REISSUED: 00-00-00


SUBJECT:Repair & Alignment Procedures

UNIT(S): DW746 10” Woodworker’s Table Saw

Equipment Needed:

The following pieces of equipment are needed to properly align the saw.

Description / SRT / Part Number / Qty
C-Clamp with 5/16” shank / 534 / 233802-00 / 1
Dial Indicator / 534 / 233802-01 / 1
Holder with 1/4” shank / 534 / 233802-02 / 1
Clamp with holes for 1/4” and 5/16” shanks / 534 / 233802-03 / 1


  1. In the indicator box, there is a small piece of paper with diagrams on both sides. Use these diagrams as reference as you continue with this section.
  1. In the dial indicator box, you will find two tolerance hands. They simply snap onto the face of the indicator. Also in the box, you will find a bezel clamp and thumb screw.
  1. In the top of the indicator, there is a small Phillips head screw. Remove this screw and replace it with the bezel clamp and thumb screw.
  1. Follow the diagrams below to attach the indicator to the c-clamp.

How to read the indicator:

Each mark on the indicator face is .001”. The total travel for the indicator pointer is 1”. The outer black ring rotates so that you can zero the indicator. The bezel clamp will prevent the outer ring from rotating.





To insure the blade is properly located (side to side) within the throat plate slot. This procedure sets the initial adjustment before checking for parallelism.

Note: The front trunnion bracket (ITEM 6) is preset at the factory to be a precise distance from the front edge of the table. Do not loosen both the rear trunnion and front trunnion screws at the same time or proper front to back orientation will be lost.


  1. Bevel the saw to 0º and raise the blade fully. Use a square to insure the blade is exactly at 0º.
  2. The distance from the right edge of the left miter gauge slot to the left side of the blade should be 5-5/8” (+.013”/-.035”). Measurement should be made directly over the arbor. If it does not fall within this range go to STEP 3, otherwise skip to page 4.
  3. Break the rear trunnion screws (ITEM 5) loose then tighten until slight resistance is felt.
  4. With your ruler now towards the rear of the blade, use a mallet to tap the rear trunnion bracket side to side until the distance described in STEP 2 is obtained. Note: Further tightening of the trunnion screws (ITEM 5) may be necessary if the trunnion springs back to its original position after tapping.
  5. While tightening the trunnion screws (ITEM 5), push the rear trunnion bracket (ITEM 4) towards the cradle (ITEM 15) to minimize end play. Measure the distance to the blade again to make sure the trunnion did not shift.
  6. Grab the cradle (ITEM 15) and check for any fore/aft movement. Adjust rear trunnion in towards cradle if necessary.
  7. Break the front trunnion screws loose (ITEM 5) then tighten until slight resistance is felt.
  8. With your ruler now towards the front of the blade, use a mallet to tap the front trunnion bracket side to side until the distance described in STEP 2 is obtained.
  9. While tightening the trunnion screws (ITEM 5), push the front trunnion bracket (ITEM 4) towards the cradle (ITEM 15) to minimize end play. Measure the distance to the blade again to make sure the trunnion did not shift.
  10. Grab the cradle (ITEM 15) and check for any fore/aft movement. Adjust rear trunnion in towards cradle if necessary.
  11. Next follow BLADE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE at 0º BEVEL on page 4.


Blade Alignment (Parallelism) at 0º Bevel


To assure that the tolerance from the front of the blade to the rear of the blade (with respect to the miter gauge slot on the right side of the table) is within design specifications.


  1. Raise blade height to full up position then back off a half a turn.
  2. Slide the miter gauge assembly (ITEM 111) into the slot on the right side of the table. Make sure the slot is free of any debris.
  1. Clamp the alignment fixture to the miter gauge head so that the indicator is pointing towards the blade (See drawings on page 2).
  1. Slide the whole assembly so that the indicator touches a blade tooth at the front of the blade (reference above picture). The indicator should also be down near the table surface.
  1. Adjust the fixture so the indicator is not in contact with any carbide tips.
  1. Note where the needle is on the indicator. The allowable tolerance for the blade at 0º from the front of the blade to the rear is  .008” over 8-1/4”.
  1. Slide the fixture forward while rotating the blade and measure the SAME tooth now at the rear of the blade. Be sure to keep the indicator off of the painted edge and the carbide tooth.
  1. Note what the indicator reads. If the measurement is less then the allowable tolerance, STOP and go to the instructions for the blade at 45º. If it is more, then CONTINUE.
  1. Break rear trunnion screws (ITEM 5) loose then tighten until slight resistance is felt.
  1. Using a mallet, tap the rear trunnion bracket side to side until the rear indicator measurement is within the allowable tolerance. Note: Further tightening of the trunnion screws (ITEM 5) may be necessary if the trunnion springs back to its original position after tapping.
  2. While tightening the trunnion screws (ITEM 5), push the rear trunnion bracket (ITEM 4) towards the cradle (ITEM 15) to minimize end play and pay attention to the indicator face as to assure the needle stays within tolerance.
  1. Grab the cradle (ITEM 15) and check for any fore/aft movement. Adjust rear trunnion in towards cradle if necessary.
  2. Recheck distance from left miter slot to the blade again as described on PAGE 3 STEP 2.

