Welcome Pack 2012
- SCC Introduction
- SCC Paddling Progression
- SCC Membership Application Form
- SCC Fees
- SCC Forum Registration Form
- SCC Operating Guidelines
- SCC Codes of Conduct
- Logbook
Welcome to Salisbury Canoe Club from the Committee and the Coaches
Salisbury Canoe Club
If you are new to Salisbury Canoe Club: we are a small club, situated on the banks of the River Nadder in Salisbury. We have our own club house that can be found at the end of Newton road, SP2 7QA. This has male and female changing rooms with showers, a comfy club room along with boat storage.
The club caters for all ages and abilities and has a great family environment.
The club meets every Tuesday and Wednesday evening throughout the year.
On Tuesdays during the summer the club meets at the club house between 18:30-20:00 hours for either.
• BCU Star courses (6-8 week course)
• Paddle power awards
• Leisure paddling
• Paddle improvement
• Play boat skills
• Moving water skills
• Try a boat sessions
In the winter months this session moves to the river Avon next to Waitrose for fitness training.
On Wednesday evenings throughout the year there is Slalom training on the River Avon next to Waitrose, between 1830-2000 hours. Paddlers are coached to improve their technique in this area of paddle sport.
We also run river trips throughout the year catering for a variety of abilities.
If you have just completed a course with Salisbury Canoe Club: you may want to become a member and may want to know what else you can do at the club – read on!
What next after my 1* or paddlepower award?
There is information included in this pack to help you choose how to develop your paddling with the options available at Salisbury Canoe Club. Have a look at the website gallery and forum to see what we get up to and please feel free to discuss your paddling aspirations with the coaches.
Keeping informed
To keep up to date with events, competitions and river trips, check the calendar and forum on the club website or the information board in the club house. Please feel free to come and use the club room on club nights (there’s a tuck shop and tea and coffee available), chat to other members and coaches and find out what is going on.
SCC Welcome Pack 2012
SCC Welcome Pack 2012
TELEPHONE….……….E-mail ………………………………………
Please tick if you do NOT want your contact details circulated to all club members
DATE OF BIRTH IF UNDER 18 ………………… (use form overleaf for family membership)
Safety: Canoeing and Kayaking are “Assumed risk” – “Water contact sports” that may carry attendant risks. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks, and be responsible for their own action and involvement.
Medical: Please use the form overleaf to provide details of any medical conditions and/or medications taken that may impact on your ability to take part in paddlesports (e.g. asthma, epilepsy, heart conditions, diabetes, allergies etc). Relevant information may be handed to the coach who is taking your session.
It is also the responsibility of the individual paddler / parent to advise the coach of any relevant medical conditions before the coaching session commences.
SIGNATURE (paddler or parent/ guardian if under 18) …………………………………
/ £ / JUNIOR (Under 18) / £FAMILY / £ / ASSOCIATE / STUDENT / £
I/we have completed a SCC-coached course this membership year
Please tick the relevant box/s and indicate the fee paid (pro-rata fee details can be found on the Fees sheet of the welcome pack)
Newsletters and other information will be sent to your email address if given.
Please email me on if you have any problems with emailed matter you are sent from this address or telephone 07944717744
Membership fees are due on 1st April.
Please return this form together with your membership fee to:-
Kevin Coombes
Red Roof
Shaftesbury Road
Barford St. Martin
------Page 1 of 2
Members’ Details: Medical
Continue on a separate sheet if necessary
Members’ Details: Paddling
BCU NumberDate of Birth
(if under 18)
Star Course
State level and discipline
Main Interest (Recreational, white water, freestyle, slalom, polo, ww racing, social etc)
Other Interests (Recreational, slalom, polo, ww racing, social etc)
K1 div & bib number
C1 div & bib number
C2 div & bib number
First Aid
Gate Judge (gate, section, senior, international)
Coaching qualifications
BCU Coach (state level)
UKCC Coach (state level)
Salisbury Canoe Club Fees 2012-13
Membership Fees
- SCC membership year runs 1st April to 31st March each year.
- Those wishing to join during the membership year will pay a pro-rata fee as detailed below.
- Additional discount is given for those completing a SCC- coached course during the membership year.
- Members joining after October can choose to pay the October fee for the current membership year up to March 31st, or the full fee for membership up to March 31st the following year.
- Associate/Student membership will be charged at the Junior rate
Existing members and new members not joining from a course
Month / Junior / Adult / Family
April / £25.00 / £40.00 / £80.00
May / £22.00 / £35.00 / £70.00
June / £19.00 / £30.00 / £60.00
July / £16.00 / £25.00 / £50.00
August / £13.00 / £20.00 / £40.00
September / £10.00 / £15.00 / £30.00
October / £7.00 / £10.00 / £20.00
Members joining from a course
Month / Junior / Adult / Family
April / £12.50 / £20.00 / £40.00
May / £11.00 / £17.50 / £35.00
June / £9.50 / £15.00 / £30.00
July / £8.00 / £12.50 / £25.00
August / £6.50 / £10.00 / £20.00
September / £5.00 / £7.50 / £15.00
October / £5.00 / £5.00 / £10.00
Equipment Fees
- Equipment fees are included in course costs.
- For other sessions there is a charge of £1 for buoyancy aid, spraydeck and paddles and £1 for boat.
