Abbreviated Vitae of Alice A. Christie, Ph.D.
Arizona State University President’s Professor Emeritus

1995 / Ph.D., Elementary Education: Language and Literacy/Educational Technology
Arizona State UniversityTempe, AZ
1970 / M.Ed., Reading Education
Boston UniversityBoston, MA
1967 / B.A., English/Science/Education
Denison UniversityGranville, OH
2008 - 2010 / Director of Educational Initiatives
Developed and offered professional development for mathematics and science educators.
Adaptive Curriculum Scottsdale, Arizona
2008 - 2010 / Webinar Presenter on GeoCaching/EduCaching, Google Earth/Maps/STEM
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Global
2001 - 2008 / Associate Professor – Technology and Education
Arizona State University Phoenix, Arizona
2002-2003 / Thomas Warren + Associates
Qualitative researcher on a Massachusetts Department of Education Project: Analysis of Stakeholders Attitudes about Statewide Assessment of Mathematics Boston, MA
1995 - 2001 / Assistant Professor – Technology and Education
Arizona State University Phoenix, Arizona
1988 – present / Professional Development Consultant
Educational ConsultantsGlobal
1967 - 1995 / Public School Teacher
Massachusetts, Kentucky, New Jersey, Vermont, and Arizona
2010 / Google Certified Teacher (London 2010: Google Teacher Academy)
2010 / International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Making IT Happen Award
2007, 2008, 2009 / International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Best of the Best Award
2007 / Boston University Wilde Society Outstanding Alumna Award
2006 / Arizona Technology in Education Alliance (AzTEA) Leadership and Service Award
2005 / Arizona State University President’s Professor
2005 / Founding Fellow: Arizona State University Distinguished Teaching Academy
2004 / Arizona State University Award for Service Excellence
2003 / ASU Outstanding Commitment to Students Award
2003 / Professor of the Year Carnegie Foundation Nominee
2000 & 2002 / Arizona State University Multicultural Students Outstanding Faculty Award
1999 / Arizona Professor of the Year for Technology Integration
1999 / Arizona State University Award for Teaching Excellence
SELECTED publications
Christie, A., (2007). Using GPS and Geocaching Engages, Empowers, and Enlightens Middle
School Teachers and Students. Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Journal, 10 (1).
Carmean, C. and Christie, A. (2006) ePortfolios: Constructing Meaning Across Time, Space and Curriculum. In Jafari, A. and Kaufman, C. (Eds.), Handbook on Research for ePortfolios.
Toronto, ON: Idea Group Publishing.
Christie, A., Naish, V., Kelter, J., Pearman, C., Wycoff, W., and Gender, J. (2005). Gen Y Goes
to College:Perceptions of Former Middle School Studentsand the Graduate Students
They Mentored. Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Journal, 8 (2).
Christie, A. (2005). How Middle School Boys and Girls View Today’s Computer Culture.
Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Journal, 8 (1).
Christie, A. (2005). Recognizing (almost) invisible gender bias in teacher-student interactions. In Crawford, C., Willis, D., Carlsen, R., Gibson, I., McFerrin, K., & Price, J. Sixteenth International Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Conference Proceedings: 742-749, Norfolk, VA: AACE.
Christie, A., Naish, V., Kelter, J., Pearman, C., Wycoff, W., and Gender, J. (2004). Language arts comes alive as middle school learners become information producers. Meridian: A Middle
School Computer Technologies Journal, 7 (1).
Christie, A. (2004). Wearing Your Geography with Alice A. Christie, Ph.D. The National Educational Technology Standards Digital Video Library. Technology Based Learning and Research. NETS DVL. Available at [
Christie, A. (2003). WebQuest: Meeting of Mathematical Minds with Alice A. Christie, Ph.D.The National Educational Technology Standards Digital Video Library. Technology Based Learning and Research. NETS DVL. Available at [
Christie, A. (2001) Boys and Computers. In P.R. Clement and J. Reinier (Eds.), Boyhood in America: An encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Wetzel, K., Cleland, J., Buss, R., Rillero, P., Zambo, R., and Christie, A. (2000). Site-base inservice that works: Using the Internet to integrate science and mathematics instruction. In D.A. Willis, J.D. Price, and J. Willis (Eds.). Society of Information Technology/Teacher Education 11th International Conference Proceedings.
