MLA Web Committee Agenda

February 23, 2017

12 noon, Salon 12

Who can take minutes?

Membership. Thank you to our outgoing members: Veronica Wells, Becky O’Donoghue, and Verletta Kern; welcome incoming members: Vaughan Hennen, Jason Imbesi, Amy Jackson, and Abbey Thompson. Welcome guests!

First tasks for new members:

Set up permissions (Katie)

Roam around site

Tutorials (we will recommend some in particular)

Look at website help documents, make notes for updating. Share this task?

We will also solicit info about what programs and on what systems you have access to (Katie)

Old Business, follow up:

Administrative Handbook migration complete; Darwin has been scrutinizing terminology in service to greater consistency across all MLA documents. We will be fixing “web site”vs“website,” etc. on the site and in the Admin Handbook.Also, reviewing our best practices is on the to-do list. Use of docsvspdfs?

Darwin to likely establish AP style for all MLA web-based documents. Draft statement to go to Board for a vote.

Convention manual migration. We await revised content from Jim Farrington.

Diversity pages: important legacy content here; awaiting direction on the structure and content for the new Diversity Scholarship presence on the site. Old info needs updating, as well as headshots for the last cohort. Ray has contacted assorted folks a few times to keep this topic warm.

Committees and Interest Groups encouraged to embrace their home pages, still underwhelming response.

Katie updates (blog syndication and use of Wordpress, eNOTES, screencast software?)

New Business: Liaisons, for migrations and other projects and tasks

Priority 1: Chapter migrations (Ray emailed webmasters):

  • Texas – Yes! MaristellaFeustle
  • PNW – Yes! Verletta Kern
  • California - Yes! Lindsey Hansen, or…tbd
  • MtnPlains – no response yet, Laurie Eagleson

Priority 2: Other migrations

  • Fiscal Policies Handbook
  • Endowment Policy (brief, could be a pdf)
  • Preservation

Additional liaisons for

  • Diversity scholarship
  • Advertising
  • Our Profession, revised content

The Giant To Do List

Update all help documents (screenshots, pare down wordy texts)

Reformatting in Notes Now (Katie to spread the workload around)

How to pull together social media on our site (work with Newsletter, reformat blog, etc)

Features brainstorming, creation, calendaring

Best practices update, include accessibility requirements

Beef up images—which pages could use some excitement? Develop image library?

Site content review, by fresh eyes. How can we gently streamline text?

Upgrade Contacts page

Online publications, example of old content left to wither

Rewrite Web Committee Handbook (Ray)

Rewrite Web Calendar (Ray)