MLA Style Sheet for Term Papers: LIST OF WORKS CITED

This style sheet is a guide for listing different types of information sources in your works cited list.

NO AUTHOR…………………………………………….
ONE AUTHOR…………………………………………..
TWO OR THREE AUTHORS…………………………... / The Lottery. London: Watts, 1982.
Dean, Leonard. Perspectives. New York: Harcourt, 1954.
Bryant, Donald C., and Earl R. Wallace. Oral Communication. New York: Appleton, 1948.
MORE THAN THREE AUTHORS……………………… / Pollack, Thomas C. et al. Explorations. New York: Prentice Hall, 1956.
EDITOR..…………………………………………………. / Van Doren, Mark, ed. The World’s Best Poems. New York: World, 1943.
SEVERAL VOLUMES..…………………………………. / Leach, Maria, ed. Dictionary of Folklore. 2 vols. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1950.
ESSAY OR ARTICLE IN A COLLECTION……………. / Boas, George. “Freshman Advisor.” Perspectives. Ed. Leonard Dean. New York: World, 1979. 108-118.
SIGNED..………………………………………………… / Sapir, Edward. “Communication.” Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. New York: Macmillan, 1930.
UNSIGNED..……………………………….……………. / “Ping Pong.” Encyclopedia Americana. 1958 ed. (Omit publisher and place only for well known reference sets that frequently appear in new editions.)
MAGAZINE ARTICLE SIGNED..……………………… / Taves, Isabella. “Lady in a Jet.” Reader’s Digest August 1955: 68-71.
MAGAZINE ARTICLE UNSIGNED……………………. / “Young Man with a Horn.” Time 6 July 1953: 38-39.
SCHOLARLY JOURNAL WITH CONTINUOUS PAGING..……………………………….……………….. / Hayes, William C. “Most Ancient Egypt.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 23 (1964): 217-74.
SCHOLARLY JOURNAL THAT PAGES EACH ISSUE SEPARATELY OR USES ONLY ISSUE NUMBERS…. / Bird, Harry. “Some Aspects of Prejudice in the Roman World.” University of Windsor Review 10.1 (1975): 64-75.
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE UNSIGNED..…………………. / “Computer Earnings Peak Out.” Wall Street Journal 25 Nov. 1982, A5.
BOOK REVIEW..……………………………..…………..
INTERVIEWS / Jones, Howard Mumford. Rev, of Tower in the West, by Frank Norris. Saturday Review Jan. 1957: 31.
INTERVIEW IN PERSON..………………………………. / Miller, Susan. Personal Interview. 25 July 1985.
INTERVIEW IN PRINT..…………………………………. / Ellison, Ralph. interview. “Invisible Man.” By Alan McPherson. Atlantic Dec. 1970: 45-60.
SPEECH/LECTURE…....…………………………………. / Hemmings, Sharon. “The Neo-Expressionists.” Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco. 12 March 1983.
TELEVISION AND RADIO PROGRAMS..……………… / “If God Ever Listened: A Portrait of Alice Walker.” Prod. Jane Rosenthal. Horizons Natl. Public Radio. WBST, Muncie, In. 3 March 1984.
VIDEORECORDING..……………………………………. / Creation vs. Evolution. Videocassette. Dir. Ryall Wilson. PBS Video, 1982.
WORLD WIDE WEB (GENERAL SITE) ..………………. / Wagner, K. Guide for Citing Electronic Information. May 1997. U of South Florida. 20 Jan. 1999. <http/>.
(1st date is date of last update/revision; 2nd date is date of access)

MLA Style Sheet for Term Papers: WORKS CITED EXAMPLE

The list of Works Cited appears at the end of the research paper and is numbered as a continuation of the text. Items are alphabetized by author. When no author is given, alphabetize by title, ignoring “a,’ “an” or “the” if the first word. Use a tab (½”) indention for all lines after the first line of an entry. Do not number entries.

Works Cited

Adams, James H. “The Other Side of Mergers.” Modern Economics 14 May 1982: 15-80.

Baines, Jocelyn. Joseph Conrad: a Critical Biography. New York: McGraw Hill, 1960.

Clark, Robert and Earl Black. The History of Anti-Trust Legislation in America. New York: Acropolis. 1988.

Dawe, James. Jane Austen Page. Sept. 1997. U of Alberta. 3 Nov. 1999. <>.

“Freud, Sigmund.” Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 1994-1999 version. 4 Oct. 1999. < 17272&sctn=z#Article>.

Green, Marsha. “Why We Need the Trust Busters.” Journal of Progressive Economics 10.9 (Sept. 1986): 65-72.

“Interlocking Directorates of America’s Top Companies.” Prod. Harriet Russell. Business Natl. Public Radio. WBAR, Madison, Wis. 3 March 1987.

Rogers, Sheila. “Capitalism.” Encyclopedia of Economics. New York: Symons, 1975.

Stevens, John. “Idealism and Business Ethics.” Harvard University Commencement. 12 June 1987.

Walton, Ronald. “Democracy and Capitalism Are Not Synonymous.” Modern Political Thought. Ed. George Brown. New York: Merit, 1982. 108-136.

For more information on the MLA style for term papers consult:

Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing.


Karper, Erin. Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format. Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Feb. 2003. <