Group manager

on CPC Telecommunications

______K.I. Savchenko



Current repairs, maintenance, certification and inventory of cabling telecommunications infrastructure of JSC CPC-K.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents













1.1The ToR herein regulate the work on repair and maintenance of FOCL, certification of individual cable sections and the work on taking inventory stock in CPC-K cabling infrastructure.

1.2JSC Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K, hereinafter referred to as the Customer is represented by CPC-K telecommunications group.

1.3Contractor is a company selected to carry out repair and maintenance of FOCL, as well as to engage into certification of individual cable sections operations and taking inventory stock of CPC-K cabling infrastructure.

1.4The Contractor proposal should include ad hoc project cost estimates for each type of work individually for each region

1.5In case of necessity Contractor should request sending Technical specifications from the Telecommunications group for the project work before engaging into operations.

1.6The Contractor provides CPC-K Telecommunications group with the following information:

A certificate on instrument availability to service FOCL and communications systems indicating the type, name, model and the time of manufacture, as well as the date of the last validation;

A certificate on available equipment indicating the manufacture year;

Information confirming the competence level of the technical personnel to be engaged into carrying out work (Certificate of Education, competence certification, certificates on graduating professional training courses, the certificates granted by oversight inspectorates, etc.).


OTNOpen the Transport Network (Open Transport Network)

DWDM Dense wave-division multiplexing

ERWEmergency and response work

JSC CPC- K The Limited Liability Company Caspian Pipeline Consortium - Kazakhstan

FOCFiber-optic cable

TOICTemporary optical intermediate cable

TOICSTemporary optical intermediate cable (simple)

TOICCTemporary optical intermediate cable (complex).

FOTLFiber-optic transmission line

FOTCLFiber-optic telecommunications line

VRDInternal Guiding Document

HDDHorizontal Directional Drilling

GOSTThe State Standard

MCCThe Main Control Center

PKPWJParts kit to protect welded joints

LMAOCThe laboratory to measure and assemble optical cable

LCSLinear cable structures

TPThe Trunk Pipeline

MTMarine terminal

PSPump station

OFOptical fiber

OC Optics cable

SW Software

WEPWork execution plan

PPPProtecting plastic pipe

RDGuiding document

BCC Backup Control Center

SCS Structured cabling system

TU Technical specifications

WP Wage Pool

GSJBCLGear to Suspend Junction Box and Cable Loop

ECS Elementary Cable Section.


3.1Table 1 lists the scope of work required to maintain FOTCL infrastructure to keep it in operational conditions.

