Online Appendix 1

Interview Questions

·  How long are you living in Germany?

·  How fluent are you in speaking German?

·  Do you have a family connection with Germany?

·  What is your marital status, occupation and educational background?

·  What made you decide to immigrate to Germany?

·  What were the main difficulties in integrating into Germany?

·  Are you taking part in the Israeli community? How often? In which activities?

·  Are you bothered by Israeli tourists to Germany?

·  Did you have any problems with your German neighbors?

·  What do you think about laws and regulations in Germany?

·  What are the main character differences between Israelis and Germans?

·  Are there specific traits that bother you?

·  If you have kids in kindergarten or school – how do they compare with Israeli education?

·  Have you heard any comments about Israelis – in casual conversations on in formal settings?

·  Where there moments that you said to yourself: 'ha, how German?'

·  Are there moments that you find yourself thinking about the past?

·  Have you sensed any differences in the way that Israeli and German universities work?

·  Have you ever thought what makes your practice Israeli – and how it compares with German practices?

·  Have you had strange moments here? Please describe

·  Some Israelis speak about nudity and sexuality in Germany – could you tell me of things that surprised you? How, why?

·  Do you observe cultural differences in the way that friendships are organized? Do you have good German friends?

·  Did you have intimate relations with German partners? Where they any different from relations with Israelis

·  Recycling is a big thing in Germany – can you help me understanding this?

·  Privacy is a big thing in Germany – can you help me understanding this?

·  Did you encounter Germans criticizing the USA? Could you make sense of that?

·  What do you think about the German "multi-culti" environment?

·  What is your experience as an employee here? How is work organized? How does it compare to Israeli practices?

·  Alcohol is a big thing in Germany – can you help me understanding this?

·  Nature is a big thing in Germany – can you help me understanding this?