Missaukee County Board of Commissioners

Lake City, Michigan

Regular Meeting

Commissioners Room

October 15th, 2014 @ 2:00 PM

Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Rogers

Roll Call of Districts – All present.

Prayer and Pledge offered by Comm. VanderWal

Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Vivian to approve the agenda. Carried.

Minutes of September 10th and September 29th read and approved.

Public Comment:

Bill Goodwin expressed his distaste for the board approving the Missaukee County Soil Conservation millage being put on the November ballot after it failed on the August ballot.

Don Sears expressed his displeasure at the conservation district using the money for recycling and for putting it on the ballot a second time.

Sheriff Bosscher gave the board his monthly report and reported that he had hired a new 911 Director in the Sheriff’s Department.

William Donnelly Jr, Prosecutor, thanked the board for turning the crime victims position to full-time, for leaving it in the prosecutors office, and updated the board on the Sobriety Court changes.

Barb Hancock, Treasurer, gave out the monthly report and is still working on Lexis Nexis for the future.

Carol Palmer, District Court Administrator, gave her monthly stats and reported that her end of the year revenues were met and her expenses were under budget.

Dale Mosher, Equalization Director, gave his Apportionment report and asked that the board approve it.

Motion by Bridson, supported by Vivian to pass the Apportionment report as presented and to authorize 50% of the Liquor Tax money to be distributed to a Substance Abuse program. Carried.

Finance Committee

BSA Software pay off will be reviewed at the November Finance Meeting

Lori Cox reviewed that the new 3 year dog license resolution will need to be made during the 2015 year.

Motion by Vivian, supported by Cairy to pass the 2014 TRF Policy. Roll Call Vote: 7 Yeas (Vivian, Rogers, Hughston, Bridson, Vanderwal, Zuiderveen, Cairy) 0 Nays Carried.

Bridson reported that the park department would like to sell a 2004 pickup to the building department for $4,000.

Motion by Bridson, supported by Hughston to approve the purchase of the 2004 pickup for the Building Inspector and will put his current vehicle up for sale. Carried.

Motion by Vivian, supported by Cairy to pass the following:

Beginning October 15, 2014 – all business enterprises will pay the following fees for copies, faxes and emails from any of the Missaukee County Departments of requested documents – unless state law prohibits the charges (such as FOIA or Veteran request) or if certified or court copies are requested.

·  Any copies of any recorded or unrecorded document will be $1.00 per page. All available tax maps can be purchased for $3.00 per page.

·  Any company who wishes to enter an agreement with the Register for all register of deeds copies will receive a CD or paper copies once a month with all documents recorded for the month (or week if requested) at a cost of $1.00 per page. (The tax roll CD will be the standard charge as set by the County Treasurer) This agreement will be in writing and will be binding on both parties – unless given a 30 day notice to quit by either party.

·  Any enterprise working in the vault on research may fax or email for $2.00 if they have an account with the Missaukee Register of Deeds.

·  Any other enterprise requesting fax or email services will pay the standard $5.00.

Roll Call Vote: 7 Yeas (Rogers, Cairy, Bridson, Vanderwal, Zuiderveen, Hughston, Vivian) 0 Nays Carried.

NMSAS Update from Vivian in regards to the ongoing request to hold off on employee bonus checks.

MERS update – Vivian relayed that he would like to have the board pay lump sum payments on both accounts by the end of the year.

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to pass the 2013-14 Budget amendments as presented. Roll Call Vote: 7 Yeas (Vanderwal, Bridson, Vivian, Rogers, Hughston, Cairy, Zuiderveen) 0 Nay Carried.

Claims and Accounts

Motion by Cairy, supported by Bridson to pay claims and accounts and own accounts as presented. Carried.

Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Cairy to pass the PA 116 of Koster Land LLC contingent on the Planning Commission's review. Carried

Motion by Vivian, supported by Bridson to approve the 911 employee contract for the 14-15 year. Carried.

Commissioner Reports: Cairy reported on the transportation problems in Missaukee and Wexford per the HSLC meeting he attended, Bridson talked about the sale of the building dept pickup and reported that the Parks did very well this year – especially Crooked Lake and a Pole Barn will be built for storage, Vanderwal reported on Northern Michigan Regional Entity – SUD board and their budget for the 21 counties involved, Vivian reported on Northern Lakes Mental Health and their financial problems and what grants they received and the possibility of a new Verizon tower in McBain, Rogers reported on the new Northwest Networks Board name change, and Northwest Community Action Agency which has 2% administration costs.

Public Comment None

Meeting adjourned until Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 or Call of the Chair.


Susan Rogers, Chairman Carolyn Flore, Clerk