Table 1

Item No.
Sl. No. / Наименование видов проводимых работ/
Worktypes / The cost of the units in tenge without VAT/
Unit cost in KZT, excl. of VAT
1.1 / Making a permanent repair insert for dielectric optical FOCL cables using cable jetting into PPP (at length of 100 m).
1.1.1 / Making a permanent repair insert for 12 FOCL cables using cable jetting into PPP (length of 100 m)
1.1.2 / Making a permanent repair insert for 16 FOCL cables using cable jetting into PPP (length 100 m)
1.1.3 / Making a permanent repair insert for 24 FOCL cables using cable jetting into PPP (length 100 m)
1.1.4 / Making a permanent repair insert for 36 FOCL cables using cable jetting into PPP (length 100 m)
1.2 / Making a permanent repair insert for armored FOCL cables
1.2.1 / Making a permanent repair insert for 6 armored FOCL cables
1.2.2 / Making a permanent repair insert for 8 armored FOCL cables
1.3 / Repairing optical cross
1.3.1 / Repairing optical cross for 8 fiber cables
1.3.2 / Repairing optical cross for 12 fiber cables
1.3.3 / Repairing optical cross for 24 fiber cables
1.3.4 / Repairing optical cross for 36 fiber cables
1.4 / Install straightway transitional junction box
1.4.1 / Install straightway transitional junction box for 8 fiber telecommunication cable;
1.4.2 / Install straightway transitional junction box for 12 fiber telecommunication cable;
1.4.3 / Install straightway transitional junction box for 24 fiber telecommunication cable;
1.4.4 / Install straightway transitional junction box for 36 fiber telecommunication cable;
1.5 / Repair and replacement of external copper 25 pair telecommunication cable
1.6 / The repair and replacement of the copper UTP 4x2 cable
1.7 / Grounding the armored telecommunication cable and conducting relevant measurements, including but not limited to the following: installation of grounding conductors for communication cable armors, instrument grounding conductor box, check the grounding to comply with relevant standards
1.8 / Repairing power supply circuit breakers and replacing failed circuit breakers with potential to test the newly installed circuit breakers in electrotechnical laboratory with generating relevant Certificates
1.9 / Development and repair of cathodic protection in ducts of FOCL route water crossings
1.10 / Technical auditing the backbone FOCL
1.10.1 / Scatterometer measuring optical fibers to estimate kilometer OTDR attenuation, check ORL return optical loss and scattering in optical joints;
1.10.2 / Measuring Chromatic Dispersion (CD);
1.10.3 / Measurement of polarization mode dispersion;
1.10.4 / Assessing FOCL cable tear and wear using Brillouin scatterometer using bilateral studies
1.11 / Maintenance of OTN-2500 network equipment according to procedures set forth by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.12 / Maintenance of OTN-600 network equipment in accordance with guidelines set by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.13 / Maintenance of OTN-150 network equipment in accordance with guidelines set by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.14 / Maintenance of optical amplifiers (OA) KONUS in accordance with guidelines set by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2
1.15 / Maintenance of optical multiplexer switches OP-108, OP-134 in accordance with guidelines set by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.16 / Maintenance of the cross connectors DXC in accordance with guidelines set by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2
1.17 / The repair and replacement (mounting/dismantling) the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) on the basis of Crone distributing blocks per guidelines set forth by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.18 / The repair and replacement (mounting/dismantling) the Digital Distribution Frame (DDF) on the basis of Crone distributing blocks per guidelines set forth by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.19 / Servicing equipment DWDM START UP equipment in accordance with the guidelines set forth by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.20 / Servicing equipment DWDM Volga in accordance with guidelines set forth by manufacturer and repair in line with the REGISTRY OF EQUIPMENT as provided in Addendum No. 2.
1.21 / The repair and replacement of the telecommunications Cabinet, Net-Access Cabinet 45U, 2134x800x1044 mm
1.22 / Installing Panduit cabinet of CN type ensuring its grounding (if necessary):
1.22.1 / Grounding inside the cabinet;
1.22.2 / Grounding between rows;
1.22.3 / The common grounding
1.23 / The repair and replacement of external all-weather cabinet of telecommunications equipment Rittal
1.24 / Repair and replacement of work area (2 Digital and 2 phone jacks Mini-com)
1.25 / Repair the SCS, including but not limited to the following: replacement of the cable network sections, jacks, patch panels, with generating all necessary documentation and other.
1.26 / Geodetic works on layout cable lines
1.27 / Probing cable telecommunications