Pool Session Fees
- Durrington Pool sessions: Members £6 for 1h or £10 for 2h. Non-Members £7 for 1h or £12 for 2h.
- Sessions organised in other pools may attract different fees depending on the pool hire charges.
- Salisbury Canoe Club Forum
All our news and information about current events can be found on the forum . To post on the forum and sign up for trips, or to make enquiries about activities or even to add your name to the Salisbury Canoe Club swim log, you will need to register. If you would like to do this, please complete the slip at the bottom of this page and return it to a Committee member.
Please register me for the Salisbury Canoe Club Forum
Name: ……………………………………………………………..
Email Address[3]: ……………………………………………………
I confirm that I am a member of Salisbury Canoe Club
Signed ………………………..
Operating Guidelines
In addition to the clubs Codes of Practice, Safety Policyand Risk Assessments, Child Protection Policy and Equity Policy[4], the following procedures apply to ensure the smooth and safe running of the club.
- Helmets to be worn when involved in all moving water activity.
- Buoyancy Aids must be worn whenever on the water or assisting from the bank.
- Shoes must be worn at all times when paddling.
- Look after SCC kit and put it away appropriately at the end of a session.
- The club First Aid kit should be kept in he club room and checked to ensure it is complete and in good order every 6 months. If something is used from the kit it should be replaced immediately and an invoice for reimbursement presented to the Treasurer. This will also have a seal on it. So it is easily identified when it has been used.
- On club trips a First Aid kit should be carried by one of the coaches. Individual members are encouraged to carry their own personal First Aid kit.
- A phone or other method of communication should be available to a coach or leader of all club trips and sessions. There is a mobile phone in the club room for use in an emergency.
- At club coaching sessions the club will operate at a ration of 8 to 1, this ratio may be varied with the support of experienced paddlers and the conditions applying.
- Before going on the water for a club activity members should complete the register in the club room as appropriate. On returning they should mark themselves off the water.
- Individual members are responsible for checking their own personal equipment and equipment borrowed from the club before use, problems are to be reported to the coach in charge of the activity. In any event the club will check it's equipment at least once a year and replace or repair equipment found to be faulty.
- When involved in a club activity no paddler should get on the water without permission of the coach responsible for that activity.
Guidelines may be varied by the coach responsible for a certain activity taking into account the circumstances and capability of paddlers involved at he time.
SCC Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
It is the policy of Salisbury Canoe Club that all paddlers, volunteers, coaches and parents show respect and understanding for each other and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the club. The aim is for all paddlers to improve performance and have fun. Everyone involved in the Club should abide by the Club Rules and Policies.
- Take care of all property belonging to the club or club members
- Treat other Club members with respect at all times, on and off the water
- Treat other paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself
- Control tempers and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience or upset others
- Co-operate and listen to your coach or Club officials
Club Officials, Coaches and Volunteers
- Consider the wellbeing and safety of paddlers before performance
- Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers, based on mutual trust and respect
- Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part
- Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance
- Follow BCU and Club guidelines and Policies
- Hold the appropriate, up dated qualifications and insurance
- Encourage paddlers to value their performance and not just results
- Never condone the use of prohibited substances
- Help your child recognise good performance, not just results
- Never force your child to take part in sport
- Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes
- Publicly accept official’s judgment
- Support your child's involvement and help them to enjoy the sport
- Use correct and proper language at all times
- Set a good example by applauding good performances of all paddlers
Junior Code of Conduct
All junior members are asked to abide by the following rules at all times:
- Co-operate fully and respect all requests and decisions made by coaches, helpers and officials
- Paddlers must control their tempers and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience or upset others
- Be considerate and respectful to other paddlers and water users - treat others as you would want to be treated
- Paddlers must wear suitable kit for paddling as agreed with your coach
- Take care of all property belonging to the Club or any club member - and be responsible for your own equipment and clothing
- Not to leave a session without the permission of the coach or leader
- Junior members are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs of any kind whilst on club premises or representing the club at events
Canoe/Kayak Logbook
Some paddlers find it useful to keep a record of their paddling experiences to help keep track of their development and progression.
A logbook also becomes a source of essential evidence of experience for more advanced BCU Star Awards and for Coaching Qualifications.
Feel free to use the one supplied here or, if you would like, design your own.
The BCU also provide a pdf version of a Coaching and Leadership Log Book allowing you to record all aspects of your canoeing/kayaking for progression towards coaching qualifications :
Progression / Paddling Targets
Please visit: and have a look around! Click here for more information about tests and awards and talk to your coaches.
SCC Welcome Pack 2012
Canoe/Kayak Logbook
Telephone / Mobile
BCU Membership No.
Paddling Targets
# / My Paddling Target[1] / Target date / Date achieved1
Record of Experience
Record details of your paddling experiences, coached sessions attended, trips (e.g. location, distance, grade, weather conditions) competitions and feedback or tips from the coaches.
Date / DetailsSCC Welcome Pack 2012
[1] Foundation Safety and Rescue TrainingPage 2 of 2
[2] Whitewater Safety and Rescue
[3] Your email address will not appear on the forum and you can choose to allow other SCC members to contact you via the forum by email or not. You need to provide your email here so that login information can be sent to you.
[4] All these documents and others can be found in the Club folder in the club room
[1] Discuss your targets with your coach