MLC Navigator Access Super and Pension
Notice date / Nature of communication / Description29-Mar-12 / Your instructions weren't actioned correctly / To advise members that we have now processed their instructions correctly and paid compensation.
28-Aug-12 / Investment option changes
- Access Pre Select Boutique Australian Equity Fund / To advise members of the changes made to the Access Pre Select Boutique Australian Equity Fund including the appointment of a new investment manager, a change in investment strategy and a reduction in management costs.
Sep-12 / Investment option changes -Access Aviva Investors High Growth Shares Fund / To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Access Antares High Growth Shares Fund.
Sep-12 / Investment option changes -Access Aviva Investors Premium Fixed Income Fund / To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Access Antares Premium Fixed Income Fund.
Sep-12 / Investment option changes - Access ING Tax Effective Income Fund / To advise members that the investment manager changed to UBS Global Asset Management (Australia) Ltd and the name of the fund changed to Access OnePath Tax Effective Income Fund.
11-Jan-13 / Tax payable was incorrect on:
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Growth (1) Fund
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Australian Equities (1) Fund
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Growth (2) Fund
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Australian Equities (2) Fund
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Australian Equity (1)
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Growth (1)
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Australian Equity (2)
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Growth (2) / To advise members that Deutsche Asset Management had provided updated tax information on the following funds for the 2009 and 2010 financial years. Members were advised that, as a result, their Cash account would be credited with the overcharged amount plus compensation.
11-Jan-13 / Tax payable was incorrect on:
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Growth (1) Fund
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Australian Equities (1) Fund
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Growth (2) Fund
- Pre select 100%+ Capital Protected Australian Equities (2) Fund
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Australian Equity (1)
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Growth (1)
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Australian Equity (2)
- Access Pre Select Capital Protected Growth (2) / To advise members that Deutsche Asset Management had provided updated tax information on the following funds for the 2009 and 2010 financial years. Members were advised that franking credit that had been incorrectly allocated would be deducted from their Cash account.
Feb-13 / Investment option changes - Access Challenger Howard Mortgage Fund / To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to Fidante Partners Ltd and the fund name changed to Access Howard Mortgage Fund.
27-Feb-13 / Investment option terminated
- Pre select Capital Protected Growth (1)
- Pre Select Capital Protected Australian Equities (1) / To advise members that Deutsche Asset Management was terminating the funds. Members were advised that upon receipt of the money MLC would pay the proceeds into the Transaction account and then invested in line with standing instructions, if applicable.
19-Mar-13 / Investment options terminated
- Access Pre Select Cap. Protected Aust. Equities (1)
- Access Pre Select Cap. Protected Growth (1) / To advise members that MLC Navigator Australia Limited was terminating the Access Pre Select Cap. Protected Aust. Equities (1) and Access Pre Select Cap. Protected Growth (1).
NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited
ABN 80 008 515 633
AFSL 236465 / MLC Superannuation Fund
ABN 40 022 701 955 / 105-153 Miller St
North Sydney
NSW 2060 Australia / GPO Box 2567
VIC 3001
Australia / Tel 132 652
Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB.