Kinesiology 10B: Athletic Training: Treatment & Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries
Spring 2016-Section #91830
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30am-10:50am
Instructor:Mark RamseyOffice Hours:T & TH 8:30-9:30am Room 1110
Required Text:
- “Foundations of Athletic Training, Prevention, Assessment and Management” Anderson, Marcia, Parr, Gail. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 978-1-4511-1652-6
Course Description: This course is a continuation of KIN 10A which introduces the profession of athletic training; including recognition, evaluation, immediate care and emergency care of athletic injuries. The focus of this class will be on the follow up treatment of athletic injuries, including the phases of tissue healing and basic components and goals of a rehabilitation program. Topics will include therapeutic exercise, therapeutic modalities and other forms of rehabilitation, such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Ability to design and implement a comprehensive rehabilitation program for various athletic injuries
- Understanding of different therapeutic modalities, manual therapy techniques and therapeutic exercise
- Establish return to play guidelines for various athletic injuries
Satisfies Certain Requirements: This course is intended for the general student, and is transferrable to CSU’s and UC’s. This class may also fulfill under graduate requirements to an accredited athletic training education program at certain institutions.
Course Goals:
- Give students an understanding of the athletic training profession
- Teach students how to develop a plan of initial care, rehabilitation and preventative care for an injured person
- Teach students how to properly apply preventative tape and bandages
- Ability to identify major musculoskeletal components of human body
- Understand the inflammatory process and application of therapeutic modalities and exercises to assist the healing process
- Introduction to different professions that may be used during the rehabilitation process
- Observe postural deficiencies and body mechanics that may predispose a person to injury
Course Structure:
- This course will consist of lecture, group discussions, and in-class projects. Your grade will be based on quizzes, a midterm, a lecture final, rehabilitation assignment, and class participation. The dates for the exams are listed on the class schedule. All of the information will come directly out of your textbook “Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Injuries, 5th ed.”William E. Prentice, McGraw Hill.
- The final will be the only test that is cumulative
Classroom Expectations:
- Attendance/Participation: This course requires active participation each day of class so it is important you attend every class session, arrive on time, and come prepared. Your participation not only enhances your own learning, it benefits other students in the class, especially when class is doing group work. Your level of participation is reflected in your grade and since you cannot participate if you are not in class, absences will also be reflected in your grade
- Class participation: Be involved in classroom activities and complete class assignments
- Classroom cheating or plagiarism is prohibited: It is the student’s responsibility to know the direct and indirect effects of breaking this rule.
- NO ELECTRONICS: i.e. cell phones, I-pods
- If you decide to drop the class it is your responsibility, not the instructors, to go on to Web Advisor on drop the class
- Group project
- Homework Assignments
- Lab performance
- Attendance
Quiz 1: 10% Quiz 2: 10% Rehab Assignment/Presentation 20%
Midterm 20% Final Exam: 25% Class Participation: 15%
Grading Scale:A=93-100%, A-=90-92%, B+=87-89, B=83-86, B-=80-82, C+=77-79, C=73-76, C-70-72, D+=67-69, D=63-66, D-=60-62, F=<60
Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in course; and or expulsion from the college. For more information refer to the Cabrillo College Student Handbook. In this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques. General advice and interaction are encouraged. (Summary: Don’t cheat—do your own work.)
All students needing accommodations should inform the instructor ASAP. Veterans may qualify for accommodations. Wounded Warriors may have acquired injuries which through the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) entitles the use of accommodations to ensure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations are provided to insure equal access for students with verified disabilities. To determine if you qualify or need assistance with an accommodation, please contact ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORT CENTER (Formerly DSPS), Room 1073, (831)479-6379.
Electronics Use:
Silence all electronic devices during the entire class time, as the distraction adversely affects the learning environment. The only exceptions are assistive devices. No portable electronic devices may be used during class, with the exception of digital audio recorders (with permission). No video or photography is permitted; neither are cell phone use (voice or text) or portable computer devices (iPod, IPhone, Blackberry, etc.). First violation will incur a 4 point deduction in your participation points for that class; a second violation will be reported to the Dean of Student Services for disruptive student behavior. You are welcome to use your personal devices during breaks.
Course Repeatability:
A state mandated change has made it impossible for a student to enroll in courses more than 3 times if the students has withdrawn or received a substandard grade (D, F, NP or NC.) This change is retroactive. Cabrillo College must implement this change in SUMMER 2012 .
Class Schedule:
Dates:Topic Chapter
01/26Class Introduction-Athletic Training Profession1
01/28Evaluation Process in Rehabilitation5/PP
02/02Essential Considerations in Designing a RehabilitationPP
Program for the Injured Patient
02/04Understanding and Managing the Healing Process
Through Rehabilitation6/PP
02/09Psychological Considerations for Rehabilitation
Of the Injured Patient7
02/11Establishing Core Stability in Rehabilitation5
Homework Assignment #1 Due
02/16Quiz #1
Therapeutic Modalities: Cryotherapy/Thermotherapy8
02/18Therapeutic Modalities: Ultrasound/ Electrotherapy8
02/23Introduction to Therapeutic Modalities: Gil Courtney
Rehab assignment #1 Due
02/25Therapeutic Exercise: Restoring Range of Motion and Improving Flexibility 9
03/01Therapeutic Massage-Guest LecturerRachel Cherry C.M.T., Acupuncturist
03/03Joint Mobilization and Traction Techniques in RehabilitationPP
03/08Regaining Muscular Strength and Endurance
03/10Regaining postural control and balancePP
Rehab assignment #2 Due
03/17Plyometrics in Rehabilitation11
03/22Physical Therapy Guest Lecture: Chris Christensen DPT Precision Wellness Center
03/24Chiropractor-Guest Lecture: Doctor Sawyer
Rehab assignment # 3 due
03/28-04/01Spring Break
04/05Functional Progressions and Functional Testing in Rehab.PP
04/07Functional progression /testing Lab
04/12Rehabilitation of Shoulder Injuries
Take home Quiz #2Due 04/22
04/14Shoulder Lab
04/19Rehabilitation of Knee Injuries
04/21Knee Rehabilitation Lab
04/26Rehabilitation of Ankle & Lower Leg Injuries
04/28Ankle & Lower Leg Lab
05/03Rehabilitation of Elbow/Wrist/Hand Injuries
05/05Concussions and return to play
05/10Rehabilitation Presentations
05/12Rehabilitation Presentations
05/17Final- 8:00am -9:50am