Miss Green’s Lesson Plans Week of: Sept29,2008-09

Grade book Notes: 96 = AP 83 = P 73 and below = NP
Speech / E / j / c / f / h
Reading Recovery
Staff Meetings
& Special Events / M / T / W / Th / F
Duties / M 11:50-Noon / T 11-20 –11:30 / W 11:50 - Noon / Th 2:00- 2:10 / F 11:50 - Noon
Recess Lunch / Lunch Room / Lunch Room / Afternoon Recess / Recess Lunch
Weekday / Monday 9/29 / Tuesday 9/30 / Wednesday 10/1 / Thursday 10/2 / Friday 10/3
Daily Sign-In / My name has capital
Arrival - Bathroom
Morning Work / Greetings
Folders /
  • Bee Folders √ in; Take Home Book √ in/out
  • SMARTboard Calendar, lunch count Morning Meeting Message
  • Familiar Reading strategy practice
  • Running Records

Big Ideas /
  • Students develop fluency and reading strategies for both decoding and comprehension.
  • Students listen to, read to, and discuss literature with partners and in small groups.

20 minute
Literacy Centers
Mini Lessons
Strategy Instruction / PA, P, F, V, C /
Daily 5 Center Choices follows Mini Lesson Strategy Instruction
_ Practice Selecting Choice
_ Practice Transitions
_ Practice Meeting Expectations
Observe and praise appropriate independent center behavior.
Use clock for timing and building stamina. Center Plans Attached.
3 Mini Lesson Whole Group Strategy Instruction Teaching Points:Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, Expanding Vocabulary
Reading Club / PA, P, F, V, C / Guided ReadingStrategyInstruction
T: Meet 2 GR groups after Round 1 and Round 2 strategy instruction. Round 3 = Individual Conferences Explicit Teaching: MSV Strategies & take Running Records
Essential Questions: What do readers do when they don’t know a word? (emphasize re-reading and cross-checking)
Strategies: Predict, monitor and cross check MSV; Make your reading sound like talking.
S:Literacy Centers page attached
Round 1 / PA / Phonics Mini Lesson Strategy Lesson
Phonemic Awareness / PA, / PA: Skills –Segmenting compound words; Substituting endings; Adding Phonemes; Deleting Phonemes; Lang. Awareness: expression
F/P Phonics: Letters, Words & How They Work
Phonics / PA,P, WS / F/P Phonics / F/P Phonics / F/P Phonics / F/P Phonics
) / F/P Phonics
Phonics Assessment
1 minute fluency check
Round 2 / Working with Words StrategyLesson
Sitton Spelling
Working with Words / WS / List 1 Words: / Unit 1: Skills
Build Visual Skills
Build Spelling & Lang Skills
Build Basic Concepts / Mini Lesson:
a)Familiar Big Book w/the core words in it. – use Wikki Sticks
b)Name cards & pocket chart
c)Predictable Poem Charts / Word Study Assessment
Round 3 / Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, Expanding Vocabulary StrategyLesson
Shared Reading / F, V, C / Big Books & Poetry/Songs Charts:
Add to Poetry Notebook , Create Emergent Reader
Booklet, or Big Book Skill
Focus of learning TP:
ABC Chant
These Are Special Apples
A Little Apple Seed
Don’t You Know I Love Apples
Down in the Orchard / Poems for fluency
Familiar Songs
Rhymes & Chants
Big Books
Focus of learning TP: letter recognition (sound, starts with, ends with).
Locate HF words. / Poems for fluency
Familiar Songs
Rhymes & Chants
Focus of learning TP: letter recognition (sound, starts with, ends with).
Locate HF words. / Poems for fluency
Familiar Songs
Rhymes & Chants
Focus of learning TP: letter recognition (sound, starts with, ends with).
Locate HF words. / Student Choice from BB and Charts read this week.
Focus of learning TP: letter recognition (sound, starts with, ends with).
Locate HF words.
Essential Questions
Enduring Understanding / What does it mean to “understand,” why do we need to understand what we read or hear? What strategies and skills can we use to understand a variety of materials.?
Students describe in their own words new information they gained from reading/listening to text.
Comprehension & Vocabulary / Setting
Use book covers and/or pictures to predict what might happen next. / Character
Connect and compare a story to their lives as well as compare a story other stories. / Theme
Use drawings to show key ideas and details in stories. / Illustrations support the
Understanding of setting and characters / Connecting and extending ideas in text.
Assessments / Formative: / Running Records; Anecdotal records and performance tasks that show student’s ability to use the strategy and skills in other settings.
Summative: / Known HF Words
11:20 Lunch/Duties / 11:50-Noon Lunch Recess / 11-20 – 11:30 lunch room / 11:50 – Noon lunch room / 11:50 - Noon Lunch Recess
Afternoon Cool Down / What is my favorite color Illustrate/label your picture / Quiet sustained writing in journals. / Practice the procedure for “Turn to Your Partner” so they can continue to work and interact effectively withother readers. / Independent Reading/Strategy Practice independently or with partners. Remind students to use strategies they have learned in mini lessons. / Independent Reading/Strategy Practice. Make your reading sound like talking.
Interactive Read Aloud / F, V, C / Begin Strategy Instruction
of Comprehension Strategy
“Text to Self Connections”
Read AloudThe Relatives Cameto model connections to myown life and show how to
record Connections inReading Log Book / Continue working on
Text=to=Self Connections
Read AloudIra Sleeps Over, tothink out loud of personal
connections and be explicit
when sharing how real life
connections help a reader
relate better to the text. / *Text Talk
Wednesday / Continue working on
Text=to=Self Connections: model how you have things
in common with the
characters Read AloudThe Pain and the Great One / Continue working on
Text=to=Self Connections: model how you have things
in common with the
characters Read Aloud
“A connection I made was __.”
*Text Talk
