Welcome to Year 1!
Miss Brookes, Miss Ghafari and Miss Pasch Welcome back to a new school year at Sandon! We are very excited to welcome all of the children into a new school year and get stuck into new challenges to help your children grow and develop their learning in Year 1.
Your child’s planner is a key part of communicating with us, if you have any issues or concerns which for any reason you don’t have the opportunity to discuss at the gates in the morning this will be our way of contact with you. Planners must be bought into school daily and will be checked and signed by staff.
Reading in Y1:
Planners also help us to communicate with you about your child’s reading. Every Wednesday your child will receive a ‘book of the week’this is a non- reading scheme book for your child to read at their level. This is to encourage wider reading and will be a mixture of factional and fictional. These are then changed every Wednesday if it has been indicated in the planner that your child has completed the book. To accompany this your child will also receive 2 phonics scheme books a week which will only be changed if they have been read and this has been recorded in the planner. These books should be read fully at least twice before noting they need changing.
Homework in Y1:
A piece of maths homework will be handed out every Friday based around the weeks learning in school.
Spelling in Y1:
Your child will be given weekly spellings every Friday to learn at home. The number of spellings may differ class to class. Your child will then receive a spelling test the following Friday. Spelling is an important focus for Year 1 and there will be incentives from your class teacher for children who are seen to be trying their best!
Words of the Week in Y1
Each week along with spellings, your child will receive a Sandon reading card. Your child is expected to practise READING these words daily. The class teacher/teaching assistant will test your child each Friday.
This terms topic!
This term year 1 have gone bugs life crazy! All of our learningwill be based around Minibeasts. We have many exciting activities planned so stay tuned for parent workshops and creative homework coming soon…
Be sure to keep checking our class page on the school website to see our exciting learning in action!
Many Thanks, The Year 1 team