Miss Smith Hamnavoe Primary School Primary 12017/2018
Literacy English
/ Reading
This term Primary 1 children who are ready will begin reading books with words. It is important that reading is practised regularly at home and that discussions around the pictures in the books continue. This is a great way to increase children’s vocabulary. For your child to progress fluently through the ORT stages, key word lists must also be practised often.
We will visit the school library on Thursday afternoons.
Topic – Traditional Stories
We will read traditional stories this term including The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Little Red Hen, The Three Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We will read a number of different versions and the class will work on re-telling the stories
We will continue writing in news jotters every Monday. Primary 1’s will be encouraged to draw more detailed black line drawing first and then try to construct a sentence using their knowledge of Jolly Phonics and tricky words.
Topic – Traditional Stories
As part of our topic this term, we will be using the story mapping approach to re-tell traditional stories. Children will then be encouraged to use their imagination to adapt stories and write their own version.
Listening and Talkingwill a large part of our topic this term. Children will listen to traditional tales and be encouraged to re-tell stories in groups. They will also have the opportunity to act out stories and create their own versions. We will discuss our favourite traditional stories, giving reasons why.
Maths Numeracy
/ Numberwork will be focused on numbers within 20 and 30. We will be spending time counting forwards and backwards, identifying numbers before/after/in-between, using our fingers and number lines to help us count. We will also practise number recognition and number formation.
AdditionPrimary 1 will also be learning about number stories within 10 and the basics of addition including the counting on strategy and fast recall of number facts.
Topic - Time
Primary 1 will be learning to sequence the days of the week, learning about the 4 seasons, exploring different devices for time and will be learning to tell o’clock times.
Topic – Measure
Primary 1 will have the opportunity to experiment with measure when cooking and baking this term. They will also look at using different instruments to measure length and height throughout our topic.
Expressive Arts
/ Art: The class will have Art with Mrs Burr on Friday mornings.
In class we will produce crafts and wall displays related to our topic.
Drama: The class will work on performance skills through dramatised situations to help re-enact traditional stories. They will have the chance to re-tell stories using puppets, small world play and dress up.
The whole class will get the chance to perform on stage at the end of term for the Easter Service in the Pink Hall.
Music: Music will be on Monday’s after break time with Mrs Pottinger.
Technologies / As part of our topic, Primary 1 will spend time building models using different materials. For example, building the 3 little pigs houses using different materials.
Primary 1 will be introduced to the online game (app) Skoolbo this term. We will discuss the importance of private passwords.
/ We will look at the properties of some materials as part of our topic.
RME / We will learn about the Easter Story.
Health and Wellbeing
/ Food
As part of our topic, the class will have the opportunity to cook and bake throughout this term. We will look at simple food preparation techniques, cleanliness, hygiene and safety. Everyone will be encouraged to taste what they make and.
As part of Child Smile, P1/2 will continue brushing their teeth in class. We will have visits from the Child Smile team to support tooth brushing. Fluoride varnishing and dental screening will also take place this term.
The class will have gym with Mr Kirkness on Tuesday afternoonsand class gym on Thursday afternoons. In class gym, we will play lots of team games which incorporate number skills and traditional stories.
P1 Homework
- P1 will receive 1 book per week
- Daily practise of ORT key word lists
- Practise reading sound flashcards on keyring
- Practise reading tricky word flash cards
- Practise letter formation for the sound of the week
- Try to write words using that sound
- Practise writing tricky words which are on flashcards
- Weekly maths homework. See front of maths booklet for instructions. Practical activities to be practised regularly.