1/32" maximum variation in 10'0" of rail length, along any rail.
1.3.2Grouted systems are not acceptable.
1.3.3Deck/Ramp: and Ramp to be specified per end user. covering to be determined by end user. Floor Level Safety Sweep (Alternate):
A passive Mechanical Floor Level Safety System must be incorporated that insures in-aisle, full time user safety. A steel hinged safety bar must run the full length to the bottom and on both sides of each movable carriage flush with the bottom line of each range frame. WHEN THE SWEEP IS ACTIVATED, AN INTERNAL DEVICE SHALL INTERLOCK WITH THE DRIVE TRAIN RESULTING IN A POSITIVE STOP. This device must be completely mechanical in design and not utilize AC/DC electrical current in any form. The passive safety sweep shall automatically reset upon de-activation. Aisle Lock Safety System (Alternate)
The Auto Aisle Lock Safety System prevents movement of the two ranges bordering an open aisle automatically. When a handle is turned to open aisle the system engages. An audible “click” sound can be heard as the aisle is opening, indicating that the auto aisle lock system is activated. Assurance that the aisle lock system is active is also provided visually by use of the Safety Status Indicators located on the front of system above the control switches. These indicators indicate green when a range is free to move in the direction of the indicator and orange when the range cannot be moved in the direction of the indicator.
After an aisle is opened, the range to either side of the aisle automatically locks preventing
the aisle being closed. When another aisle selection is needed, it is necessary to manually
reset the automatic aisle lock on both sides of the aisle by lifting upward on the control
switches on either side of the aisle. When the locks are reset, the safety status indicators
will once again indicate green and the aisle is no longer secure.
1.3.5Carriage/Drive/Guide: All modular carriage frames shall be a minimum 11 gauge steel "U" channel design to insure rigidity of the system. Only steel carriage frames shall be considered and must be no less than 5" high x 1-3/4" wide. Optional 11 gauge shelving cross-bracing members can be installed at no interval greater than 48" center to center. The steel carriage frames shall be painted with quality powder coat paint. The overall carriage height with wheels shall not exceed 5-1/2". Stationary carriages at the end of the system shall be of the same construction and height as movable carriages and must be anchored to the tracks. Load: The standard load capacity of any carriage shall be a minimum of 1,000 lbs. per linear foot. Train - Double Flanged Wheels: True 5" dia. (measured bearing surface to bearing
surface not including flange) drive wheels located on one side of the carriage shall be
connected by a full length coupled tubular drive shaft. The dimensions of the drive shaft
must have at least an outside dimension of 1.125", with an inside dimension of .885", with a wall thickness of at least .120". All wheels on one side of the carriage shall be drive wheels. Double flanged wheels shall act as a guiding system. All additional wheels shall be of the same specifications of the 5" double flanged wheels. Each wheel shall be mounted on a .750" diameter solid steel shaft, which is supported by permanently lubricated, self-aligning sealed ball-bearing pillow blocks. Systems utilizing a chain driven system mounted on the drive track or systems not requiring all tracks driven, twist and rack and are, therefore, unacceptable. The connection between the drive shaft and the wheel shaft shall be by two (2) steel spring pins placed at 90 degree angles at each end of the drive shaft to insure the elimination of any play. Coupling type devices shall not be allowed and are not acceptable. Ranges less than 18" in depth shall use wheels not less than 3-5/8" dia. Train - Center Flanged Wheels (Alternate): True 5" dia. (measured bearing surface
to bearing surface not including flange) drive wheels located on one side of the carriage shall
be connected by a full length coupled tubular drive shaft. The dimensions of the drive shaft
must have at least an outside dimension of 1.125", with an inside dimension of .885", with a
wall thickness of at least .120". All wheels on one side of the carriage shall be drive wheels.
Center flanged wheels shall act as a guiding system (minimum two (2) tracks per carriage).
All additional wheels shall be of the same specifications of the 5" center flanged wheels.
Each wheel shall be mounted on a .750" diameter solid steel shaft, which is supported by
permanently lubricated, self-aligning sealed ball-bearing pillow blocks. Systems utilizing a
chain driven system mounted on the drive track or systems not requiring all tracks driven,
twist and rack and are, therefore, unacceptable. The connection between the drive shaft
and the wheel shaft shall be by two (2) spring steel roll pins placed at 90 degree angles at
each end of the drive shaft to insure the elimination of any play. Coupling set-screw type
devices shall not be allowed and are not acceptable. Ranges less than 18" in depth shall
use wheels not less than 3-5/8" dia. The handle is turned in the direction of the desired range movement. A sprocket on inboard end transmits the motion via a chain to a sprocket on the axle on one side of the undercarriage. The axle is common to all wheels on that side, and therefore, functions as drive wheels. This system must be designed so that the following gear ratios are available as options: 1:2,000, 1:3,000, 1:4,000, 1:6,000, 1:8,000 and 1:10,000. - Dual Latch Release.
The dual latch release allows system operators to lock and/or unlock the aisle lock
mechanism on units with controls at both ends. The dual latch release is attached to both
front and rear drive mechanisms by means of a linkage system that travels through the
carriage under the shelving. Releases that travel through the shelving are unacceptable.
1.3.6Operating Handles: The system must be designed for interchangeability of handles. The handle shall be a single crank, 3-prong, or a collapsible / disengaging single handle.
1.4.1The end frame must be constructed of no less than 18 gauge cold rolled steel of commercial quality and painted with powder coat paint. The end frame shall be a structural component to insure the integrity of the shelving mount between the carriage and the end frame. The shelving must be attached to the end frame at the top, the middle and the bottom of the end frame to insure stability of the shelving and integrity of the mount to the carriage. The choice of the color of the end frame is to be specified by the customer from factory standard paint colors. High pressure laminate must be available as an option.