Reminder that the Mueller Neighborhood Association (MNA) Steering Committee (SC) is open to all MNA members. The next steering committee meeting is scheduled for August 2nd, 7-8:30 pm at Dennis Mick’s house.

MNA Steering committee Meeting Minutes – July 12, 2011

Host and last year’s Vice Chair, Dennis Mick, lead the meeting.


Ashley Fisher: present (also Power Improvement Action Committee Chair)

Diane Gierisch: present (also Pool Committee member)

Corky Hilliard: present (also Power Improvement Action Committee Chair)

Betsy Hilton: present

Kevin McGillicuddy: present

Candice McKay: present

Travis Michel: present

Dennis Mick: present

Jerry Perkins: present (also Austin Neighborhoods Council representative)

Shellie Shores: present

Kathy Sokolic: present via phone

Reem Zoun: present

Don Dozier: absent

Grant Fisher: (outgoing Chair due to term limits) present to conduct elections for Steering Committee Officers.

Quorum Confirmed: Meeting was called to order by Dennis Mick

Election of Officers: Grant Fisher facilitated elections


Kathy Sokolic was nominated by Dennis Mick. The motion was seconded by Corky Hilliard. Kathy received 4 votes.

Betsy Hilton was nominated by Diane Gierisch. The motion was seconded by Shellie Shores. Betsy received 8 votes.


Dennis Mick was nominated by Kathy Sokolic. The motion was seconded by Betsy Hilton. Dennis received 5 votes.

Kathy Sokolic was nominated by Shellie Shores. The motion was seconded by Jerry Perkins. Kathy received 7 votes.


Shellie Shores was nominated by Diane Gierisch. The motion was seconded by Jerry Perkins. Shellie declined the nomination.

Diane Gierisch was nominated by Corky Hilliard. The motion was seconded by Ashley Fisher. Ashley declined the nomination.

Candice McKay was self nominated. The motion was seconded by Ashley Fisher. Candice accepted and was elected by acclamation.


Don Dozier was nominated by Diane Gierisch. The motion was seconded by Dennis Mick. Don was elected by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report

Both treasurers were absent. According to June 6 report, committee has $4036.75

Committees Discussion

It was established that there are no standing committees and agreed that officers would meet to strategize what committees are needed, explore the guidelines & committed resources for committees, examine the reporting structure for all committees, consider Mueller’s active role within the ANC, and propose recommendations to Steering Committee at the next meeting. It was suggested that the Block Captain, Resident Activity, & Social (under Catellus) Committees continue for another year. Instigating a By-Laws Committee was also suggested.

The Membership Committee and its by-laws were discussed at length. There was a call for an increase in membership. As population increases, the committee should be prepared to better position itself to attract more members. It was stated that renters, Mosaic Apartments, and Greenway Lofts are open to Membership. Committee was reminded that duplicate memberships (per property) are at risk when a Mueller property owner and their renters are both members. There was a suggestion to examine the by-laws, particular in regard to renters. The invoicing structure for membership will be under examination as well to consider revision.

Pecan Street Project - Kathy Sokolic

800 more volunteers are needed from Mueller and surrounding neighborhoods. Volunteers must meet certain considerations, but it is encouraged to socialize the need and talk to neighbors about it. Participation consists of evaluating free products for smart grid house. Ways to further advertise the need for volunteers, increase marketing efforts, and focus on the features of the project as well as the benefits are under consideration. Various companies (i.e. Intel, Sony, Best Buy) have been touring the neighborhood and visiting participating households to demonstrate the projects. Please contact Kathy Sokolic with questions or comments regarding participation. Other neighbors can field these as well: Dan Dozier, Corky Hilliard, Gareth Wilcox, Dennis Mick.

Upcoming Meetings

GENERAL MEETINGS normally take place on the 3rd Saturday of each month. However, it was agreed upon that there will be no July meeting as there is not much business to discuss, no speaker secured to present, and typically low attendance at July meeting due to neighbors’ travel plans. August meeting may include introduction of Steering Committee, introduction of new Council Members, and a social component. It was suggested that these meetings be held in new Mueller housing developments or nearby public establishments (restaurants, stores, etc). It was also recommending that we combine a Welcoming Committee with the General Meetings to attract new members and introduce new community members. The committee will consider showcasing Mueller groups (i.e. Stitch & B*tch, book & dinner clubs) to increase attendance as well.

STEERING COMMITTEE MEETINGS normally take place on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The next Steering Committee meeting will be on August 2, from 7-8:30pm at the home of Dennis Mick. Please bring a refreshment to share.

Additional Business/Open Comments

An explanation and discussion of the neighborhood planning group and neighborhood contact team took place. As is, Mueller has no neighborhood contact team and the city commissioner should serve as the role. It was expressed that this set-up is not working effectively and there is a need to consider a single member. Betsy Hilton agreed to follow up with Grant Fischer and approach the council mean.

Jerry Perkins is the new coordinator for the East Side within the ANC.

Steering Committee roster with names and contact info will be distributed by Corky Hilliard.

It was stated that the Education Committee/Meet Group is completely separate from Steering Committee, but agreed that the Steering Committee would like to see reports from the Education Committee.

Meeting Adjourn at 8:30pm