Academic Program Evaluation

For Redesign Project


Program / Enroll S12 / Max. Enroll based on all Caps S12 / Fill Rate S12 / # of sections S12 / Avg max # student possible per class S12 / Avg. max. # students in ea. class S12 / FTES / FTEF for core class S12 / Productivity (FTES ÷FTEF) / # of Certif. in 6 years
F’05-S’11 / # of Degrees in 6 years
F’05-S’11 / Avg % Completion Rate for core classes / Avg % Success with
A, B, C, or P / # F.T. faculty actually
0.3% / 69 / 91% / 3 / 23 / 21 / 3.1
0.1% / .66
0.3% / 4.70 / 4 / N/A / 96.83% / 95.24% / 0
Recent Enrollment Demand: High __X__ 97% Medium ____ Low ____
Projection for Future Demand: Growing ____ Stable _X___ Declining ____
LMI -- Occupational Projections of Employment (also called "Outlook" or "Demand")
California / ~ Yr – Projected Yr
2008 - 2018 / ~ #Employed
34,600 / Projected Employment
40,300 / # Increase
5,700 / % Change
16.5 / ~ Avg Openings
Imperial / 2008 - 2018 / 150 / 170 / 20 / 13.3 / 7
  • FTES Generation for the Fire Academy core classes will continue at current rate due to the community need. FTES generation for the ‘certificate’ is limited and the Office of State Fire Marshall certification is what makes a fire fighter employable, making the college certificate less important to the novice.
  • Class Size is appropriate for a CTE and OSFM requirements. Fill Rate of 91%
  • FTES/FTEF shows LOW productivity, which reflects the mandates of the OSFM and student safety for required field and skills exercises

  • Student Success is HIGHat ~95%.
  • Student Retention is HIGHfor the core with ~96%
  • Persistence is HIGH based on the ~96% completing. Note persistence data is not available.
  • Completion/Achievement of Certification is LOW and believes it due to the value of the OSFM certification for employment and career possibilities.
  • Transfer Success data is not available

CORE: FIRE 109, 121, 122, 130, 131

  2. Graduation Requirement - NO
  3. Gatekeeper – NO, but EMT 105 is required for the Fire Academy certificate. EMT 105 always has a high fill rate (>100%)
  4. Responds to local job market - YES
  5. Responds to other community need – YES – supplies the entry level applicant pool for all local fire stations.

  1. OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS: (successes, new curriculum development, alternative delivery mechanisms, interdisciplinary strategies, etc.)
  • Curriculum Opportunity: Curriculum is based on the mandated OSFM requirements and testing.
  • Delivery Mechanisms: Distance Education has been piloted for OSFM Core Courses, but cannot be offered for this level or for Fire Officer Leveluntil the Fire Academy is fully accredited and our application is at the state office. Online courses have an appeal to the working firefighters seeking higher education
  • Other: The program would benefit from securing at least 1 full-time faculty to anchor the program, provide more continuity, educate the students on the importance of a college certificate, and facilitate changes as the OSFM moves toward a required associate degree for fire fighter I and fire officer I levels in the near future.

  1. SUMMARY OF PROGRAM “HEALTH” EVALUATION: (including consideration of size, scope, productivity, and quality of outcomes)
  • HEALTHY – The Fire Academy is stable, seeking accreditation with the OSFM, and admits ~20-24 students each year. The local fire chiefs, members of the Advisory Committee, are very supportive of program that supplies the applicant pool for entry-level firefighters at the fire stations. The quality of the outcomes is good based on the Student Success Rates.

CORE: FIRE 109, 121, 122, 130, 131