Miss Drexler’s 8th Grade Algebra
Procedures and Expectations
Materials: brown bag book cover, .5” 3-ring binder, spiral notebook, loose leaf paper, pencils, pens, dry erase markers, calculator (TI-30 suggested)
Class Rules: Follow all rules as written in the school handbook, including the following:
- No gum
- Be on time to class, in your seat, and ready to begin activities when the bell rings
- Respect others and their property
**Failure to follow these rules and act appropriately will result in punishment upon teacher discretion. This may include detentions, limited privileges, or referral to the office.
Homework: will be assigned almost every night. This is necessary for constant practice. There will often be time in class to start on homework, so use it wisely as well as your intervention period. You will receive 3 points daily for homework which will be tabulated at the end of each week. Points will be deducted for partial or incomplete assignments. Occasionally homework will be collected and graded.
Tests and Quizzes: We will have a test at the completion of most chapters which will be announced a week in advance. We will typically have 1 or 2 smaller quizzes per chapter, which may be announced or unannounced. **Since this is an advanced class, failure to meet a 75% test and quiz average by the end of the quarter will require a change in placement to Pre-Algebra.
Exams: You will be taking two semester exams, one in December and one in May. These exams will cover the material we have learned in class that semester and will account for 20% of your grade. Since these play such a large role in your semester grade, it is important to take them seriously and practice good study habits. Remember that you are receiving high school credit for passing this class. Failing the class will result in repeating it as a freshman and no credit earned. You must have 4 math credits to graduate. Your final grade in this class will not go towards your high school GPA.
Absences: After returning from an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher for their missed assignments. You have as many days as you were absent from school to get the work made up.
Late work: Any incomplete assignment may be turned in the following day for half credit. Any assignment turned in over one day late will not be accepted for credit.
Math binder: You will be required to keep a binder organized with your tests, assignments, and notebook. This will assist you in preparing for semester exams. Your binders will be checked and graded for organization at the end of each quarter.
Intervention: Please seek help during intervention period if you do not understand something. Never hesitate to ask questions. I will have intervention typically once a week after school until 3:15. All are welcome. Intervention dates will be posted in the classroom and on my webpage. Additional intervention is available upon request. There will also be class time review before every test. Please see my website (through for weekly homework assignments, textbook resources, and other helpful links. Additionally, each student will have a username and password to access their online textbook, which also has useful intervention resources.