District ____1V_____
Mission: As Minnesota Nursing Administrators in long term care, it is our mission to promote nursing leadership excellence through education, networking, mentoring and advocacy for the benefit of our members and the people in the communities we serve.
Meeting Schedule and Information: First Wednesday of the Month at 12noon at Old Chicago in St. Cloud 12noon
Last Scheduled Meeting Date: August 1st, 2012 Next Scheduled Meeting Date: September 5, 2012
Members Present: 18 members present
ACTIVITY/AGENDA ITEM / PRESENTATION/DISCUSSIONRound Robin Topics / Reviewed surveys in area----one had 7 tags with triple tag on bowel and bladder, siderail, grooming with hairs on chin/ another had 2 tags pain management and insulin not dated/ another 5 with not reporting VA immediate, grievance etc.another 8 with four on bowel and bladder assessment, VA, dishwasher not working, order for PRN Lasix but weight not taken and Lasix not given, discussed OHFC , union negotiation going on over one year –going to mediate and then arbitrate---22 active grievances---Another facility had a rough July with viral outbreak –rhino virus---120 bed facility with 59 residents and 50 staff had it---lock down---samples sent to health department---grew in less that 24 hours---tracked back to June 20th with confused resident/wanderer---they had to gown glove mask, everyone ate in there room, no admissions, 17 residents ended with pneumonia—no deathes==-took six weeks to get out of facility/// discussed case mix, decreased census and horrible admissions, discussed volunteering for OSHA/ switching rehab companies
New Policies / Mary Thesing DON sent an article med psychotropics she found while looking at the Stratis Health website. I think it would be a good reference point for medication reduction. It is what the OIG has recommended to CMS. It is current as of 7/12 and is written by Dr Levinson. Just a FYI. This was forwarded to the group.
Shelly Hanneken DON sent siderail policy, audit, etc. this was forwarded to the group
Please help pick a month to organize a speaker for our meetingsJ / September speaker will be Jane Harper from MDH on infection control and October will be Linda Pfaff from Advanced Wireless she will do education on need to make facilities as “safe” as possible with the liabilities concerns. Julie from country manor will check into education on bowel and bladder.
Kay Greenlee was our speaker for today she will come quarterly to our meetings to work together to improve discharges from SCH with the Epic system---she asked about the “safe transition tool” Send email to Kay if problem with a discharge so she can address ------discussed issue of meds diagnosis----hospital will provide diagnosis for newly prescribed meds in the hospital not on ones they came in with---SCH needs to be at or below National average on readmission rates so reimbursemtnt does not go down---this could affect SCH between 1 and 2 million dollars---the RARE campaign dollars go into effect in Oct. and is on a rolling three years---they are looking at heart failure first. Also looking at if patient would benefit from one more day of staying in the hospital to prevent readmission. Need to do more education to the public and families/society on POLST death and dying ----too much regulatory oversight and lawsuits/////Kay checking into having the “hospitalist” follow the patients discharged from the hospital for 24 to 48 hours.
Discussed silent auction for baskets to be changed to ticket drawing “donation for chance” for Fall conference for scholarships---
Reminder to check MNDONA’S website weekly for dates and education
Please encourage other NEW and Seasoned Director of Nurses and Assitant DON’s to come to our meeting for sharing and support and to join MNDONA---Thank you
Submitted by Annette Schroeder DON