
Miss Oatman’s First Grade Homework
October 9th – October 13th

____ Read 15 minutes per day using Raz-Kids, books or magazines. Please fill out the Reading Log on this page. Practice your first grade sight word lists.

____ Math: Your child is to complete the attached Topic 3 Reteaching page to prepare for next week’s Topic 3 math test, which we will take on Tuesday.

____ Oral Presentation Topic next week: “Tell about your favorite subject in school and give three reasons why.” This is the FINAL oral presentation for 1st trimester.

This Week’s Language Arts Focus: We are reviewing the phonics skills learning in Unit 2 (essential question: “How do we learn about characters?”) and our focus comprehension skills are finding text evidence, compare and contrast, and listen and retell.

This Week’s Math Focus: We are finishing our work on Topic 3 (addition facts to 20: use strategies) and will take our Topic 3 math test. We will begin Topic 4 (subtraction facts to 20: use strategies). These strategies are to help your child memorize math facts to 20, which is an expectation in first grade.


**Fall Festival on Friday, October 13th from 5:00 to 7:00! Come support our grade level! We need Parent help for the Fall Festival -- please see me to volunteer!**

**Make-up pictures for B Track on Tuesday, October 10th!**

**Parent Teacher Conferences begin October 19th! Minimum day schedule for each of those days – dismissal time is 11:40 a.m.**

Weekly Reading Log
(complete and sign each week)

Date / Book/Selection / Time Reading / Parent Initial