1.28 / Carrying out earth works with the involving mechanical equipment to develop pits for cable wells and cable routing (in all categories of soil)
1.29 / Conducing activity on on certification of the optical telecommunication cable, ODF, the elementary cable section, including but not limited to, compiling electrical and optical route logbook.
1.30 / Repairing instrumentation (to make grounding armored cable) along the FOCL route.
1.31 / Conducting manual earth works to develop trenches and digging the pit to proceed with repair work (in all categories of soil)
1.32 / Manufacturing warning signs
1.33 / Replacing and restoring informational signs
1.34 / Repairing cable racks, trays, ducts and consoles
1.35 / Repairing cable telecommunication wells
1.36 / Repairing (with replacement) PPP in racks with installing junction boxes
1.37 / Replacing and repairing assembly to sore junction boxes and cable loops (GSJBCL) in racks
1.38 / Replacing and repairing cable inlets Roxtec
1.39 / Excavation to access damaged pipeline area PPP 40/3.5
1.40 / The work on laying PPP 40/3.5 in an excavated trench
1.41 / Restoring design depth to install electronic markers
1.42 / Emergency repairing crossings with automobile roads using puncture technique, including but not limited to the following: obtaining technical specifications from the owners of communications, conducting local survey, generation of acceptance-delivery documentation (ADD) and compiling work execution plans.
1.43 / Emergency repairs of crossings with water bodies, crossings with railways and roads using HDD technique including but not limited to the following: obtaining technical specifications from the owners of communications, conducting local survey, generation of acceptance-delivery documentation (ADD) and compiling work execution plans.
1.44 / The survey and repair of the mountain areas of the route, including the following: making necessary measurements, developing slope and rock reinforcements, conducting necessary earthworks, developing all necessary documentation, and introducing other changes.
1.45 / Spot checking water crossings including the following: estimating the horizontal and high-altitude position of design route on site; determining the depth of the ground layers and their composition; measuring the depth of the river bottom, estimating the telecommunications cable burying depth; measuring the depth of soil layer (taking transverse and longitudinal profiles); survey of availability of foreign objects along the telecommunication route; survey of the status of banks and coast-protecting structures (using instruments and/or through visual inspection); survey of the bottom of the water area inside the crossing site (the width of survey should be up to 10 meters and involve instruments and/or visual inspection); estimating the total hydrology of the water body at the crossing site (the velocity and direction of currents) followed by generating relevant Certificates, schematic diagrams, reports, expert opinions and others.
1.46 / Accounting for the cabling telecommunications infrastructure (update documents according to the REGISTRY OF DOCUMENTATION, as listed in Addendum No. 1)
1.47 / Mobilization and transportation costs shown for different regions indicating the duration of mobilization and notification timing. The map of regions is available on CPC-K website at the following link:
2.1 / Calibration, checking, and repairing equipment to service SCS
2.2 / Optical loss tester EXFO FOT-300
2.3 / Измеритель оптической мощности / PowerMeter, EXFOFPM-302Х
2.4 / Измеритель оптической мощности / PowerMeter, EXFOFPM-602
2.5 / Источник оптического излучения/ PowerMeter, EXFO, FLS-300-12D-23BL-EI
2.6 / Источник оптического излучения/PowerMeter, EXFO, FLS-600-23-BL
2.7 / Измерительнаяплатформа/Measuring platform EXFO, FTB-200-S1-VPM2X
2.8 / Рефлектометроптический/Optical scatterometer EXFO, FTB-7200D-12CD-023B-E1
2.9 / Рефлектометроптический/Optical scatterometer EXFO, FTB 3932X
2.10 / Измерительнаяплатформа/Measuring platform EXFO, FTB-200 (with spectrum analyzing module FTB-5240S)
2.11 / Измерительнаяплатформа/Measuring platform EXFO, FTB-1 (FTB-720D, PM-103-VFL)
2.12 / Рефлектометроптический /Optical scatterometerActerna, MTS 5100
2.13 / Оптическийпеременныйаттенюатор/ Optical variable attenuator, FVA-600
2.14 / Multimeter АРРА 301
2.15 / Multimeter АРРА 505
2.16 / Digital multimeter, Fluke 187 EFSP
2.17 / Digital multimeter, Fluke 787 Processmeter
2.18 / Explosion-proof digital multimeter to measure true RMS values, Fluke 87V Ex
2.19 / Portable printer LS8 with keyboard QWERTY keyboard (kit).~QWERTY LS8EQ
2.20 / Battery drill driver
2.21 / Visual analyzer of optical connectors with display 200x/400X, FIP-400-D-DUAL
2.22 / Qualifying cable tester, Fluke CableIQ
2.23 / 3M Field Service Vacuum cleaner (Katun) to clean office equipment, full kit
2.24 / Welding device Fujikura FSM-50S, FSM-60S, FSM-80S
2.25 / Marker detector Dynatel 1420 EMS-ID
2.26 / Cable detector Dynatel 3M-2273-E5T3
2.27 / Tong-test instrument Fluke 375

