PRESENT:Mayor Jim Hanson

Councilors Ruth Hash, Mike Macho, Bill Otis, Bill Walker and Stan Washington

City Manager Rick Hohnbaum

City Attorney, Steve Miller

OTHERS PRESENT:Floyd Dollar, Diane Essig, Ed Allumbaugh, DeeDee and Charlie Murphy, David Anderson, Melvin Gray, Sid Boddy, Larry Meyer, G Harores, Ginger Anderson, Jackie Degman, Tom Anderson, Debbie McKinney, Ike Launstein, Shawn Essex, Terry Green, Carey Jones, Tom Beck, John Funk, Dustin Anderson, Jeremy LeDoux, Matt Smart, Vera Koch, Janelle Evans.

7:30 p.m. Regular Session:




PROCLAMATIONS:National Law Enforcement Memorial Week

National Day of Prayer


Dave Taylor of Oregon Department of Forestry presented this award to the City of Reedsport on behalf of the National Arbor Day Foundation. Only 40 Communities in Oregon hold the distinction.


This time is reserved for citizens to comment on items that are not on the Agenda. Maximum of five minutes per item, please.

There were no citizen comments.


Routine items of business that require a vote but are not expected to require discussion by the Council are placed on the Consent Calendar and voted upon as one item. In the event that a Councilor or citizen requests that an item be discussed, it will be removed from the Consent Calendar and placed on the Business Agenda.

1.Approve minutes of Work Session of April 3, 2006.

2.Approve minutes of the Regular Council meeting of April 3, 2006.

3. Shall the City Council accept DouglasCountyBridge and Street allotment? (Council Letter 006-120)

For a number of years, the Douglas County Commissioners have granted funds to cities in the County, on a per capita basis, for road and bridge improvements within respective city limits. Historically, the per capita amount was $10, sometimes dropping to $8 per capita, however for the last three years that amount was increased to $20.

This year, the CountyCommissioners have, again, continued the City Street and Bridge Improvement grant program. This year the program has been funded at $20 per capita, which in our case equates to approximately $84,600 (4230 x $20). Each year the CountyCommission requests that the cities execute an agreement accepting these funds. The Douglas County Commission does not require any monetary match to be made by the City to receive the grant.

Due to significant funding shortfalls in recent years, funds are not usually budgeted for street overlay projects in Reedsport. The grant assistance has been a major portion of street paving in the City. Without this grant funding no general street overlay is done.

It is recommended that, again this year, the Council accept a DouglasCounty “City Street and Bridge Improvements” grant; and that the Mayor, be authorized to sign on behalf of the City.

It is also recommended that the Council direct the City Manager to correspond with the Douglas County Commission expressing appreciation for the City Street and Bridge Improvement grant program.

*1.Accept a DouglasCounty “City Street and Bridge Improvements” grant; and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City.

4.Shall the City Council adopt a Resolution certifying provision of municipal services in order to establish eligibility to receive state revenue sharing finds? (Council Letter 006-121)

ORS 221.760 provides that cities located within a county having more than 100,000 inhabitants, according to the most recent decennial census (2000), must provide four ormore of the following municipal services in order to be eligible to receive state revenue sharing funds:

1. Police protection,

2. Fire protection,

3. Street construction, maintenance, and lighting,

4. Sanitary sewers,

5. Storm sewers,

6. Planning, zoning, and subdivision control,

7. One or more utility services.

The Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Office of Business Administration (OBA) has advised that DouglasCounty has more than 100,000 residents and that municipalities desiring to receive state revenue sharing funds must certify that at least four municipal services are provided.

It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution certifying provision of municipal services, in order to establish eligibility to receive state revenue funds for the fiscal year 2006 / 007; and assign Resolution 2006-007 as the title.

*1.Adopt a Resolution certifying provision of municipal services, in order to establish eligibility to receive state revenue funds for the fiscal year 2006 / 007; and assign Resolution 2006-007 as the title.

5.Shall the City of Reedsport award a contract to Pacific Air Comfort Inc. for repair of the heating ducts in City Hall? (Council Letter 006-122)

When staff went under the City Hall building to assess the structural integrity of the building it was noted that the heating vents under the offices on the east side of the building needed repair. The existing heating ducts have fallen down and come apart causing the heat to be lost under the building.

Staff contacted three companies for bids to remove the existing duct work and replace. Of the three companies that viewed the project only the following two responded with a bid:

Pacific Air Comfort$8,251.00

Chambers Plumbing and Heating $12,457.00

There are not a lot of heating and air conditioning companies in the area and it is difficult to get them to respond. In the past we have used the low bidder Pacific Air Comfort and received good service at a reasonable price. It is staff’s recommendation to award the contract to Pacific Air Comfort.

*1.Award the contract for the duct work repair to the lowest bidder, Pacific Air Comfort for the amount of $8,251.00.

