= / Paraguay Missions
The Miller Family
Mission Team from Virginia
/APRIL 2016
We were very blessed to have had Charlie Scruggs from Virginia come visit for 2 weeks. Charlie lived with us for 7 months in 2014 so it was good to have him home again. Charlie brought his fiancé Amaris with him. We instantly loved her and we think they make a great couple. After watching them, we know that they make a great ministry team also. They jumped right in to help us get ready for a camp that came in. They helped us clean, cut grass, rake and cook for the camp.
For the 2nd week Charlie’s Pastor and family joined us. The Lester family was a blessing in more ways than I can name but let me try and make a bit of a list of what was accomplished. Thankfully Pastor Ken is very handy so with him and the others we were able to knock a lot of stuff off the list. Three couches, an end table and coffee table were built and stained for the Children’s Home. Cupboard doors were cut and stained for the camp. Shelves were cut and stained for our office. The outside of the Children’s Home, the back wall of Dani and Kyle’s house and the back wall of the storage shed were painted. The boy’s bedroom and bathroom were painted and their floor was painted with an acrylic. Ken fixed 3 of my kitchen drawers plus the boy’s closet drawers. They cut more grass and raked it up. Megan painted pictures for the girl’s rooms. They spent a lot of time loving on and playing with the kids. If all that is not enough they also were busy in ministry. Pastor Ken preached at the Carapegua church and Charlie preached various times in Carapegua and the camp church. Amaris translated and then taught at the Quyquyho service. Ryan played guitar at the Carapegua church and quickly befriended Miguel from our Home. Last night during our family devotion Miguel thanked the Lord for Ryan again. Sister Sandi was instantly loved by everyone with her sweet spirit and we appreciate all her hard work too. We loved having them and hope and pray that they can come back.
Last weekend our Pastor; Gabriel had 3 evangelistic events here at the camp. The kids went out with him a few days before to invite neighbors and we were impressed with the turn out. The Saturday morning event was for children. We had 46 children plus quite a few moms come. Kyle was in charge with face painting, games and a bible lesson. It worked out perfect the number of children that attended! We had just enough snacks, plus each girl received a pillowcase dress and each boy received a bouncy ball kit that the Collingwood team left me. Saturday night there were 49 people for the youth campaign. They played human foosball, soccer and then we had a bonfire with worship and Charlie spoke with Amaris translating. There were neighbor youth that have never come to anything before. We normally have Sunday morning church outside the Children’s Home under the trees but it was a special service we used the camp dining hall. We had 51 in attendance with several of the neighbor girls wearing their new dresses. Again Charlie spoke with Amaris translating. Pastor Ken spoke at the Carapegua service with Dan translating Sunday morning also.
Last month I mentioned that we had hoped to find a place for Carolina to rent within walking distance of her University but that was not possible, so we rented a room in a private home in downtown Asuncion. We had told Carolina that this was not where she needed to stay for her 6 years but to get her in to start the year. Downtown Asuncion is not a safe place and she just missed two assaults. After the second one Carolina called me crying and scared to go to her early morning class the following day. We prayed for her safety as a family and for a new place for her to live. The Lord heard her cries and our prayers. This week Dan moved her into an apartment with one of her classmates. Not only does she now have an apartment in a very secure building but she is 2 blocks from the University. God showed his love and favor to her.
We have had some changes in the Children’s Home. I did not mention last month about the 2 sisters that we received because it was only supposed to be for a maximum of 15 days. Estela age 16 and Nicol age 11 are still with us. We don’t know for how long but if it were up to us they would stay forever. They are great and make a great addition to the Home. Three weeks ago we received Camila age 13. She is in grade 9 and since we have 3 other kids in the Home in that grade it was easy for her to get caught up on her school work. She too is great and quickly adjusted to life here. Abigail is not with us anymore. She was the only little one in our Home and had no playmates. We always asked for little ones but the Lord keeps sending us the older kids that are harder to place. Ironically Abigail has gone to the Children’s Home where Camila used to live. They have several little ones there.
We had several birthdays this month. Before she left Abigail turned 8, Zulma turned 17 and Marcos 14. It was also our daughter-in-law Dani’s birthday but I won’t post her age here.
During our last camp, I mentioned to the twocooks (neighbor ladies) about a teenager by the name of Carlito. They instantly told me that he is a very different guy now that he comes to our house. Carlito is 17 and a great kid who is at our house every day of the week. They told me that he used to drink a lot, party and had dropped out of school. They told me how happy the family is that he hangs out here because he has changed so much and has gone back to school with our high school kids. Carlito never misses youth service or Sunday morning service. He is here so much that he calls us Aunt and Uncle too and I put him on the household chore list to cook every Thursday night with Eli. I am thankful for this testimony in the community of how God can make difference in a life.
The church in Carapegua church also continues to grow. Along with the two house groups we told you about last month, we have added another one in a government housing project at the opposite end of Carapegua from the church. Just out of curiosity Dan added up the total attendance of each group and the local church is now ministering to about 80 different people in total. We thank the Lord for his faithfulness.
Please pray for the community of “La Colmena”. It is the next area about 60-90 minutes from the camp that we hope to start a new house church in.