1.Practice Start Date:April 15, 2014

  • 6 weeks in spring and 4 weeks in the fall

2.Maximum number of tournaments not including play-offs:12

3.Limits per day:18 holes


  1. Player eligibility must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the MJHSAA Section tournament.


  1. Canadian Golf Association rules will apply throughout the competition and the local rules of the host club will also be in effect.


  1. The Section championship tournament will consist of 18 holes of medal play.
  2. All golfers must supply their own equipment.
  3. The Section tournament will consist of individual competitions for both boys’ and girls’, and a School team competition for both boys’ and girls’.
  4. The boys’ team may be made up of three members to a maximum of four. The girls’ team may be made up of two members to a maximum of three.
  5. The total of the three best scores recorded by the boys’ team on each hole of the competition will determine team scoring for the boys’ category. The total of the two best scores recorded by the girls’ team on each hole of the competition will determine team scoring for the girls’ category.
  6. One MJHSAA team and the top three male and top three female finishers if not part of the team will advance to the SCDAA District tournament.
  7. Handicaps will not be in effect.
  8. Caddying and/or coaching are not allowed during the course of play.
  9. The use of distance measuring devices is legal.
  10. For Section tournaments, each school may register a maximum of 10 golfers. The team must be declared prior to the start of the tournament.
  11. Green fees will be paid by the Prairie South School Division, Cornerstone Christian & the Holy Trinity School Division.
  12. The MJHSAA will send one adult with each group of golfers to act as a resource person on golfing rules, local course rules and golf etiquette. The adult may help athletes keep score, look for lost balls, keeps the pace moving, etc. If problems or questions arise, the adult will call the tournament Commissioner for a ruling.
  13. All coaches/teacher supervisors must be present at the golf course while their athlete(s) golf.
  14. Coaches and spectators may follow a group of golfers around the course, but must observe the following rules:
  • Stay at least twenty yards behind the last golfer.
  • Follow your group by walking and staying in the rough.
  • Stay well back of the green and out of the line of sight of the players putting.
  • Be quiet prior to and immediately following the athlete hitting the ball.
  • No conversations may take place with the golfers and/or officials during the round

  1. Any golfer that changes his/her flight (grouping) in the Section tournament without permission from the tournament Commissioner will be disqualified.


  1. Penalties for violation of the “Sports Activity Rules” may result in forfeit.


  • A team trophy shall be presented to the school winning the team event.
  • Medals for first, second and third place in both individual and the team event will be given out.
  • Ties for 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be broken by playing an extra hole or holes as necessary to break tie.