Michigan Trauma Coalition
Henry Ford Hospital
November 7, 2012
Attendees: Berry, Courtney; Beyerlein, Louise; Burrington, Joann; Cloutier, Dawn; Cox, Rita; Cronce-Roloson, Barbara; Drake, Catherine; Falkenberg, Debbie; Fasbender, Beth; Gallerini, Michelle; Gonyea, Beth; Hess, Amy; Huell, Sue; Hurst, Sheryl; Jordan, Jacqueline; Kempf, Kathy; Koestner, Amy; Kulwicki, Donica; LaDuke, Dee; Laking, Barbara; Lebeis, Robin; McEachin, Chris; Mick, Janelle; Moore, Cheryl; Navas, Gwyneth; Nickoles, Todd; Payton, Heather; Prowant, Yvonne; Randall, Amy; Rawlings, Mary Claire; Relich, Wendy; Ropele, Diana; Ruffin, Heather; Smith, Barb; Tscherne, Tiffany; Valler, Emily; Veurink-Balicki, Sherri; Voss, Kayela;; Werth, Jenny; Wills-Mertz, Pam; Wood, Tom; Worden, Eileen
Discussion / ACTIONSIntroductions/Welcome / Kathy Kempf welcoming group, introduction of Eileen Worden, Trauma Manager for Michigan. Eileen reported on Regional Trauma Network (RTN) activities. She reviewed that the state is designated into 8 regions which includes 137 hospitals, 30,000 licensed providers.
Regional position description will be coming out soon. The position would be a state employee. Will have interview input from the region. Also plans to have State Registrar. E-mail Eileen with any questions: . / Email Eileen with any questions:
Minutes Approval / The minutes are posted on the website. Please notify Diana Ropele if you have any changes.
Lobbyist Activity / Sandy could not join us so Amy reported for her: future funding is going to expire. Amy will check back with her to see if anything is going on.
STAC / Amy K. reported that Robin S has applications for STAC positions on file for those wanting to fill open positions. Appointment should happen soon. Final appointments made by Mr. Haverman on recommendations made by department.
Dec. 12 there is an open meeting or conference call held at MIACEP building.
COT Update / Amy is STN representative.
· Working hard on Peds TQIP – Dr. Nance is heading and they had 38 hospitals participate in the pilot.
· PI -concerned about the review process and want surveyor consistency using the TOPIC course. Don Jenkins is the chair and is spearheading the project.
Trauma team training –using the classroom and simulation
· PI Taxonomy and terminology – Trauma PI language, looking for software beta test volunteers.
· New ATLS book is out – updates on web www.myatls.com. E-course is not ready.
· VRC – stats
o 370 verified centers in US-record year
o NY all trauma centers must have ACS review by 2013
o PRQ updated
o New rules – book may be available by July
o PI effort revamping-Chapter 16
o Level 4 will be added
o All reviewers must take TOPIC course / ·
Finance / · Todd had a handout on current budget for review
· Proposed budget for 2012-13 will be given to the board for review and then on to membership.
· Dues will be sent out the beginning of December no change in amount ($3500)
· Education dollars were discussed / Board to review and recommend
Registrars Subcommittee / Deb. F. reported for Deanne Krajkowksi, Trauma Registrar chair. They are working on getting volunteers for the 2013 Board. They have been discussing mentoring. Deanne will remain chair for 2013 and will work on new chair for 2014. They are also looking at this being a 2-year term. Four (4) new registrars were welcomed at the September meeting and more have come on board since then.
There was a Trauma Registrar class in July, new registrars felt the information was good, seasoned registrars felt information was outdated. Some of the information given by the different speakers conflicted, but overall good information.
Nov. 13 registrar meeting is cancelled due to the AAAM AIS class that week and limited attendance expected.
2013 Calendar / · Joann Burrington is completing the calendar and will send to Sue to add to website.
· National TQIP is Feb.
· TCAR is Feb. 27-28 at LCC, brochures coming, each MTC hospital is allowed three (3) attendees at $150 each, there is limited room capacity, fees are due prior to attending.
· PCAR Sept. 25-26-same as above / Notify when you pay your conference fee.
Website Update / Email from Judy Mikhail: After some unavoidable delays, DanRamancik is moving forward full speedand will have the website done by Christmas andthe cost is projected to be around $6,500.
MTQIP / No update.
Round Robin / The 2nd Annual Michigan Pediatric Trauma Conference will take place on June 6th. More information will be sent soon.
Next Meeting / January 24, 2013
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Ropele