Wednesday / *Text Talk Title: / *Comprehension Mini-Lesson:
Predict/Infer Monitor/Clarify / *Explicit Vocabulary / *Teaching Point:
Sequence of events (identify text pattern) retelling. / *See attached Text Talk Vocabulary Instructional Sequence
12:30 Math Focus / Representing, Comparing, Ordering, Recognizing, Sorting, Counting, Graphing, place value
Essential Questions / How might you show a repeating pattern of shapes or numbers? How does a graph give information without many words? How many ways can you show the length of something?
Number Corner
Process Outcomes:
Problem Solving Communication
Connections Reasoning / Monday Money
□Number Corner
□Math Journal
□Assessment Write 1-100
□Assessment count x 1s to 30, by 10’s to 100
□Mad Minute facts / Time, Tally & Temperature
□Number Corner
□Math Journal
□Telling time to the hour using student clocks / Wednesday’s Workout
□Number Corner
□Math Journal
□Make and interpret a Tally Chart
□Counting by 1s,2s,5s,10 up to 31 / Thursday’s Thinking
□Number Corner
□Math Journal
□Bugs Sorting & Graphing
□Counting by 1s,2s,5s,10 up to 31
□Writing numbers 1-100 / Student Led: Friday Figuring
SMARTboard Lesson
□Equations for the Days Date
□Writing numbers 1-100
□Patterns ABB
□Money # sentences
Problem solving / Craig baked 12 cookies. He ate 4 of them while they were still hot. How many cookies are left? / Graph
Work Places
Content Outcomes:
Number Relationships Geometry
Measurement Statistics
Probability Patterns
Pattern Blocks
Bug Bucket
Bugs on Board
Geoboards / Mini Lesson:
□Reading & Writing Numbers to 31
□Representing Numbers to 31
□Comparing Numbers to 31
□Ordering Numbers to 31
□Recognizing Place Value to 10s
□Identifying Ordinal Numbers
Vocabulary: Tens, Ones, Place Value
Manipulative(s): 2-sided counters,
10s frame math mats, 11-31 number cards,
pocket chart, recording sheet
Read AloudWhen Sheep Cannot Sleep by S. Kitamura / Mini Lesson:
□Modeling + and – Problems
□Solving + and – Problems
□Writing + and – Problems
Vocabulary: plus, add, equals, number sentence, equation
Manipulative(s): frog counters,addition frame (pond) mat, recording
sheet, numerals 1-6 dice
Read AloudReady, Set, Hop! by Stuart Murphy / Mini Lesson:
□Modeling + and – Problems
□Solving + and – Problems
□Writing + and – Problems
Vocabulary: plus, add, equals,
number sentence, equation
Manipulative(s): chart paper to
record student number sentences, student
paper for drawings, class book materials
Read Aloud12 Ways to Get to Eleven by Eve Merriam / Mini Lesson:
□Modeling + and – Problems
□Solving + and – Problems
□Writing + and – Problems
Vocabulary: minus, subtract, equals,
number sentence, equation
Manipulative(s): 2-sided counters,
addition frame mat, recording sheet
Read Aloud12 Monster Musical Chairs by Stuart Murphy / Math Centers
□Can add 1 or 2 to a number
□Number writing
□Flash card manipulatives
□2 fisted penny addition
□Tally mark dice toss
□Making a calendar
□Race to 100
Vocabulary / Tens, Ones, Place Value, plus, add, equals, number sentence, equation
Assessment / Math Interviews / Math Interviews / Math Interviews / Math Interviews / Math Interviews
Specials / / / / /
Social Studies or Science / Science
Shared/Modeled Writing
Predictable Chart & Class Book:
Research, Collaborate, Write, Illustrate
- The Four Seasons of an Apple Tree / Science
Key Concepts for Mini Lesson(s):
- Understanding Seasonal Impacts on an Apple Tree
Literature Links:
- Apple Tree Books / Science- continue
Shared/Modeled Writing
Predictable Chart & Class Book:
Research, Collaborate, Write, Illustrate
- The Four Seasons of an Apple Tree / Social Studies
Read Aloud / Social Studies
Read Aloud
Teaching Points: Good Citizens: What do good citizens do?
Recess 2:00 - 2:10 / Recess - bathroom drink break / Recess - bathroom drink break / Recess - bathroom drink break / PM Recess Duty / Recess & bathroom drink break
2:15WW EQ? / Essential Question:How do I begin writing? Enduring Understandings: I think of a topic that is personally meaningful.
Teaching Points / Using my Writing Journal; I can write complete sentences that make sense.
Interactive Writing / PA, P, WS, F, V, C / Mini Lesson:Interesting Ways to Start aSentence
Show students how to move beyond starting every sentence with I.
Capitals at the beginning of every sentence. / Mini Lesson: Using Writing Tools: The Blends Chart
Show student show to match the sounds they hear in the word they want to write with letters that represents
it, using F/P blends chart / Mini Lesson:Using Writing Tools: Editor’sChecklist
Show students how to edit and proofreadtheir writing using the Editor’s Checklist Pencil. / Mini Lesson:
Hearing Sounds in Words (Strategies for Stretching Words) / Mini Lesson:[review week’s charts]
Hearing Sounds in Words (Strategies for Stretching Words)
Writing Workshop
Write: 20 minutes / Unit of Study: Pattern Stories
Mini Lesson:
Getting to Know Pattern Book Structures
_ Read Pattern Book(s)
_ Add to Pattern Book Anchor Chart
_ Begin Writing Pattern Books
Read Aloud (s):
We Make Patterns by Janet Stott (Same Phrase)
MY Birthday Party by Catherine Peters (List) / Read Aloud
Author: A True Story by Helen Lester.
Mini Lesson:
Fixing Up Writing
In this session, you will teach children that writers fix up and revise their writing so it says everything they mean it to say before they share it. / Read Aloud
My Pony by Susan Jeffers.
Mini Lesson:
Editing and Fancying Up Writing
You will teach students how to reread, check, and edit their writing to make sure it's readable. Then, mid-workshop, you will teach them to fancy up their work by adding details with colored pencils. / Read Aloud
Draw Me A Star by Eric Carle
Mini Lesson:
Quickly Illustrating w/ 5+ Picture and Color Details / Read Aloud