6.Shall the City of Reedsport enter into a contract with Oregon Emergency Management for a grant to flood proof the Ivy Street Wastewater pump station? (Council Letter 006-123)

Since the President declared Oregon a major disaster area for the winter storms, we have the unique opportunity to flood proof our Ivy Street pump station with a partial grant. The pump station was flooded during the winter storms which caused substantial damage to the pumps and control panels. This is not the first time the station has been flooded and staff recommended that submersible pumps be installed and the control panel raised above the flood level.

Under the disaster declaration there are grants available for mitigating future claims. The installation of the submersible pumps and control panel would qualify for grant funding. The terms of the grant are they will fund 75% of the project cost and the City will fund the remaining 25%. The estimated cost to upgrade the station is approximately $45,000.

  1. *Authorized the Mayor to sign a contract with Oregon Emergency Management for a grant to flood proof the Ivy Street Wastewater pump station?

7.Shall the City Council adopt the Resolution for the “National Incident Management System” (NIMS) agreement for certification? (Council Letter 006-124)

The office of Oregon Emergency Management requires the City of Reedsport adopt the attached agreement and in doing so allow federal funding grants to be dispersed in the form of Homeland Security grant funding. The agreement states the city will adopt the “National Incident Management System” as the system or process used to mitigate emergencies.

In the past year the Reedsport Police Department has received several police radios, computers, and other communication equipment with the above mentioned DHS grant funding. These grants are a great benefit to the City of Reedsport.

The advantage of using NIMS system is that is it is being used nationally, and it has been developed for the use of any size agency. Most emergency response agencies now expect the NIMS system of organizational command and control to be used.

All the local police agencies including the Douglas County Sheriff’s and the Oregon State Police use the same system of emergency management. If in the event we were to need assistance with the Oregon State Emergency Management Agency, or perhaps the Federal Emergency Management Agency, we would be expected to know and use the same system of emergency management known as NIMS. We here at the Reedsport police and fire departments currently use and are regularly trained on the above “NIMS” system for emergencies and will continue to use the proven system.

*1.Authorize the adoption of the agreement known as the National Incident Management System or “NIMS” and sign Council Resolution 2006-008.

8.Motion to approve the Consent Calendar.

Councilor Ruth Hash moved that the City Council approve the Consent Agenda.

Councilor Bill Otis seconded the motion.


that the City Council approve the Consent Calendar.


A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:


(Mayor Hanson, Councilors Hash, Macho, Otis, Washington and Walker voted in favor of the motion.)

Mayor Hanson declared the motion passed unanimously.


Rules for receiving public input on Business Agenda items are available at the meeting.

  1. Motion to approve the Business Agenda.

Councilor Bill Walker moved that the City Council approve the business agenda.

Councilor Mike Macho seconded the motion.


that the City Council approve the business agenda.


A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:


(Mayor Hanson, Councilors Hash, Macho, Otis, Washington and Walker voted in favor of the motion.)

Mayor Hanson declared the motion passed unanimously.

Regular Business:

1.Conduct Public Hearing on (mid-term) Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 / 006.

Shall the City Council adopt a Resolution adopting a Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 / 006? (Council Letter 006-125)

Mayor Jim Hanson read “Procedures for receiving public input on issues before the City Council”.

Finance Officer Vera Koch presented the following:

Budget changes are required at this point in the fiscal year to make adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2005 / 006 Budget. A Resolution has been drafted which provides for such year-end changes in the form of a Supplemental Budget.

The following information is provided regarding the recommended adjustments. These adjustments were not anticipated at the time of adopting the FY 2005 / 006 budget. None of the recommended adjustments increase the property tax levy.

This budget adjustment affects pages 51, 52, 63, 71, 79, 94, 145, 191, 233, 241 of the current Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 / 006.

General Fund (001) change explanations:

The City Manager Department incurred additional expenditures in line item Travel, Training, Conference due to Council authorization of moving expenses for the newly hired city manager. Reducing the budgeted City Manager salary line item offsets this expenditure.

Legal Services Departmental Unit will incur over-expenditures in Materials & Services by year-end due to 1) over expenditure of Conference and Travel, and 2) Outside Counsel over expenditure due to an unforeseen land use appeal.

Community Development Departmental Unit line item Contract Engineering expenditure needs to be increased due to additional citywide building projects needing engineer review.

Non-Departmental category Debt Service line items, Principal Spec. PW Loan #2 and Interest Special Public Works Loan #2 incurred additional expenditure due to early payoff of Port of Umpqua Special Public Works loan.

Street Fund (002) budget change explanation:

Street overlays for the current year exceed expenditure projections by $11,100. To offset the additional costs for overlays, the amount of funds to be transferred to the Street Capital Improvements Fund will be reduced by $11,100.

Water Filtration Debt/Reserve Fund (011) budget change explanation:

Debt Service line item Bond Interest will exceed expenditure projections by approximately $8,000. The refinancing of the 1994 Water Filtration Revenue bonds was in progress during budget preparation in the last fiscal year and it was unforeseen the outstanding interest of the refinancing period would not be satisfied until the new fiscal year. Reducing the Materials and Services line item Financial Service Fees by $1,000 and reducing the Interfund Transfer to Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Fund by $7,000 will offset the additional expenditure.

