Redmond North Little League
Executive Board Meeting
Redmond Tennis Club
December 20, 2015
Executive Board members in attendance:
James McBain
Footie Davis
Bill Bieber
Alec Weintraub
Derrick Isackson
Steve Murawski
League members in attendance:
Jorge Novillo Information officer
Ellen ReedScore keeper-in-chief /Training coordinator
Meeting called to order: 5:00pm. James McBain presiding
- D9 meeting update
Donation of $750 to Softball World Series organized by Kirkland American –James McBain made motion to donate $750 to Kirkland American to help put on SWS Beiber seconded motion, after discussion motion passed.
D9 asked for use of RR for intermediate level D9 all-star tournament. Decision tabled until we are assured of additional fields for our all-star teams at HP. The intermediate tournament could affect practice space for our teams. James will discuss with scheduler and get a commitment for HP field time before we decide.
- Local Rules Change
McBain expressed a desire to make hard stop rules consistent with other leagues in D9 hard stop at 2:15. Other levels will remain at no new innings after two hours. Motion made and seconded, after discussion motion passed. New local rule requires AAA games have hard stop at 2:15.
- Extended Board Positions
Mike Sessions will be assisting Matt Sieger with equipment/uniforms
Ellen Reed will be in charge of Mariner day
- Registration Update.
Registration is progressing as expected 239 are registered 216 paid with 29 twelve year old registered as of the meeting. Jorge and Steve report that the website is functioning well. Alec W. has sent out additional emails encouraging more registrations to all members and has asked previous year managers to contact player from last year who have not registered yet.
- Treasurer Report
Steve provided update on funds and expenses.
Still awaiting RR construction funds from KC they are expected by years end.
- Evaluation Day
Rob Wood is on track for evaluations, he has the event planned and he has sent out email asking for volunteers. Lights will be on at RR at 0600. Need volunteers for knock the rust off on Jan 16th. James will ask Troy Woodward to see if he can organize knock-the–rust-off day.
LL 8s will be allowed to attend evaluation day.
- Constitution and Safety Plan
No changes to Constitution, it has been sent to LL. Safety Plan is complete and it also has been sent to LL.
- RR Facilities
Pre- fab building has been chosen and Bill is in contact with Contractor but still have been waiting for final plan document, he will send to Board when he receives them. Project could be complete by mid to late March.
- Training
Ellen Reed – Will ask Rijo to attend next meeting to discuss training for upper division. Dates should be in March. Baseball Positive being considered for training for IB/AAA level. Ellen will be research and determine what score sheets need to be ordered for the season.
- Managers
James has asked for input on managers. Currently considering four at major level will have a better idea on how many needed at next meeting. Kids who do not want to play for a manager should advise player agent and request a no pick before draft.
- HP mound Replacement
Redmond has asked RNLL to assist in funding a replacement of dirt mounds with turf mound. No consensus reached on the matter. Concerns regarding mound replacement rather than repair and use of HP.
- Advertising Banners
Need to decide what rate to charge for advertising banners at RR regarding the rate. Need to contact former board for rates and length of contracts. (James)
- Photo Day
Beverly Smetters is in contact with photographer group and will be getting a date set.
- Scheduling
Schedule will be similar, if not same as last year. Mike Condon will be coordinating.
NEXT MEETING January 10, 2016 at 0900 at Family Pancake House Redmond
Meeting Adjourned 7:00 pm
Derrick Isackson
RNLL Secretary 2015-16