Wednesday, September 24, 2008
President Dave Doney called the Regular Meeting of the Mission View Homeowners Association to order at 7:05 p.m. at the Lakeside County Water Sewer Office.
Board Members Attending: Dave Doney, Meredith Coopman, Sam Crompton, Steve Henneford, Lois
Laumanand Linda Heim, Secretary-Treasurer. Linda verified that a quorum was present.
Homeowners in Attendance: No homeowners were in attendance.
Reading of the Minutes: After discussion, the Minutes of the August 27, 2008 meeting were changed to reflect the following correction:
3rd paragraph, 4thline downwhich reads, “This would increase output from 85 to 135 gals. per minute”, should be deleted.
A motion was made by Steve Henneford, seconded by Lois Lauman to accept the Minutes as corrected. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Heimreported that Quicken has been converted over to Quick Books Pro, which has several enhanced features over Quicken. Linda then presented the Treasurer’s Report which included: Transaction Report, Account Balances, Summary Report, and the Budget Comparison. The overall actual budget was currently $31,470.14 with a balance of $66,804.30 for the remainder of 2008. The bank account balances were as follows: General Fund, $63,532.75; Dock Account, $16,294.17; and Road Account, $1,958.52. The Building Bond Account at D.A. Davidson totals $7,466.63 which includes the $331.11 closing balance from the Scudder Investment Account. All fund accounts total $89,252.07. Income and Expense Reports along with a Transaction Report for the General Account and both the Dock and Road Accounts were reviewed. An updated Road Paving Project Report was presented A motion was made by Steve Henneford to accept the financial reports as presented. The motion was seconded by Sam Crompton. Motion carried.
Paving: President Doney stated that the road paving project is now completed. Everyone agreed the roads are very nice – a well done project. In giving a report on the road paving project loan carried at Flathead Bank of Lakeside, DaveDoney stated that the original loan was in the amount of $300,000.00. However, the entire amount was not needed as $211,160.50 was received as one-time payments from homeowners for their share of the project. $290,469.33 was used leaving $9,530.67 balance. Four people have not paid their dues at all totaling approximately $10,000.00. President Doney felt that it was not necessary to spend the $9,530.67, because the Association members would end up paying for it, and the project is finished with the exception of chip sealing. The chip sealing cannot be done with this assessment. The borrowed money, which was a Line of Credit, totals approximately $79,308.83. Flathead Bank of Lakeside is rewriting the loan as a Closed End Loan for $79,308.83. The payments will be $6,500.00+ twice a year. Therefore, the payments from the homeowners who did not pay their share in full will be received timely to cover the payments to the bank. Any future borrowing on behalf of the Association will have to be a new loan request. President David Doney and Vice-President Lois Lauman will sign the new paperwork at the bank.
Water System: Sam Crompton reported that we are getting closer to the Well No. 1 actual work being done. He has met with the contractor, Matt, a couple of times. Getting the electrician, Steve, and Matt together to slot out time and actually start work has caused a slight delay. Sam met with Matt last Saturday and both feel more comfortable with how things are going to work. Sam also met with Jay Kilpatrick, where there is a system drain located in the back of his house near the lake, to obtain permission to trespass on his property during a planned pump test. The valve was opened, and the drain works as expected. It still has to be determined what the flow rate out of that drain is and if not adequate, then the valve at the pump house would have to be opened and shoot it out onto the lawn. Sam stated they don’t want to do that unless it is an emergency situation. Steve Matelli will be installing a new reservoir level gaugeviewable from within the pump house. This new level gauge will also provide redundant high and low water alarm protection. This makes determining reservoir water level very simple, essential during low or high water alarm situations.
Max Louder of the DEQ is requiring that we go through a 24-hour pump test to make sure Well #1can support the 130 gallons we have the water right for. The pump test requires a flow rate of 150% of the water right, i.e., 200 gallons per minute for 24 hours. This government required test will add expense, as the old pump has to be pulled, a temporary test pump installed and then pulled out and the new permanent pump reinstalled. There is no choice, however. Max at the DEQ also strongly urged our Association to be conservative when it comes to lawn sprinkling in the summer. President Doney suggested that Max be invited to our annual meeting to give a presentation on water usage.
Docks: Steve Henneford will pull the no-wake markers out of the lake for the winter. Steve asked for approval to go ahead with the barrier gate for the boat ramp. The LiftMaster machine is $1,725.00, aluminum arm is $125.00, electronic receiver $125.00, photo beam $225.00, and shipping $150.00 for a total price of $2,350.00. Volunteer help will place the post, etc., and a backhoe operator will be hired to dig the hole. Openers are $22.00 each. Openers will be individually programmed and can be cancelled should an opener be lost or a homeowner has not paid their dues. There are 58 boat slips plus 21 homes on the lake, which need access to the ramp. A letter will be sent out to the homeowners to find out how many openers need to be ordered at a cost of $25.00 each. The additional $3.00 will help pay for shipping.
A motion was made by Lois Lauman, seconded by President Doney authorizing Steve Henneford to proceed with the electronic gate purchases and installation for the boat dock ramp. Motion carried.
Discussion followed regarding homeowner stickers for the boats. Steve Henneford will follow up.
Architectural: Meredith Coopman gave an update on the garage addition for Lot #13. Property lines and easements and required documentation to pass architectural inspections were discussed.
Common Area and Safety: Lois Lauman will use a volunteer crew to weed eat around the lakeshore and mow the Common Area before winter. President Doney reported that Jim Lodman, Jay Wadman and others will use chain saws to cut up the cottonwood tree that is on the shore. Steve Henneford brought up a concern for spikes sticking out of the logs on the lakeshore. These will be pulled out because of safety concerns.
Old Business: The continuing leak problem on Lot #90 was discussed with President Doney reporting the Association could hire someone for $200.00 to dig around the frost-free to see if it is leaking a the frost-free there or the curb stop at the lot next to Lot #90. David checked last week and found all the holes dug were dry, and the grass was dry. Ten days earlier the ground was saturated, sloshing when walked on. It was discussed that springs can be intermittent. This problem has been on-going for over two years. The possibility of digging a trench lined with rocks along the shoreline is also a possibility. This would be two or three feet on Lot #90 and the rest on the Commons. This would be a consideration at the property owner’s expense.
New Business: Lois Lauman brought up the subject of people parking their cars for sale at the top of the hill near the Association sign. They are an aesthetical detraction and block the sign as well.
President Doney presented a Corporate Resolution replacing former Board signers on both of the D.A. Davidson Investment Accounts with new signers.
A motion was made by Meredith Coopman, seconded by Sam Crompton authorizing President David Doney and Secretary-Treasurer Linda Heim to sign on both the Building Bond Account #55596752 and the Dock Investment Account #55596766 at D.A. Davidson & Co. with dual signers required. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
David Doney, President
Linda Heim, Secretary-Treasurer