Syllabus of Communication System-1 EC-221
Course Unit Title: / COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 1Course Unit Code: / EC-221
Type of Course Unit: / Technical Subject
Level of Course Unit: / Undergraduate (Second Cycle)
Year of Study: / 2
Semester/Trimester: / Fall, Spring
Number of HimTU Credits Allocated: / 4
Course Coordinator: / Er. Ankush Kapoor
Course Catalog Description: / Base Band Signals and Systems, AM Transmission and Reception, Angle Modulation, Angle modulator Circuits, Angle modulation detectors, SSB Transmission, Pulse Modulation Transmission and Reception, Telephone Systems.
Course Description: / To understand basic analog communication systems theory and design, with an emphasis on wireless communications methods.
Learning Outcomes: / Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
A student who successfully completes Communication System 1 will:
1. Understand the basic concept of information
2. Understand how information is put into electronic for storage and delivery.
3. Have detailed understanding of amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation methods including synchronous demodulation, nonlinear demodulation and phase-locked loops.
4. Have an understanding of design considerations for multiple access/use spectrum and multiplexing
5. Understand basic principles of Gaussian noise processes and their use/utility in communication system design.
Mode of Delivery: / Face-to-Face
Prerequisites and
Co-requisites: / EC-214
or HOD ECE Consent
Co-requisites: None
Course Contents:
( Weekly Lecture Plan ) / Week / Topics
1 / Introduction / Orientation
2 / Base Band Signals and Systems.
Introduction, Definition of Communication, Communication System Block Diagram, Need for Wireless
Communication, Need of Modulation, General Definition of Modulation, Basic Transmission signals.
3 / AM Transmission and Reception
i) Amplitude Modulation: - Theory, power & current calculation, AM modulation of a complex wave.
ii) AM Transmission:- Introduction, Generation of Amplitude Modulation, Low Level and High Level
Basic Principle of AM Generation; Square Law Diode Modulation, Amplitude Modulation in Amplifier
Circuits, , Suppressed Carrier AM Generation (Balanced Modulator), .
4 / AM Reception:- Super heterodyne Receiver, Basic Elements of AM Super -heterodyne Receiver,
Image Frequency Rejection, , , Tuning Range, Tracking, Sensitivity and Gain, Image Rejection, Adjacent
Channel Selectivity, Automatic Gain Control.
5 / AM Detector: Square Law Detector, Envelope or Diode Detector, AM Detector with AGC, AM receiver
using a Phase Locked Loop (PLL), AM receiver characteristics.
Section B
6 / Angle Modulation
Angle Modulation - Frequency modulation, Sinusoidal FM, Frequency spectrum for sinusoidal FM,
Average power in sinusoidal FM, Non-sinusoidal modulation-deviation ratio, Measurement
of modulation index for sinusoidal FM. Phase modulation- Equivalence between PM and FM, Sinusoidal
Phase Modulation.
7 / Midterm Exam
8 / Angle modulator Circuits
Varactor Diode Modulators, Transistors Modulators, FM Transmitters Direct & Indirect Methods, FM
Broadcast,Angle modulation detectors
Foster-Seeley discriminator, Ratio Detector, Quadrature Detector, PLL Demodulator, Automatic
Frequency Control, Amplitude Limiters, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, FM Broadcast Receivers, FM
Stereo Receivers
Section C
9 / SSB Transmission: Introduction, Advantage of SSB Transmission, Generation of SSB, The Filter
method, The Phase – shift Method, The Third Method, AM Compatible SSB Modulation, Pilot Carrier
SSB, Independent Side-band systems (ISB), Vestigial Side-band (CSSB) Receiver, ISB/Suppressed
Carrier Receiver.
10 / Pulse Modulation Transmission and Reception:
Introduction, Pulse amplitude Modulation (PAM), Natural PAM Frequency spectra for PAM, PAM Time
Multiplexing Flat-top PAM, PAM Modulator Circuit, Demodulation of PAM Signals, Pulse Time
Modulation (PTM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), PPM
11 / Midterm Exam
12 / Telephone Systems
Standard Telephone Set, Basic Call Procedures, Call progress Tones & Signals DTMF,
The public telephone network - Instruments, Local loops, Trunk circuits and exchanges,
Local central office Exchanges, Automated central office switches and Exchanges.
13 / Cordless Telephones, Electronic Telephones, Paging systems. The telephone circuit – Local subscriber loop, Channel noise and Noise weighting,
14 / Channel noise and Noise weighting, Power measurement, Private-line circuits, Voice-frequency circuit
15 / The public telephone network - Instruments, Local loops, Trunk circuits and exchanges,
Local central office Exchanges, Automated central office switches and Exchanges.
16 / Final Exam
Recommended or Required Reading: / Advanced Electronic Communications Systems: Wayne Tomasi 6/e,PHI.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods: / Lectures, Presentation, Recitation, Demonstration
Assessment Methods and Criteria: / Method / Quantity / (Marks)
Quiz/Seminar/Tutorial/Assignments / 10 / 25
Midterm Exam(s) / 2 / 12.5 each
Final Exam / 1 / 100
Language of Instruction: / English
Work Placement(s): / N/A
ECE Workload
Calculation Table: / Activity / Quantity / Time Period (Hours/Unit) / Total Workload
Class Participation
Course Period (15 Weeks for Classes + 2 Weeks for Final Exams) / 39 / 1 / 52
Preparation for EACH Assignment, Exam and Activity
Quiz/Seminar/Tutorial/Assignments / 13
Midterm Exam(s) / 4 (2 each)
Final Exam / 1
Class Preparation
Weekly Time Spent Outside Classroom for Reading, Review, Research and Other Activities / 17
Total Workload / 52