3.2The maintenance and repair work is made through replacing faulty parts in blocks, units, assemblies, as well as through software recovery (including restoring initial hardware settings), and it includes the following:

3.3Finding faults and generating certificates to document defects discovered;

3.4Troubleshooting hardware and software failures in hardware and/or software;

3.5Restore the operational status of the hardware and software in case of failure in power supply, in case of hardware and software failures, under effects of viruses, and/or wrong user activity;

3.6Replacing defective parts, units, assemblies, equipment modules and/or re-installation of software with subsequent configuring and recovery of the data.

3.7The rates on work on accounting for the cabling telecommunication infrastructure should be provided by Contractor according to the registry of documentation (see Addendum No. 1, the REGISTRY OF DOCUMENTATION) in the technical part of the bid proposal to be expressed in man/hours.

3.8The rates on work on introducing adjustments into as-built documentation in initial formats (PDF, AUTOCAD, Visio, WORD) reflecting corrections to be introduced into a Changes Sheet for each registry document should be submitted in the technical bid proposal of Contractor and contain information about the labor costs expressed in man/hours.

3.9The rates on equipment repair should be submitted by Contractor according to the registry of the equipment used (see Addendum No. 2, the REGISTRY OF DOCUMENTATION) for the following options.

3.9.1Option 1. Provides for repair when the Customer sends a faulty equipment to the Contractor factory; the physical replacement of the faulty equipment is made by the Customer independently after receiving repaired equipment from Contractor. The place of delivery of equipment from repair: Atyrau, CPC-K Office. Transportation costs to send the equipment to repair shop are born on the Customer. Transportation costs for transferring equipment from repair shop are borne on Contractor. All customs duties are paid by Contractor.

3.9.2Option 2. Provides for replacing failed hardware by Contractor restoring the full functionality of the equipment at the Customer site. All transportation costs and customs duties associated with delivery of the equipment are born by Contractor.

3.10The Contractor provides for the cost estimates for both options accounting for the logistics and transportation costs.

3.11The Addendum to the cost estimating documentation should provide the justification for the cost of materials and equipment quoting the price of provider (a manufacturer or an official dealer), providing for detailed description of the technical specifications and functional parameters of equipment shown as material data sheets for equipment and materials in scope sufficient to verify the cost estimates made.

3.12Generating bill of works. The bill of works should be issued as a separate package (volume) having the facility cost estimate and its explanatory note translated into English.

3.13Repairing equipment will be covered by a separate work order.

3.14The Contractor develops and approves the repair procedure with the Customer. The cost of repair procedures should be taken into account for both options.

3.15Following the repair activities the diagnostic and fine-tuning procedures should be provided by Contractor documenting the results obtained in Certificate of accomplished repair jobs.

3.16The Contractor should issue a warranty term for the repair jobs indicating the warranty term in the commercial proposal.

3.17The format of the commercial proposal on repair jobs is given below.

No / Name of equipment per the registry / Part number/Factory number / Cost of repair according to Option 1
(with reference to the estimated calculations) / Cost of repair according to Option 2
(with reference to the estimated calculations) / The warranty period for repaired equipment / Repair term / Comments

3.18In case it is not possible to arrange for repair or when restrictions limit the term associated with line item specified in the registry the Contractor is introducing explanations into the Comments field.


4.1The generation of detailed documentation and making repairs of the cabling infrastructure is made for each line item in punch list compiled by the Customer.

4.2Generation of detailed documentation and repair of CPC-K telecommunication cable to in the areas of crossing water bodies, railway and automobile roads using HDD technique method in the trunk pipeline sections should be made by organizations having appropriate licenses or permissions to engage in this type of activity. It is possible to involve pre-qualified subcontracting organizations to work for CPC-K Telecommunications group.

4.3The Contractor should conduct a mandatory survey and generate detailed design documentation for each site using punch list generated by CPC-K visiting the site of future works.

4.4The results of surveying the work site should be used to execute the Certificate of survey and the certificate clarifying the location of CPC-K communication lines.

4.5Preparing the detailed design documentation to proceed with protection of CPC-K telecommunication cable should account for validation of the punch list required to determine the as-built depth of laying the telecommunication cable.

4.6The work in the communications security areas are permitted against effective CPC-K work order with obligatory attending the activity site by a representative of Operations Department of the relevant region.

4.7Before starting the work the permit to proceed with excavation work should be issued. The invitation of a representative of CPC-K Telecommunications group should be made using a written request no less than 5 working days prior to commencing the work.

4.8 CPC-K telecommunication cable should be protected meeting the requirements set forth in SNiP 2.05.06-85*, SNiP III-42-80, and SNiP 11-01-95.

4.9All drawings compiled to proceed with work should be previously agreed with all relevant functions, land users and owners of communications in the area the work is planned to be conducted.

4.10 The executors of work bear complete responsibility for completeness of decisions made. In case an additional crossing, change in clearance, change in crossing conditions is required to be set up or when there is a requirement to set up a new crossing with telecommunications cables without prior survey, it is required to conduct additional survey sessions and get permission from experts of the Telecommunications group with issuing relevant certificates.

4.11 The following detailed design documentation on repair activity should be submitted for approval into CPC-K Telecommunications group in Operations Department of the Eastern region in order to proceed with production of work: