If you recognise the parts, you’ll understand the whole.
Prefix / Meaning / Sourceab / away from / Latin
ad / to, towards, near / Latin
ambi / both / Latin
ana / up, back again / Greek
ante / before, in front of / Greek
bi / bis / twice, double / Latin
circum / around / Latin
con / with / Latin
contra / against / Latin
de / down, away from / Latin
di / twice, double / Latin
dia / through / Greek
dis / apart, removed / Greek
dys / hard, difficult / Greek
ex / out of / Greek
ecto / outside / Greek
exo / outside/outward / Greek
en / in / Greek
endo / within / Latin
epi / on, upon / Latin
extra / in addition to / Latin
hemi / half / Greek
hyper / over, above / Greek
hypo / below, under / Greek
infra / below / Latin
inter / between / Latin
Prefix / Meaning / Sourceintro / within / Latin
non / not / Latin
para / along side of, beside / Greek
per / thorough, complete / Greek
peri / around, near / Latin
post / after, behind / Greek
pre / in front of, before / Latin
pro / before, in front of / Latin
re / back, again / Latin
retro / backwards / Latin
sub / under, below / Latin
supra / above, upper / Latin
syn / with / Greek
trans / across / Latin
ultra / beyond / Latin
Suffix / Meaning / Source
magni / big / Latin
micro / little / Greek
macro / long / Greek
quad / four / Latin
hydro / wet / Greek
duri / hard / Latin
thermo / hot / Greek
seni / old / Latin
novi / new / Latin
identi / same / Latin
vario / different / Latin
alieni / another’s / Latin
Colour / Meaning / Source
roseo / reds (various) / Latin
fulvi / orange / Latin
purpureo / violet / Latin
cani / grey / Latin
nigri / black / Latin
leuko / white / Greek
chloro / green / Greek
albo / white / Latin
flammeo / red / Greek
viridi / green / Latin
iodo / blue / Greek
fusci / yellow / Latin
Numerals / Meaning / Source
semi / 1/2 / Greek
hemi / 1/2 / Latin
uni / 1 / Latin
sesqui / 1 1/2 / Latin
duo / 2 / Latin
tri / 3 / Greek
quadri / 4 / Latin
quinquie / 5 / Latin
penta / 5 / Greek
sex / 6 / Latin
hex / 6 / Greek
hepta / 7 / Greek
septem / 7 / Latin
octo / 8 / Latin/Greek
novem / 9 / Latin
deca / 10 / Greek
duodecium / 12 / Latin