The Secret Shortcut by Mark Teague

Mini Lesson:
Writing Informative Stories w/ 3+ Details
Author’s Spotlight/Names
Assessment / Work samples; complete sentences make sense; Hearing Sounds in Words (Strategies for Stretching Words)
3:15 Clean up Get Ready for Home
3:30-3:45 Dismissal /
  • Tidy room/desks * sharpen pencil for morning * pack up BEE Folders * Bookbags on backs, flash cards until dismissed.

Accommodations / Extended Time; Small Group, Preferential Seating; Assignment Reduction; Partner system; Differential tasks, Individual directions
Homework / Word Study List: - List 1 Fountas Pinnell HF Words; Keep Books
Elements Code / P=Phonics WS = Word Study PA = Phonemic Awareness C= Comprehension V=Vocabulary

Daily 5 Literacy Centers (PA, P, F, V C) Sept 22 2008

/ Journal Entry:
Students will complete one journal entry and illustrate it. Goal: 1 complete sentence.
Assessment emphasis placed on neatness, legibility, using HRSIW for unknown words.
2 / Handwriting:
Students write words of the week (kindergarten review words). Goal: to use best handwriting and spell words correctly.
Explain and Practice CENTERS Expectations & Procedures
3 /
  1. Work on Writing
  1. Word WorkPhonics
/ Word Work
Word Wall / 5.Read with Someone / Read with Someone
Goal: Write in Writing Journal.

I can write about what I like to do.
  • Writing Table Supplies
/ Introduce MIX IT FIX IT activity.
Goal: Learn procedures using magnetic letters
I can make my popcorn words.
  • Make kindergarten popcorn words using magnetic letters using magnetic letters and word cards.
  • Magnetic Letters
  • Magnetic White Boards
  • Word Cards
Word Work
Goal: Practice Phonics.
I can write rhyming words.
  • Magnetic letters & recording sheet
/ Goal: Students practice high frequency words from List 1

Students practice writing upper and lower case letters
Students write words that start with ABC order (sheet provided)
May use word wall or mini office, or Name Chart.
  • ABC writing sheets
/ Goal: Read Poetry Book.
Read with Someone
Cut Up Sentences:
We read books in first grade.
We sing in first grade.
We play word games in first grade.
We learn math in first grade. /
Goal: Students read together and practice fluency.

Pocket Chart Alphabet Ctr.
IntroPocketChartCenter. Goal – match beg sounds.
  • Pocket Chart
  • Picture Cards
Goal: Shared Reading (fluency)
I can read chart poems and find our popcorn words.
  1. Read to Self

Goal: Students select a book from their familiar reading basket and respond to what is read.
I can write about the main character in the books I read. / 4.Listen to Reading
Goal: Students select a book on tape and listen as the book is read.
I can write about the books I listen to.
Materials: Listening Center
  1. Book on tape.
  2. Student response sheet.