Bevel Blade to 45º


Same as above except this time the blade is beveled to 45º.


  1. The allowable tolerance for the blade at 45º from the front of the blade to the rear is  .016” over 8-1/4”.
  2. With the indicator at the front of the blade, note the needle reading.
  3. Slide the fixture forward while rotating the blade and measure the SAME tooth now at the rear of the blade. Be sure to keep the indicator off of the painted edge and the carbide tooth.
  4. Note what the indicator reads at the rear.
  5. Subtract the reading at the rear from the reading at the front. If the value is .016” or less, unit is within specifications. If over .016”, note value and whether positive or negative. Each shim is identified by color and by and an I.D. number (1-7). Refer to the following charts to select the proper shim:

ReadingShim SizeReadingShim Size

+.031-.033”5 shim sizes smaller-.031-.033”5 Shim sizes larger

+.025-.029”4 Shim sizes smaller-.025-.029”4 Shim sizes larger

+.021-.023”3 Shim sizes smaller-.021-.023”3 Shim sizes larger

+.017-.019”2 Shim sizes smaller-.017-.019”2 Shim sizes larger

Part NumberThicknessI.D.#Finish

388317-00 .021” 1Bright nickel plate

388317-01 .042” 2Bright nickel brass plate

388317-02 .060” 3Copper plate

388317-03 .075” 4Olive drab zinc plate

388317-04 .090” 5Black oxide

388317-05 .105” 6Zinc and clear chromate

388317-06 .120” 7Zinc and yellow chromate

  1. If out of parallel, bevel back to 0º stop, then back off two full turns.
  2. Loosen right hand rear trunnion bracket screw (ITEM 5) two full turns. Remove the shim and note its I.D. number. Then select the proper shim from the chart above to insert in its place. For example, if the I.D. number is 2 and the shim size needs to be 3 sizes larger, select shim part number 388317-04.
  3. Retighten trunnion bracket screw.
  4. Loosen left hand rear trunnion bracket screw (ITEM 5) two full turns, remove shim and replace it with the same size used in STEP 7 above.
  5. Retighten trunnion bracket screw.
  6. Grab the cradle (ITEM 15) and check for any fore/aft movement. Adjust rear trunnion in towards cradle if necessary.
  7. Repeat BLADE ALIGNMENT AT 0º BEVEL on PAGE 4 to insure the blade is still parallel to the miter gauge slot.



Bevel worm should turn smoothly through entire range without binding.


  1. Bevel the saw to 0º and loosen the two bevel gear screws (ITEM 5) one-quarter turn.
  2. Loosen left (bevel) stop screw (ITEM 3) until top of screw is flush with bottom of miter gauge slot.
  3. Then bevel until 0º stop is solidily engaged.
  4. To obtain proper gear clearance, rotate bevel crank wheel clockwise three full turns while at the same time keeping downward pressure on the crank wheel.
  5. Then tighten the bottom bevel gear screw (ITEM 5) first then tighten the top screw. Final torque should be 300 in.-lbs.
  6. Bevel to 45º and back to 0º to verify that no binding occurs at any point in the range. If binding occurs, loosen bevel gear screws (ITEM 5) one-quarter turn and go back to STEP 3.
  7. Follow the ADJUST BEVEL STOP procedures in the Instruction Manual (attached) on Page 6 Step 24.

Note: Additional bevel gear adjustment information can be found on page 8 under “Maintenance & Cleaning” of the Instruction Manual which is attached to this SDB.


Note: The bearings have been installed with a light coating of Loctite 648 in order to prevent the possibility of arbor end play. While the arbor assembly and arbor bearing can be removed without a press, these components must not be reused, as this would compromise bearing life.


