8. WAP to find the square of the number in the range 0h to ffh

//Finds the square of the number in data RAM 20h and store the square in location30h and31h

org 0h

mov r0,#20H

mov a,@r0 ;num in 20h is loaded into acc and b reg mov 0f0h,a

mul ab

mov 030h,a ;lower order product in 30h

mov 031h,0f0h ;higher order product in 31h here: sjmp here


9. Program to convert BCD to ASCII

// The equivalent ASCII code will be found in Registers R2 and R6

10. WAP to find the cube of the number in the range 0h to fh
//WAP to find the cube of the number in data RAM 20h and store the result in 30h
org 0h
mov r0,#20H
mov a,@r0 / ;num in 20h is loaded into acc and b reg
mov 0f0h,a
mul ab / ;find the square of the no.
mov 0f0h,@r0
mul ab / ;multiply square of the no. by the no.to get the cube.
mov 030h,a ;lower order product in 30h
mov 031h,0f0h / ;higher order product in 31h
here: sjmp here

11. WAP to convert BCD to ASCII

org 0h

start:mov r0,#20h mov a,@r0

add a,#30h mov 40h,a sjmp start end

12. WAP to convert given decimal no. to equivalent ASCII

org 0h

start:mov r0,#30h;r0 pointing to src locn.

mov a,@r0;acc. loaded with decimal no.

;process of seperating the lower nibble and higher nibble of decimal no.

anl a,#0fh;mask higher nibble

mov r1,a;lower nibble stored at r1

mov a,@r0

anl a,#0f0h;mask lower nibble

swap a;exchange higher and lower nibble positions

mov r2,a;higher nibble stored in r2

;process of converting decimal to ASCII

mov a,r1

add a,#30h

mov 40h,a;40h has ASCII value for lower nibble of decimal no.

mov a,r2

add a,#30h

mov 41h,a;41h has ASCII value for higher nibble of decimal no.

sjmp start


13. WAP to convert given hex no. to equivalent decimal no.

//Hex number has to be store at location x:5fffh and result to be stored in //next consecutive locations

org 0h


mov dptr,#5fffh

movx a,@dptr

mov 0f0h,#064h;Load B reg with 100d or 64h

div ab;Hundreds

inc dptr

movx @dptr,a;store in external ram

mov a,0f0h;remainder from b reg to acc

mov 0f0h,#0ah; Load B reg with 10d or 0ah

div ab;

inc dptr;

movx @dptr,a;store tens in external ram

inc dptr

mov a,0f0h

movx @dptr,a;store units in ext ram

here:sjmp here


14. WAP to convert given decimal no. to equivalent hexadecimal no. org 0h

start:mov r0,#30h

mov a,@r0

;process of separating the lower nibble and higher nibble of decimal no.

anl a,#0fh / ;mask higher nibble
mov r1,a / ;lower nibble stored at r1
mov a,@r0
swap a / ;exchange higher and lower nibble position
anl a,#0fh / ;mask lower nibble
mov r2,a / ;higher nibble stored in r2

mov a,r1;lower nibble to acc

mov 0f0h,#01h;reg b=01

mul ab

mov r3,a;product in r3

mov a,r2;higher nibble to acc

mov 0f0h,#0ah;reg b=10d

mul ab;product in acc.

add a,r3;compute hex no.

mov 40h,a;result at 40h

sjmp start
