Classroom Policy – English 8IA

Ms. Katz

Things You Need Everyday:

  • A Green, 3 ring binder with these (4) sections:

Do Now and Classroom Notes (1 Section),Vocabulary & Spelling & Grammar (1 Section), ELA Section, Assessment Section

  • Plenty of loose leaf paper
  • Pens, Pencils, Highlighter
  • Current books we are using in class (novel)
  • Must purchase a vocabulary workbook (Vocabulary Workshop: Level C)


  • Attendance is very important. A participation grade is given every marking period, so students should attend class regularly and be on time!
  • A record will be kept for those who are late to class.
  • 3 Lates = 1 Cut
  • If you are absent for any reason, you are responsible for handing in any work you missed on the day you return.
  • If you are absent on a day when a test is given, you are required to make up the test on the day you return.


  • Being prepared requires: having a pen, notebook, and a charged electronic device (I-Pad)
  • Many assignments will be posted electronically (handouts may not always be distributed). So, having your charged I-Pad in class is required daily.
  • A participation grade of a zero will be given to students who do not meet these expectations on any given day


  • All assignments must be handed in on time!
  • Daily homework assignments may not be made up or submitted late!
  • You are responsible for making up all missed work (essays/projects etc.). However, once an assignment has been graded and returned, you no longer have the opportunity to hand in late assignments.


  • Homework will be posted on the TV and Proxima and announced each day.
  • Homework is a huge part of your success in this class. Not only will you lose valuable points by failing to do your homework, but the homework serves a necessary purpose in learning.
  • At the beginning of each quarter, each student begins with 100% as a homework grade. Five points are deducted from this grade for each missing homework (which can be viewed on Parent Portal). At the end of the quarter, your homework grade will count as 20% of your quarterly average.

Ex: 4 missing homework assignments = 80 as a Homework average

  • Students can get very disappointed at the end of the semester when their grade is lowered due to missing homework.

Quizzes / Tests:

  • Quizzes will usually be announced, but surprise reading

(DYRT- “Did You Read This”) quizzes will also be given.

  • If you are absent and miss a quiz or a test, you must make it up the day you return.
  • There will be a notebook check quiz at the end of every marking period. Keep your notes in order, using either a three-hole punch, 3-ring binder.

Grading Policy:

  • Tests/ Writing/ Essays/Quizzes/ Projects- 65%
  • Homework- 20%
  • Participation- 15%

**All student work must be original. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of plagiarism will receive a failing grade for the assignment. The assignment cannot be redone and/or resubmitted.

All students must create and utilize a turnitin account via turnitin.comand a schoology account via

Class IDs and passwords will be given.

Assignment Heading:

All work MUST have the following heading on it when submitted:

Student’s Full Name Date

Assignment Period

Extra Help:

  • Extra help is always available, either before or after school each day by appointment.
  • Let me know if you are struggling with something. If you are, someone else probably is too!
  • Homework help is available every day before school at 7:40 A.M. If you are struggling or have a question, take advantage!

I am excited for the upcoming school year. I have many fun activities and assignments planned, and I expect this class to be successful! We will succeed if we work together. Think of this opportunity as a clean slate, in a new class, with a new teacher. I know you have the potential to succeed!

Remember the 2 R’s – Respect and Responsibility

Have respect for others.

Take responsibility for your own work and actions.


Student: I have read this classroom policy and understand it. I will honor it while in this class.

Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian: My child has discussed the classroom policy with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature ______Date ______

Parent Contact #______

Parent Email Address ______