Misterton Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Councilheld in the WI Hall,
Middle Street, Mistertonon Tuesday 19thMay 2015, starting at 6.30pm.
Present:Cllrs: Mrs Newbery
Messrs Jeffreys, Restorick, White, Heyd-Smith, Keen, McNeill & Rowland
In attendance: Officer: Miss C Langford
Mrs Bradly (retiring Vice Chairman)
Mr J Dyke (SCC)& Mrs A Singleton (SSDC)
Mr A Foot (Owsley & Norris and Crewkerne Alms Houses)
One member of the public.
Mrs Bradly took the Chair.
1.Apologies:None. It was confirmed that the meeting was quorate.
2.Election of Chairman; Cllr Rowland was proposed as Chairman and elected unanimously. A declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by the Chairman.
Mrs Bradly left the meeting.
3.Election of Vice Chairman; Cllr Restorick was proposed as ViceChairman and elected unanimously. An Acceptance of Office was signed by the Vice Chairman.
- Acceptance of Office; all remaining Cllrs signed an Acceptance of Office.
- Co-option to fill the vacancy; Mr Paul Gillard has put his name forward. It was proposed, seconded and all in favour that Mr Gillard is co-opted onto the Council.
6.Minutes of the meeting held on 20thMay 2014thathad been circulatedwere agreed as a correct record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
7.Inventory Asset Register of Council property; this had been circulated and was approved.
8.The Standing Orders and Financial Regulations that had been circulated were approved.
9.Chairman’s annual reportthat had been circulated was approved.Copy on file.
10.Appointment of Internal Auditor; it was proposed thatChalmers & Co be re-appointed and allwere in favour.
- Names were received for members to serve onthe followingworking parties & outside bodies:
a) Finance; Cllrs Rowland, Jeffreys, Keen and Mrs Newbery. It was proposed that Mr Welch be co-opted onto the Finance Committee and all were in favour.
b) Rights of Way; Cllrs Heyd-Smith, White & Rowland.
c) Roads; Cllrs JeffreysHeyd-Smith. It was proposed that Mrs Bradly be co-opted onto the Roads Committee and all were in favour.
d) Village Hall; Cllr McNeill.
e) Friends of MistertonCemetery Chapel; Cllr Mrs Newbery.
f)A Better Crewkerne & District; it was agreed that a representative is no longer needed as Misterton has a village plan.
g) CPRE; it was agreed that all Cllrswouldrepresent the Council as required.
h) Crewkerne Alms Houses; Mr A Foot.
All approved.
- The Council received a report on the Owsley Norris and Crewkerne Almshouses charities from Mr Foot.
The Owlsey & Norris (started in 1604); rents have been increased on the 5 parcels of land in the village as they can no longer rely on there being an annual donation from The Fete re parking duties. Funds are distributed at Christmas and during the year to those who have fallen on bad times. One Poor Plot is in themiddle of an area that Pattemores are looking to develop. The plot was given in perpetuity to the community and so there will be an informal renting agreement with Pattemores.
Crewkerne Almshouses (started in 1642);there are still some of the original Almshouses being used. All have now been refurbished ie electrics, wet rooms. The houses are fully occupied, with 8 residents from Misterton, Crewkerne and West Crewkerne. The Almshouses are self funding with residents paying a maintenance charge. The SSDC refurbishment loan has been repaid.
13.Dates times of ordinary meetings of the Council were confirmed as;
2015;16 June, 21 July, 15 September, 20 October, 17 November, 8 December and 2016;19 January, 16 February, 15 March, 19 April starting at 6.30pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 6.55pm.
Christine Langford - Parish Clerk – May 2015