June 8, 2006

12:30 PM

Peachtree Catering Center, Columbia MO


The Missouri Public Energy Pool #1 Pool Committee of the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission (the "Pool Committee"), met at Peachtree Catering Center in Columbia, Missouri on June 8, 2006, at 12:30 P.M., and the following members were present as indicated:

Chair Dennis Klusmeyer presided over the meeting.

Steve SvecChillicothe

Ron SheppardFarmington

Clyde BessFredericktown

Mark WallaceHermann
Lee BarkerHigginsville

Jim RoachJackson

Lynn CaltonLamar

Ray IvyLaPlata

Vern KincheloeMacon

Paul JensenMarshall

Mike AhlandMemphis

Bill ElliottMonroe City

Wade SandersOdessa

Linda GastOwensville

Dan WatkinsRolla

Dennis KlusmeyerShelbina

Chad DavisTrenton

Jerry TildenUnionville

Guests attending:

Jim UrferHigginsville

Chuck Reed, Don SchuetteJackson

Staff attending: Duncan Kincheloe, John Grotzinger, JD Lester, Eve Lissik, Michael Loethen, and Peggy King.

A quorum was present and the meeting was called to order.


Bill Elliott moved and Lynn Calton seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2006 pool meeting. Duncan opened discussion by indicating that because of uncertainty about a quorum present at that meeting, action taken to accept Higginsville as a member of the pool should be ratified. Dan moved and Bill Elliott seconded a motion to ratify and restate that Higginsville has been accepted by the MoPEP Pool as a member of the pool. Motion passed. As there was no further discussion, a vote was called on approval of the minutes of the March meeting. Motion passed.


John reported that he has entered into a capacity sale this year to KCP&L that should earn about $140,000 to be earmarked for reserves.

A billing workshop similar to one held for pool members several years ago will be held on July 13 in Columbia. Further information will be sent in July, but please reserve the date for this informative session.

Prairie State Status Report

The projected in-service date of the Prairie State Energy Campus is now 2011. There have been some cost increases due to delays, and EPC contract in development. The air permit is still under administrative appeal. Columbia is asking for a 50 MW share of the project, so before MJMEUC requests 50 additional MWs, Duncan would like all participants to review their share and be sure it is final. Also, there may be other parties that now want to participate in the project.

Nebraska City 2 Status Report

Projected in-service date is May of 2009. The project is proceeding very well to maintain a low cost of power.

Iatan 2 Status Report

The agreements for the Iatan 2 project were signed with KCP&L today. During the next 60 days, work will begin on bond ratings, leading up to the selling of bonds.

Laddonia Co-Gen Status Report

The substation is under construction with an estimated Fall operation date. The contracts are in place with the ethanol plant.

Plum Point Supply Option

John reported that there is an opportunity for the pool to enter into a power purchase agreement for the Plum Point Project. That plant is slated to be in operation in the summer of 2010 and would require a request for AECI transmission. John recommends a 35-50 MW 30 year PPA. The PPA will include an escalating power price over the life of the contract. Steve Svec moved that the pool enter into a PPA with Plum Point for 50 MW and proceed with the necessary transmission request. Dan Watkins seconded the motion. Motion passed.

John asked if the pool wanted to relinquish part of their Prairie State participation in light of the additional 50 MW from Plum Point. There was no interest expressed in doing this.

Other Offers

We have an offer from Ameren for 15 MW of energy on a 7x24 for the period 1/1/07 – 5/31/10. Dan Watkins moved and Paul Jensen seconded a motion to authorize staff to enter into the contract. Motion passed.

Summer Forecast

Eve passed out the May pool bills and spoke briefly about how they were figured. She explained that members may notice a higher capacity cost due to the new Ameren contract, but that same contract provides us with a lower energy cost. Also as of June, 2006, capacity costs should drop to individual members due to the new membership of the KCP&L cities. Eve reported that about 75% of our resources are currently contract based, leaving us with about 25% exposure to the market during the summer.


Extension of Services and Control Area Services


John reported that he is working to finalize the Westar ancillary services and control area services contracts this month. It will be through 2008, with a buy out agreement to address the possibility of MJMEUC providing these services in the future. It also includes credit for spinning reserves to acknowledge the Macon and Laddonia co-gen facilities. Steve Svec moved and Bill Elliott seconded a motion to authorize execution of the extension agreements with Westar.


Resolution 3-2006 Regions Bank/Ameren Letter of Credit

Resolution 4-2006 NC2 project authorization to take further actions on NC2 project

Resolution 5-2006 Resource Obligations

A motion was made by Steve Svec to approve all three of the above resolutions. Seconded by Linda Gast. The motion passed

Issuance of RFP

John reported that Eve is preparing an RFP for power supply with responses due by the end of summer or this fall. Steve Svec moved and Paul Jensen seconded a motion to issue the RFP. Motion passed.


Steve Svec requested that he be able to see the pool load data at his utility and asked if the new SCADA system to be installed this year will accommodate that. John indicated that the ability was there, but he had concerns with security when data is put out on the web.


As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned.