Article I: Name

The legalname of this association shall be the Big Red Band Club also known as the“KHS Music Boosters”.

Article II: Objectives

The objectives of the association shall be to (1) support the activities and aid in the promotion of the Killingly High Schools Music Program of Killingly, Connecticut, (2) to stimulate and sustain interest among students, parents, and adults in these programs and(3) promote Killingly Public Schools music programs.

Article III: Membership

Section 1 – All adults,post high school age, interested in the objectives of this association shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2 – Annual dues for membership may be fixed at such amount, as a majority vote shall determine at the annual June Meeting.

Section 3 – The Superintendent of the Killingly Public Schools, the Principalof Killingly High Schoolor his/her delegate, the Killingly High School Band Director, the Killingly High School Choral Director, and advisor shall be ex-officio members and shall be entitled to all privileges of membership without the payment of dues.

Section 4 – Voting privileges shall be extended to members whose dues are paid in fulland are present at the meeting when the motion is brought to vote.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1 – The officers of this association shall be President, 1st Vice President of Fundraising, 2nd Vice President of Fundraising, 1st Vice President of Uniforms, 2nd Vice President of Uniforms, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary.

Section 2 – These officers shall be elected at the regular May meeting of this association for a term of one year. Installation of officers shall occur at the annual June meeting of the association.

Section 3 – Advisor – Most recent past President for a term of 1 year after their elected term ends.

Section 4 – The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the association, the High School Band Director and High School Choral Director. Its duties shall be to transact business that requires immediate attention between association meetings, and attend to such matters as may be referred to it by the association. Such business shall not exceed expenditures of $200.00.

Section 5 – The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, 1st Vice President of Fundraising, and Treasurer. Its duties shall be to oversee any legal matters or tax matters as dictated by the state of Connecticut. In addition the Board of Directors shall represent the organization when requested by the Town of Killingly, the Killingly Board of Education, or the administration of the Killingly Public Schools.

Section 6 – Nominations of officers shall be made by a nominating committee, made upof 3 members,appointed by the President, at the March association meeting. The nominating committee shall report at the May meeting the names of candidates for offices to be filled. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the May meeting.

Section 7 – Election shall be by majority vote of eligible members present at the regular May meeting.

Section 8 – A vacancy occurring during the year in an office shall be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Article V: Duties of Officers

No officer shall hold more than one office at any given time. Officers are expected to attend all meetings. In the event an officer is unable to attend a meeting that officer shall notify the President as early as possible. Excessive absenteeism could result in removal from office by majority vote of those members present at a general meeting. Reasonable effort shall be made to consult individual prior to the voting meeting.

Section 1 – The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be the ex-officio member of all committees; shall appoint all standing committees; and shall perform such other duties usually pertaining to the office of the President. The President shall have the authority to sign contracts and have signing authority on the association’s checking account if the Treasurer is unavailable.

Section 2 – The Vice President(s) shall assist the President when called upon and perform the duties of the President in his or her absence or inability to act in the following chain of command 1st Vice President of Fundraising, 2nd Vice President of Fundraising, 1st Vice President of Uniforms, 2nd Vice President of Uniforms.

Section 2a – 1st Vice President of Fundraising – It is the responsibility of the 1st Vice President toorganize and implement fundraising opportunities for the booster organization and its students. All student accounts with sales for each fundraiser are calculated by the 1st Vice President and then emailed to the Music Dept.

Section 2b – 2nd Vice President of Fundraising shall assist the 1st Vice President.

Section 2c – 1st Vice President of Uniforms shallmanage the uniforms and organize theirfitting, care and distribution.

Section 2d – 2nd Vice President of Uniforms shall assist the 1st Vice President of Uniforms.

Section 3 – The Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due; shall be custodian of these monies; shall deposit them in a bank designated by the Executive Committee; and shall dispense the same only upon order of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks. He or she shall present written statements to the membership at the regular meetings and shall present an annual financial report at the annual June meeting of the association before installation of officers.

Section 4 – The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes and attendance records of all meetings of the association. The Recording Secretary will ensure that the meeting minutes, meeting dates, and by-laws are posted on the association web page. Limited printed copies will be available at the next monthly meeting.

Section 5 – The Corresponding Secretary shall act as media liaison to keep the public informed of Music Department activities, and shall see to the transmission of such other communications as may be designated by the President of the association. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary will record the meeting minutes.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1 – Regular meetings of the association shall be held each month of the school year, the time and place to be determined by majority vote of eligible members present. An annual calendar of meetings will be published and available at the June meeting. Amendments to the calendar may be determined by a majority vote of available members at any given meeting.

Section 2 – Special meetings, meetings not published on the web page, may be called by the Executive Committee or by a majority vote of available members at any given meeting.

Section 3 – The annual meeting of the association shall be held in June of each year for the purpose of the installation of officers, receiving the financial report, and the transaction of such other business as may come during the summer break.

Section 4 – To meet aQuorum,3 executive committee members, and at least three general membersmust be present at a meeting.

Article VII: Finances

Section 1 – The President and the Treasurer shall manage the finances of the association in a responsible and prudent manner.

Section 2 – An auditing committee may be appointed by the President, Executive Committee or by a majority vote of the Booster membership after the annual financial report to review the financial records. The auditing committee will present a report to the association at the first general meeting of the fall term.

Section 3 – Members will only be reimbursed for expenses approved by the membership or Executive Committee. Typical expenses include, but are not limited to, transportation rental, gas, and other approved travel expenses. Receipts shall be required prior to reimbursement.

Section 4 – All requests for financial disbursements, other than emergencies, must be presented to the President and/or Treasurer 2 school days prior to the scheduled meeting.

Section 5 – The association shall make every effort to deposit monies into the scholarship fund pending fiscal health of the association annually.

Article VIII: Annual Music Awards/Scholarships

Section 1 – There shall be cash awards made each year to seniors who have been accepted to a college/university/conservatory to pursue a Major in music and who have demonstrated the highest level of musicianship, leadership, and dedication to the Music Program at Killingly High School. The recipients, after successfully completing the required application, will be selected by the High School Music Faculty.

Section 2 – The amount of the award will be determined based on the number of recommended applicants. The amounts of the award are to be approved by majority vote of the membership as recommended by the Executive Committee.

Section 3 – The cash award will be presented to the recipient on a one time basis after one full time semester is successfully completed in the field of music. Successful completion will be indicated by the timely receipt of a copy of college transcript or grade report of a minimum of a 3.0 GPA submitted to the President of the association.

Article IX: Governing Rules and Regulations

It is not the intent of these rules and regulations to hinder, encumber, or discriminate against a member, but rather to set forth basic standards of conduct in order to maintain the integrity of the Club.

Section 1 – Any person representing himself or herself as a member or officer of the Club shall conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner.

Section 2 – Roberts Rules of Order shall govern this association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-laws.

Article X: Amendments

These By-laws may be revised provided a committee is appointed to review these By-laws, receive suggestions from members, and obtain whatever assistance they deem necessary to present a revised edition to the membership for their approval. A revised version can only be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the eligible members present at the meeting provided all eligible members are notified of the proposed vote at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the vote is held.

Appendix A

Standing Committees:

By-Law Committee: The By-Law committee shall be established at the regular February meeting of every even year {2010, 2012, 2014, etc…} from volunteers or appointment of the President. They shall review and recommend changes, if any, to the members at the regular June meeting of the association.

Membership: The membership committee shall be responsible for the promotion of membership to the group. They shall distribute membership applications to all music student parents and any adult that may be interested in joining the group.

Hospitality: The hospitality committee’s function is to solicit food and drink when asked.

Transportation: The transportation committee is responsible for the procurement of such vehicle to carry equipment, uniforms, instruments and any other gear that may be necessary for the music department to perform outside of Killingly High School. The Transportation committee is also responsible to provide qualified drivers for such vehicle.

Chaperones: The Chaperone committee is responsible for providing enough chaperones to ensure the safety and security of music students on all music department trips. Current chaperone to student ratio per the school district regulations is 1:10.

Festival: The festival committee shall be responsible for all aspects of the Festival, including but not limited to, tickets, advertising, concessions, parking, and security.

Revised 2/2013

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