  1. Remove belt (ITEM 50) and the saw blade.
  2. Using the combination wrench (389339-00) supplied with the tool to hold the arbor shaft stationary, remove the stop nut (ITEM 22). Then remove washer (ITEM 21) and pulley halves (ITEM 20) from the arbor shaft.
  3. Remove retaining ring (ITEM 17) and spring washer (ITEM 16) then pull the arbor bracket (ITEM 18) off of the arbor shaft.
  4. Using a mallet, tap on the pulley end of the arbor to break it loose from the arbor bracket. The arbor assembly can then be lifted out.
  5. Insert a ¾” – 1” dowel, or similar item, into the arbor bracket hole from the blade side in order to push out the ball bearing (ITEM 24). Be careful not to lose the wavy washer (ITEM 23).



  1. Apply a light coating of Loctite 648 to the O.D. of the arbor assembly bearing (ITEM 19) and insert the assembly into the arbor bracket. Make sure the inner clamp washer is on the correct side of the arbor bracket (see parts bulletin attached). The arbor can be tapped into place with a rubber hammer.
  2. Place wavy washer (ITEM 23) over arbor shaft on the pulley side.
  3. Apply a light coating of Loctite 648 to the O.D. of the ball bearing (ITEM 24) and lightly press into the arbor bracket.
  4. Reinstall pulley halves (ITEM 20), washer (ITEM 21) and stop nut (ITEM 22). Hold arbor stationary with combination wrench and torque stop nut to 180-220 in.-lbs.
  5. Place arbor bracket (ITEM 18) back on to the arbor shaft. Reinstall the spring washer (ITEM 16) and the retaining ring (ITEM 17).
  6. Reinstall the blade (teeth should face front of saw) and the drive belt.



1.Remove front rail supports (ITEM 117) leaving rail attached, rear rail (ITEM 90), guard (ITEM 110) and wings (ITEM 85).

  1. Remove both lock knobs (ITEM 78), crank handles (ITEM 77), motor cover (ITEM 126) and bevel pointer (ITEM 79).
  2. Remove or cut as necessary the wire tie/cable clamps that secure the motor cord (ITEM 54) from the cradle and the cabinet.
  3. Remove the drive belt (ITEM 50) and remove motor mounting hardware (ITEMS 9, 47, 48, 138) and remove motor from the cradle.
  4. Remove the 4 screws (ITEM 67) that hold the table to the cabinet. The table assembly can then be lifted slightly and moved out the back of the cabinet. Enlist the help of a second person.
  5. Set the table upside down on a sturdy surface and remove the two rear trunnion screws (ITEM 5) and rear trunnion bracket (ITEM 4).
  6. Slide the cradle (ITEM 15) towards the rear and lift out.
  7. Remove the two front trunnion screws (ITEM 5) and the front trunnion (ITEM 6) from the table.


  1. Install front trunnion bracket and the two screws (ITEM 5) to the new table top. Screws should be just snug.
  2. Slip cradle (ITEM 15) back into the front trunnion and install the rear trunnion bracket (ITEM 4) snug against the cradle and snug the two screws (ITEM 5).
  3. The cradle must now be correctly positioned front to back. The two measuring points are the front edge of the table and a machined surface on the cradle that is located about 1” below the bevel worm gear (ITEM 7), but behind the bevel gear (ITEM 28). The bevel angle should be set to 0º. There is a “window” in the bevel gear to provide access to the point on the cradle.
  4. Use a straight edge (the fence face can be used) against the front edge of the table and move the cradle front or back to achieve a distance of 10-1/16 –0/+.083” (255.5-256.1mm).
  5. Place table assembly back on to the cabinet and reinstall the 4 screws (ITEM 67), motor, drive belt, crank handles, bevel pointer, wings, front and rear rails and motor cover.
  6. When reattaching the motor cord, be sure to allow enough slack between the table leg and the cradle such that the cord is not stretched when the blade is beveled to a 45º angle.
  7. Then follow the blade alignment instructions explained above.


Since many of the set up and adjustment procedures are covered in the Instruction Manual with illustrations, a copy of the manual is attached. Below is an index of topics covered in the manual.


Bevel & height crank installation35

Bevel & height gear care & adjustment8-

Bevel pointer and scale adjustment625

Bevel stop adjustments624

Dust shroud clogging - preventing8-

Extension cord selection chart1-

Fence beam alignment417

Fence beam to fence head assembly416

Fence face height adjustment518

Fence head lubrication8 Fence head

Fence head maintenance (sticking)8-

Fence indicator scale adjustment521

Guard and Splitter installation522


Leveling the saw627

Miter gauge adjustment628

Rails (front & rear), parallelling to table412

Rear fence glide adjustment519

Table cleaning & rust prevention6, 829

Table extensions, leveling to main table413

Throat plate adjustment523


Trunnion bracket lubrication8 Bevel Pivot

P.O. Box 564, 626 Hanover Pike, Hampstead, MD 21074