Capital Improvement Fund Streets (027) budget change explanation:

This change is directly related to reducing the inter-fund transfer from the Street Fund (002). The available funds held for future street overlays is reduced by $11,100.

Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Fund (029 budget change explanation:

This change is directly related to a reduction of inter-fund transfer from the Water Filtration Debt/Reserve Fund (011). The available funds for Capital Improvement is reduced by $7,000.



The Misc. Planning Fees revenue line item (415440); page 51) is increased by $1,000.

The DLCD Coastal Maint. Grant revenue line item (423000); page 52) is increased by $2,500.

The Port of Umpqua Debt Service revenue line item (423630); page 52) is increased by $5,955.

The net Revenue change for this fund is an increase of $9,455.


City Manager departmental unit (101)

Under Personal Services;

The City Manager Salary line item (511000, page 63) is decreased by $3,000.00

Under Materials and Services;

The Travel/Training/Conference line item (614570, page 63) is increased by $3,000.00.

Legal Services departmental unit (104)

Under Materials and Services;

The Conference and Travel line item (614500, page 71) is increased by $525.00.

The Outside Counsel line item (623400, page 71) is increased by $475.00

Community Development departmental unit (106)

Under Materials and Services;

The Contract Engineering Services line item (623580, page 79) is increased by $2,500.00

Non-Departmental unit (110)

Under Debt Services;

The Principal Spec. P.W. Loan #2 line item (911501; page 94) expense is increased by $5,935.

The Interest Spec. P.W. Loan #2 line item (911510; page 94) expense is increased by $20.

The net Expenditure change for this fund is an increase of $9,455

The net change in the General Fund is an increase of $9,455.



Under Capital Outlay;

The Building Improvements line item (744370, page 145) expense is increased by $11,100.

Under Interfund Transfer;

The Capital Improvement/Streets line item (924230, page 145) transfer is decreased by $11,100.

The net Expenditure change for this fund will be zero.

The net change in the Street Fund is zero.



The Street Fund Transfer line item (451210, page 233) is decreased by $11,100.

The net Revenue change for this fund is a decrease of $11,100.


Under Capital Outlay;

The Street Improvements line item (744370, page 233) expense is decreased by $11,100.

The net Expenditure change for this fund is a decrease of 11,100.

The net change in the Street Capital Improvement Fund is a decrease of $11,100.



Under Materials & Services;

The Financial Service Fees line item (621450, page 191) expense is decreased by $1,000.

Under Debt Service;

The Bond Interest line item (911250, page 191) expense is increased by $8,000

Under Inter-fund Transfers;

The Capital Improvement line item (923000, page 191) transfer is decreased by 7,000.

The net Expenditure change for this fund is zero.

The net change in the Street Capital Improvement Fund is a decrease of $11,100.



The Fund 011 Reserve Transfer line item (451350, page 241) is decreased by $7,000.

The net Revenue change for this fund is a decrease of $7,000.


Under Capital Outlay;

The Water System Improvements line item (746450, page 241) expense is decreased by $7,000

The net Expenditure change for this fund is a decrease of $7,000.

The net change in the Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Fund is a decrease of $7,000.

It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution adopting a Supplemental Budget and Budget Revisions for Fiscal Year 2005 / 006; and that Resolution 2006 – 009 be assigned as the title.

Councilor Mike Macho moved that the City Council adopt a Resolution adopting a Supplemental Budget and Budget Revisions for Fiscal Year 2005 / 006; and that Resolution 2006 – 009 be assigned as the title.

Councilor Bill Otis seconded the motion.


that the City Counciladopt a Resolution adopting a Supplemental Budget and Budget Revisions for Fiscal Year 2005 / 006; and that Resolution 2006 – 009 be assigned as the title.


A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:


(Mayor Hanson, Councilors Hash, Macho, Otis, Washington and Walker voted in favor of the motion.)

The motion passed unanimously.

2.Public Hearing to accept State Revenue Sharing funds.

Shall the City Council adopt a Resolution electing to receive State Revenue Sharing funds in Fiscal Year 2006 / 007? (Council Letter 006-126)

In order to receive state revenues apportioned among cities within the state, the City Council is required by Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) to establish a process for annually electing to receive the distributions. At the regular City Council meeting of May 21, 2001, the Council adopted Ordinance 2001-1022 establishing a process for electing to receive annual state revenue distributions. The Ordinance provides for hearings before the Budget Committee and the City Council to consider possible uses of state revenue sharing distributions, including offset against property tax levies by the City. The Ordinance also provides for adoption of a Resolution certifying the process and that the City has levied a property tax for the year preceding the year in which revenue sharing is due to occur.

The Budget Committee conducted a hearing to accept state revenue distributions at the regular meeting of April 17th. With completion of the hearing by the City Council to accept state revenue distributions, the Council could adopt a Resolution electing to receive the revenue distributions.

A proposed Resolution has been drafted providing the required certification and election to receive state revenue distributions.