IEEE Student Branch 3 University of Saskatchewan

Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4


Present: Josh Rohs (Chair), Keira Olszewski (Vice-Chair), Kevin Wan (Academic Director), Matt Eisler (Illumination Coordinator), Jacky Tam (Grad Banquet Co-Director), Ryan Fink (HVC Coordinator), Kyle Sheasby (Robotics), Naveed Mazloum (Finance Director), Louis Veitenheimer (McNaughton Director), Rob Tremblay (PR Director),

Absent: Jayden Leister (2nd year rep), Cosme Loi (Social Director), Keaton Wheeler (Grad Student Rep), Mike Konieczny (3rd year rep), Fang Fang (Grad Banquet Co-Director)

Call to Order:

Motion to Accept Last Week's Meeting Minutes: Naveed

Seconded: Kevin, passed

CHAIR – Josh:

·  To be able to book a room with the USSU (pizza sales) we needed to be ratified

o  We are ratified conditionally

o  Conditions:

§  75% undergraduates

§  No graduate students on the executive

o  We’ve never had this problem before

o  Josh going to contact USSU to discuss our options

·  There’s a student group night coming up if Robotics wants to go

·  Conditionally approved for NSS funding

·  No meeting next week

SOCIAL – Cosme:

·  When do they want another beer night?

◦  Dates are: Friday 17th or Friday 24th

◦  What do people think? 24th!

·  NSS BBQ Report

◦  Overview

▪  This event was a steak night that was held at our sponsor bar, the Hose and Hydrant. It is a welcome dinner for the new members of the IEEE. New members as well as professors and industry people. The Hose and Hydrant has 3 levels and we had the second and third level reserved for the event. The third floor was big enough to have everyone talking in it, but 2 levels were needed to seat everyone. It started at 6:00 with drinks and dinner was to be served at 7:00. Everyone was getting along and mingling really well. Most people stayed till around 8:00 with some people staying till 9:30.

◦  Attendance

▪  Attendance was great, at 63 people. Of those 63 people, 29 people paid for tickets, 17 people were new members and received free dinners and 16 steaks were provided for professors and industry representatives.

◦  Costs and Revenue

▪  As outlined in the sponsor bar contract with the Hose and Hydrant, a steak night with 30 people will have steak dinners at $12.95 per dinner and a glass of domestic beer. Since we had slightly more steaks at 63 we were given more salad, potatoes in our dishes. The cost of a ticket was $15.

·  Total cost = $847.19 (excluding tips)

·  29*15$= $435

·  -412.19$ was lost on the event. The NSS BBQ usually does lose money as so many of the tickets are provided for free, in this case more than half. In previous years tickets were priced at $10. Pricing at $15 allowed us to allocate more funding from the NSS to the Edmonton trip. We have a total of 33 people that get the ticket for free. (17 new members + 16 professors and industry people)

◦  Future Suggestions

▪  -Steak Nights at the Hose and Hydrant may be cheaper in future years if the sponsor bar contract is renewed, this may allow us to price tickets at $10 once again

▪  -Professor attendance was good this year, but as with any events with professors as much notice as possible will help more professors to get out to the events.

▪  - Make sure to have enough tables on the third floor, because this year, a lot of people stayed on second floor, which minimized the chances of “socializing”


·  Nothing to report


·  Looking for the speaker list from IEEE

·  Filled all positions

·  Still working to pick a venue, need to coordinate with Grad and Social

·  Tentatively Jan 30-31

GRAD BANQUET – Jacky and Fang:

·  Need to discuss with board of directors which is our day for pizza and booster juice sales

◦  Started pizza sales permanently this week at 11

▪  Still need cash boxes

◦  Jacky to start Booster Juice sales for Friday 8-930


·  Tried to book a room for tutorial for EE265 but the SESS emails aren’t working

◦  Talked to them in person, so we’re booked for 2C44, Oct 7 7-9pm, Josh is teaching it

·  Contacted Engenuics: need to skype the guy every week starting in January for MPG

·  Emailed second year profs about midterms

◦  EE202 midterm Nov 5

◦  EE265 midterm Oct 9, and possibly Nov 6

◦  Waiting to hear from the rest

·  Need to set up soldering tutorial, after midterms, November maybe

·  Minty boost

◦  Going to do it again this Wednesday and next

HVC – Ryan:

·  Got a letter from a charity about sponsoring them

◦  Ryan to contact for a full proposal

·  Still need to set up signing rights

·  Still looking for charities and committee members

·  Old coordinators to send report

·  Need to pick a date


·  Weekly email

◦  Textbook sale over, pick up your money by October 15, robotics (not this week) Fridays 5:30 in Tau it will help you with programming microcontrollers, hvc committee members, advertise twitter and facebook, pizza sales Tues and Booster Juice Fri

·  Alberta trip, starting to look at industries for tours

◦  Messaged mechs about potentially collaborating

FINANCE – Naveed:

·  $100 from tutorial goes to the branch

·  ordered cheques, they should be on their way

·  Need to find key to the grad banquet cash box, still no luck

◦  May need to buy a new one

·  If you need float for a cash box, talk to Naveed

·  Any interest in a jacket sale, plan for second semester

·  Give Naveed leftover cash, don’t just leave it in the cash box

·  Reimburse Jacky for pop, napkins, and supplies for $50.33

◦  Keira motions, Rob seconds, passed

·  Wants to buy a file folder thing, that’s ok


·  I set up google drive


·  Let me know what people want added to the website and calendar


·  Nothing to report

·  For future events to entice people to volunteer for exec, offer half price cost to events, something to discuss (maybe just beer nights, or one free event or something)

·  Voting system from last year seemed bizzare, potentially vote chair first, then next position, and so on, because they ran for more than one position, have multiple ballots, instead of all names on one ballot, check the wording on the constitution

·  Grad students feel there are not enough networking events

◦  Thinking of trying to do an industry booth event in a very informal setting

▪  He used to do a “beers and careers on the lawn,” would not work due to weather

▪  Getting positive feedback from industry including offers from industry for $$ support

▪  Going to plan something similar


·  Nothing to report


·  Nothing to report


·  More interest in robotics

·  No robotics this week

·  Nothing to report

Motion to adjourn: Keira

Second: Louis, passed