Christie, A. (1997). Using email to diffuse gender stereotypes in elementary-school children. In B. Collis and G. Knezek (Eds.), Teaching and learning in the digital age (pp. 131-148). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.
Christie, A. (1997). Using email within a classroom based on feminist pedagogy. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 30, (2).
SELECTED Conference Presentations
Christie, A., Padgett, H., and Stirling. D. (2010). Conducting Ongoing Professional Development in Rural and Remote Communities.Poster presented at the International Society of Technology in Education Conference (ISTE 2010), Denver, CO
Christie, A. and Padgett, H. (2010) Strengthen Your STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Thinking.Poster presented at the International Society of Technology in Education Conference (ISTE 2010), Denver, CO
Christie, A. (2009). Mapping Mash-ups That Motivate: Sharing Research Using GoogleMaps and Geolocation. Poster presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2009), Washington, D.C.
Christie, A. (2009). Create Mapping Mash-ups with GoogleMaps. Workshop presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2009), Washington, D.C.
Christie, A. (2008). Explore, Engage, Empower: Using GPS and Geocaching in K-12 Classrooms. Workshop presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2008), San Antonio, TX
Christie, A. (2008). Explore, Engage, Empower: Using GPS and Geocaching in K-12 Classrooms. Workshop presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2008), San Antonio, TX
Wolfgramm, J, Keefer, B., and Christie, A. (2007). One-to-One-Laptops-to-Students or Mobile Carts: 21st Century Learning. Poster presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2007), Atlanta, GA
Christie, A. (2007). Using GPS Units, GoogleEarth and Geocaching in K-12 Classrooms. Workshop presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2007), Atlanta, GA
Christie, A., Naish, V., Baker, R., Castiglione, L., LaBelle, S., & Moritz, J. (2005). Student Voice and Audience: Changing the Teaching-Learning Experience.Paper presented at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2005), Philadelphia, PA.
Buss, R., Cleland, J., Rillero, P., Wetzel, K, & Christie, A. (1999, April). Project Explorer: Training In-Service and Pre-Service Teachers Together to Deliver Effective Mathematics and Science Instruction. Paper presented at the 1999 Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada
SELECTED KEYNOTE And spotlight addresses
Christie, A. (2010, July).Tools and Strategies for an Emerging STEM Academy.Keynote Address presented at Kihei Charter School, Kihei, HI.
Christie, A. (2009, October).Internet Safety: The Pitfalls, Perils and Potentials of Using the Internet in K-12 Education.Keynote Address presented at Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Schools Conference.
Christie, A. (2007, May). A Personal Learning Odyssey: Experiencing Constructivist Learning. Keynote Address presented at the Wakonse Conference for Arizona Higher Education Faculty.
Christie, A. (2007, April). Using GPS Receivers and Geocaching to Create a Constructivist Learning Environment. Workshop presented to teachers and administrators in the Alhambra School District.
Christie, A. (2005, January - May). Integrating Technology in Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Series of Workshops presented at Dysart, AZ to teachers in the Dysart Unified School District.
Christie, A. (2004, August). Enhancing Teaching and Learning Using Technology and the Internet. Keynote Address at the Estrella Mountain Community College Annual Faculty Retreat, Phoenix, AZ.
Christie, A. (2003, October). Creating Effective Surveys to Gather Data for Action Research. Workshop presented at Phoenix, AZ to students in EDT 575: Critical Issues in Educational Technology.
Christie, A. (2003, March). Using Technology Across the Curriculum. Keynote Address at Central Valley Computer Using Educators Annual Conference, Fresno, CA.
Christie, A. (2003, May). What Does Technology Integration Really Look Like? Keynote Address at the Computer Using Educators (CUE 2003) Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Christie, A. (1999, July). Technology and Women: A Half-Century of Change. Keynote Address at the National Conference of Federally Employed Women, Phoenix, AZ.
professional websites
Christie, Alice A. (1996-Present) Dr. Alice A. Christie's Web Site.[
Averaging over 2 million hits per year, The Chronicle of Higher Education named this site as one of the best educational Web portals.
Christie, Alice A. (2010-Present) GoogleTreks. [