October 15, 1962
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, October 15, 1962, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings, and Harley Gillman. Lowell Thomson, absent. Also in attendance were City Manager Bennie Schmiett, Civil Defense Director George McKinney, Treasurer Victor Christensen and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present were:
Miss Elinor KleebUse of Courtroom
Martha MillerUse of Courtroom
Marlene RichmondInterested Visitor
Jess M. RichmondInterested Visitor
Carl CleggCivil Defense Report
Cynthia ScottDeseret News
Wayne MillsSubdivision Plat
Donna MackertDaily Herald
Howard MorrisonMerchant Patrol
Meeting opened with prayer by Harley Gillman.
Minutes of October 1 and 10, 1962, were approved as read and corrected.
Carl Clegg gave a report on the Civil Defense Conference which he attended at Alemeda, California. Mr. Clegg reported that C. D. officials throughout seven Western States went through two weeks of sessions. An interesting place visited was Livermore, California, which has the ultimate in Civil Defense control. Livermore had an increase in population from 18,000 to 1960 to 41,000 now and has provided bomb shelters for all the population with hospital and other provisions for the people.
Mr. Clegg stated he received nine kits of radiological sets for Orem. Should have one set for each team. The set consists of gas masks, etc.
Miss Elinor Kleeb and Martha Miller asked permission to hold non-denominational Bible classes in the City Hall. The classes would be held for six weeks, two nights a week, and free to the public.
Jess Richmond asked if the Council could allow Church organizations to use public facilities as Church and State are supposed to be kept separate.
The Council authorized the City Manager to contact Attorney H. Vern Wentz to determine if the Court room may be used, stating they had no personal objections.
Bids for installing activated signal lights at Center and State were opened as follows:
Howard P. Foley Co. $3,500.00
Wasatch Line Construction Co. 2,522.00
Earl Wengreen stated that he was concerned as to where the money was available for this light.
Wayne Mills presented Plat D of Inglewood Park, stating that some lots are less than 8,000 square feet as required by Ordinance. Mr. Mills stated that the street is 56 feet wide, which makes the lots smaller. The Plat had been approved by the Council on the recommendation of the former City Engineer.
Laird Billings stated that the Planning Commission had assumed the Plat met specifications, that the Council cannot personally check each plat.
Mr. Mills was requested to meet with the Council the next Monday night for a decision. Mayor Jameson read a letter from the Planning Commission, as follows:
October 12, 1962
Honorable G. Milton Jameson, Mayor
and Orem City Council
Orem City Hall
Orem, Utah
The Planning Commission in their meeting of October 10, 1962, has authorized the chairman to recommend your approval of the following:
1. A building permit be issued to President M. Dover Hunt for the construction of a new junior seminary in connection with the new Orem Junior High School at 800 North 600 West. Said building will be located directly opposite the new school. Plans were approved conditionally, subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
2. The statement submitted by Mr. Dale Despain for $233.00 to cover the work done in September on the Master Street Work Plan is paid.
3. Mr. Vern Wentz, City Attorney, issue warnings to Mr. Hugh Parks and Memorial Gardens for violation of the law by placing large signs up without approval. Should these signs not be removed, it is recommended that citations be issued and these two parties be brought into court.
The above business which was approved by the Planning Commission is now presented to the Council for your consideration and approval.
Very sincerely,
Ray E. Hanks, Chairman of Planning Commission
Motion was made by Laird Billings to pay Dale Despain $233.00 for work done on the Master Road Plan. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman, and passed.
Motion was made by Laird Billings, seconded by Harley Gillman, to authorize the issuance of a building permit to Dover Hunt, and Attorney Wentz to check the signs, as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion passed.
Motion was made by Laird Billings to authorize the purchase of Court room furniture in the amount of $916.00, as recommended by the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.
City Manager Schmiett reported Mr. Johnson, 1675 South Main, has two used Dodge dump trucks purchased from Ironton which can be purchased for $3,600.00. One shows a mileage of 8,000 miles, the other 3,500 miles.
City Manager Schmiett reported a petition had been received asking that 570 North street be hard surfaced. The Manager was asked to determine if the property owners would pay cash.
The Council authorized thepayment of $7,500 to the Scera Recreation program as set up in the budget, Scera to pay for the ball park lighting.
DeLance Squire, C.P.A., reviewed the Audit on the General Funds and Water and Sewer Revenue Fund for January 1, to June 30, 1962. Mr. Squire reported personnel relations have improved. Also that good work is being done on inventory.
Harley Gillman reported that Merrill Crandall has asked the City to post private property signs on his private property to prevent further hauling of gravel. Also to block the road through the cemetery by putting rocks along the right of way.
Motion to adjourn was made by Alvin Rowley, seconded by Harley Gillman and passed.