A strong club on and off the pitch, promoting rugby excellence and enjoyment for all ages

Rules of the Ely R.U.F.C

1. Name

The Club shall be named ”The Ely Rugby-Union Football Club” and shall include such sections as the Management Committee shall from time to time decide.

2. Objects

The objects of the Club shall be to give all members of the local community the opportunity (irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, ability or disability) to become members and to learn, be coached, and to play Rugby Football under the laws of the Rugby Football Union, and the provision of such social and other amenities reasonably necessary for those purposes for the members as are approved by the Management Committee.

3. Colours

The Club Colours shall be Black and Gold

4. Officers

4.1: These should be the President, the Club Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Senior Team Captains, the Director of Rugby, the Child Protection Officer, the Chair of mini / midi rugby, the Chair of Youth rugby and the Club Development Officer and such other officers as may be deemed necessary from time to time by the Club in General Meeting. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year at a General Meeting of the Club, save that the Captains may appoint their own Vice Captains, and the Director of rugby may appoint coaches for the senior sides. The officers retiring at the end of their term of office shall all be eligible for re-election in like manner.

4.2: The Child Protection Officer will ensure that the RFU Child Protection Policy is implemented within the club. He will

a)Maintain records of all CRB checks for each Youth and Mini Section coach and official.

b)Inform the Director of Rugby and the Club Chairman of a negative CRB response so that the individual concerned can be removed.

c)Respond to all concerns of youth and mini players, parents, coaches and officials so that inappropriate behaviour can be investigated appropriately.

5. Membership

5. 1: There will be five classes of membership:

Playing Member ˜ Senior

Playing Member ˜ Youth


Social Member

Life Member

Membership will be granted to all applicants, other than those in breach of RFU regulations, on payment of a membership fee.

Management Committee shall set membership fees each year. Membership of the Club will also include membership of Ely Outdoor Sports Association.

5.2: Any member guilty of a breach of these rules or being guilty of acting in a manner deemed inconsistent with the interests of the Club may, by a vote of not less than two thirds of those members present and voting at a meeting of the Management Committee called for that purpose, or for which special notice has been given, have their membership rescinded. The member concerned shall have the right to appear at the meeting, and the Management Committee shall have the option to expel or suspend as they consider fit. Seven clear days notice of such a meeting shall be given.

a: Any member whose conduct is such that it may render him liable to suspension or expulsion may be suspended by the Management for a maximum of 14 days on the decision of not less than three officers, one of whom should be either the President or Chairman.

b: Any member may terminate his membership by giving written notice to the Secretary or Membership Secretary. The Management Committee may terminate the membership of any person in arrears of membership provided that a notice requiring payment within 14 days has been sent, and that 14-day period haselapsed.

6. Subscriptions and Fees

6.1: The Management Committee shall have the power from time to time to fix the annual subscriptions and match fees, and to set different subscriptions and match fees for the use of different facilities, and to reduced fees for young members. Subscriptions shall not be refundable on termination of membership.

6.2: Subscriptions shall be paid within one month of election, and thereafter on or before 1st November each year. A member failing to pay his subscription by such date shall be reported to the Management Committee.

6.3: Match Fees shall be paid by all players, the Management Committee having power to waive or reduce such fees for young people and other special cases.

7. Management

7.1: The general management of the Club shall be dealt with by the Management Committee of the Club, which shall consist of the President, the Club Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Director of Rugby, the 1st XV Captain , the Chair of Mini / Midi rugby, the Chair of Youth Rugby and the Club Development Officer.

7.2: The Playing and Coaching Committee will consist of a minimum of four people, and will comprise the Director of Rugby, the Chair of Mini / Midi Rugby, Chair of Youth Rugby, the Coach the team captains, the fixture secretary plus such other members that may be deemed necessary by the Management Committee from time to time.

7.3: Four members of the Management Committee and three members of the playing and coaching committee shall form a quorum sufficient to deal with the business before the meeting. A minimum of 48 hours notice is to be given before any committee meeting.

7.4: The Management Committee shall meet on a minimum of 6 occasions during the year, and the Playing and Coaching Committee shall meet on a minimum of 3 occasions during the year. There is no maximum number of meetings.

7.5: The duly appointed Treasurer shall have the power to manage all transactions relating to the collection of money, the payment of accounts and to sign and endorse cheques on behalf of the Club.

8. General Meetings

8.1: The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held not later than 30 June in each year, and 15 months shall not elapse between such meetings.

8.2: A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called at any time by the Management Committee, or by the Secretary on receipt of a request stating the business to be discussed signed by not less than 10 members. In the latter case, the meeting must be called within 21 days. Only the business indicated may be discussed at a SGM.

8.3: All members must be given 7 days clear notice for a General Meeting (AGM or SGM). Such notice may be given by a Notice in the Clubhouse or by an advertisement in a local newspaper.

8.4: Only members may vote at General Meetings and all members shall have an equal vote.

8.5: At the AGM, the Secretary shall present his report and the Treasurer his Accounts for the previous year.

8.6: The election of officers as set out in clause 4 shall take place at the AGM. Potential Officers who must already be members must themselves be nominated and seconded by fellow members.

8.7: All resolutions and other matters shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present with the exception of a proposal to change the Rules of the Club, which shall require two thirds of the members present to approve such a resolution.

8.8: A notice requesting nominations for officers to be elected at the AGM shall be posted in the Clubhouse at least 21 days before the date of the AGM.

9. Interpretation of Rules

The Management Committee shall be the sole authority for interpreting the rules, by-laws and regulations of the Club, and for settling all disputes relating to the affairs of the Club or to the conduct of members or visitors.

10. Alteration of Rules

10.1: These Rules shall not be altered, rescinded or added to, except by a resolution carried by two thirds of those present and voting at a general meeting on a motion notice of which (with the names of a proposer and seconder) shall have been given in writing to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of such meeting, and be duly notified in a circular calling

such meeting.

10.2: Any successful motion relating to a change in voting procedure at a General Meeting will not be adopted until the next general meeting.

11. Application of Assets on Dissolution

If the members vote at a General Meeting for the closure of the club, any funds remaining shall be distributed to any of the following:

  • The Rugby Football Union, Twickenham for use in related community sport
  • Any other registered Community Amateur Sports Club
  • Any registered charity

12. Surplus Income or Gains

All surplus income or gains must be re-invested in the club. Any surplus funds or assets can not at anytime be distributed to members or third parties.