Maple School- Mrs. Crook
Classroom Agreement
Welcome to our classroom! As your child’s teacher, I believe all students have the right to learn and I, as their teacher have the right and obligation to teach. In order to facilitate these rights, the following rules were created in order to encourage appropriate student behavior. Students who make good choices will feel successful and be rewarded.
Classroom Rules:
1. Be respectful
2. Be responsible
3. Be trustworthy
*We talk about what each of these looks like, sounds like, and feels like in our classroom.
Negative Consequences:
1. Verbal warning/negative dojo’s
2. Loss of recess/time out
3. Phone call or note home
4. Referral to office
Positive Consequences:
1. Positive praise
2. Dojo’s and exciting things that come with positive dojo’s
3. Fun Friday
4. Positive phone call or note home
5. Ace Awards
Grading Policy
All students are required to do their personal best in all areas. If a student does their personal best, THEY WILL NOT EARN AN ‘F’. I stress the word earn, as I do not give grades; students earn them.
Grading for all subjects is as follows:
89%-100%= A
79%- 88% = B
69%- 78% = C
59%- 68% = D
Below 59% = F
Homework is very important in establishing good work habits and responsibility in your child’s life. Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis. Students will plan their homework on Mondays and complete it during the week. Their completed homework will be due on Friday morning. Students will be expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each night 30 points of reading homework. They will have weekly spelling words that they will complete 30 points of spelling activities with. Their math homework will consist of either practicing multiplication facts of completing word problems.
There may be occasions where other homework is assigned.
I would like you to initial or sign the student’s planner/agenda on a daily basis when he/she has completed all of the homework assignments. Students who complete homework on a weekly basis will be able to participate in lunch club. If a student does not turn in homework on an ongoing basis a note will be sent home or I will personally contact you via telephone.
I have read this classroom agreement and have discussed it with my child. We understand and will support it.
Parent Signature______Date______
Student Signature______Date______
Mrs. Crook
Room 502
Daily Schedule (M, T, Th, F)
8:15- Attendance
8:20- 9:20 Daily 5/ Guided Reading Groups
9:20-10:00 Language Arts (Units of Study)
10:00- 10:45 Writing/Grammar
10:45- 11:00 Recess
11:00- 12:45 Math (Number Talk, WMP/WMV, Eclipse Units)
12:45- 1:30 Lunch
1:30- 2:20 Science (Life, Earth, Physical)
2:20- 2:50 Writing/Daily Wrap Up
2:50-2:55 Cleanup
2:55- 3:25 P.E.
3:25 Dismissal
Mrs. Crook
Room 502
Daily Schedule (W)
8:15- Attendance
8:20- 9:20 Daily 5/ Guided Reading Groups
9:20-10:00 Language Arts (Units of Study)
10:00- 10:45 Writing/Grammar
10:45- 11:00 Recess
11:00- 11:45 Math (Number Talk, WMP/WMV, Eclipse Units)
11:45- 12:15 Lunch
12:15-12:30 Daily Wrap Up
12:30 Dismissal