Mission, Objectives, and Outcomes of the Department of Composite Materials Engineering

The mission of the CME program is “To develop creative minds and innovation in the field of composite materials through education, applied research, and scholarly pursuits in collaboration with the composites industry and community”

The Educational Objectives of the CME Program are to prepare graduates to become engineers who:

1. Apply their knowledge and expertise to develop innovative and effective solutions for the composites industry.
2. Communicate and work effectively in diverse environments.
3. Grow and develop professionally.

The student outcomes of the CME program are demonstrated by students who have attained:

  1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  2. An ability to identify, formulate, model and solve engineering problems
  3. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary to practice composite materials engineering*
  4. An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data related to structure, properties, processing, and performance of materials*
  5. An ability to confidently design components, systems, and processes to meet the needs of the composites industry within a set of realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  6. An ability to communicate effectively in oral, written and visual forms*
  7. An ability to work effectively in a team environment*
  8. An understanding of the proper response to ethical issues and their responsibility to the engineering profession
  9. An understanding of the impact of their engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  10. A knowledge of contemporary issues
  11. A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning

* Course will address this outcome.

Course Outcomes

CME 451: Transport Phenomena Laboratory

You must demonstrate your ability to:


  1. Explain the theoretical concepts of the experiments
  2. Conduct the assigned laboratory
  3. Collect and analyze the data
  4. Write technical reports following the provided format.
  5. Work as an effective member of a team

Specific Experiments:


  1. Define viscosity. Describe its importance.
  2. Identify the parameters affecting viscosity
  3. Define Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
  4. Explain the principle of operation of rotational and capillary viscometers.
  5. List the advantages and disadvantages of a Brookfield type viscometer.
  6. Name the applications of Brookfield viscometers in composites industry.
  7. Measure the viscosity of a number of various mixtures of two oils at different temperatures and develop a mathematical model to describe the data.
  8. Use multi variable regression to develop a model for the viscosity of the mixtures at various temperatures.


  1. Define the science of rheology.
  2. Explain the concept of viscoelasticity. Give examples.
  3. Explain the theory of dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
  4. List the different types of DMA utilized in material characterization.
  5. List the various properties that can be measured by a DMA test.
  6. List all the variables of a DMA test.
  7. Measure the elastic modulus, viscous modulus, and loss tangent properties of a resin undergoing cure.


  1. Describe drag force and explain its importance.
  2. Define the various types of drags and their origin.
  3. Derive the equation for drag coefficient of a falling object in a fluid.
  4. List all the parameters that can affect the drag force.
  5. Measure the drag coefficient of a sphere falling in a liquid as a function of Reynolds number.

Heat Conduction

  1. Define heat conduction and its importance.
  2. Define thermal conductivity and diffusivity.
  3. Give four examples that show the importance of thermal conductivity. Your examples must be related to manufacturing and performance of composite materials.
  4. Describe the steady state method for measuring conductive properties
  5. Explain the transient method for measuring thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity.
  6. Measure the thermal diffusivity, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity of a polymer sample and the same polymer containing thermally conductive additives.

Heat Convection

  1. Define heat convection and its importance.
  2. Define heat convection coefficient.
  3. Explain how heat convection coefficient can be calculated and/or measured.
  4. List all the parameters that can affect the heat convection coefficient.
  5. Name the dimensionless numbers that affect the heat convection coefficient.
  6. Measure the convection heat transfer coefficient of air flowing over a warm geometry.

Mass Diffusion

  1. Explain the concept of diffusion mass transfer coefficient.
  2. Define diffusion mass transfer coefficient.
  3. Give three examples that highlight the importance of mass diffusion. Your examples must be related to the field of polymers and composites.
  4. List all the variables that can affect diffusion of mass.
  5. Measure the water absorption and mass diffusion coefficient of water into a polymer sample and the same polymer containing clay nano-particles.