Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High Requirements
Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High is open to all girls who are enrolled in Grades 6-8. Open to girls who attend public, private, home school, boarding or online schools in the state of Alabama. Delegates must not have ever been married, had or have a child, be or ever have been pregnant, or convicted of a crime. Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High must be of good moral character.
Miss Tuscaloosa High School Requirements:
Miss Tuscaloosa High School is open to all girls who are enrolled in high school in Grades 9-11. Open to girls who attend public, private, home school, boarding or online schools in the state of Alabama. Delegates must not have ever been married, had or have a child, be or ever been pregnant, or convicted of a crime. Miss Tuscaloosa High School must be of good moral character.
Miss TuscaloosaHigh School Senior Requirements:
Miss Tuscaloosa High School Senior is open to all girls who are enrolled in high school in Grade 12. Open to girls who attend public, private, home school, boarding or online schools in the state of Alabama. Delegates must not have ever been married, had or have a child, be or ever been pregnant, or convicted of a crime. Miss Tuscaloosa High School Senior must be of good moral character.
before or during the pageant. ONE parent will be allowed backstage after the pageant once contestants have gotten their items together and are ready to leave. Space is limited and parents will be let in a few at a time. NO CONTESTANT WILL BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE BEFORE THE COMPLETE CONCLUSION OF THE PAGEANT FOR ALL DIVISIONS. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS, because to leave early shows poor sportsmanship.
Only official pageant personnel are allowed backstage at any time.(Only approved hair and makeup artists will be allowed backstage.) No one other than contestants and official pageant personnel are allowed backstage at anytime during the course of the pageant.
Tentative Schedule (subject to change based on number of contestants)
Contestants should arrive at Brookwood Middle School at the following times:
Junior High 11:15 a.m
High School 11:30 a.m.
High School Senior11:45
Contestants should arrive hair and make-up ready dressed for their interview.
Junior High interviews will begin at 11:45
High School interviews will begin at 12:00 noon
High School Senior interviews will begin at 12:15
Interviews will last 3 minutes each.
The contestant will stand in front of the judges’ table during the interview. There is no podium.
After interview, contestant should change into comfortable clothing.
We recommend a button front shirt, yoga pants and comfortable shoes.
Contestants will participate in practice after their interview is completed.
Practice will conclude by 4:45 p.m.
A break will be after practice until 5:45 p.m.
Contestants need to be in their opening number dress (Interview dress)by6:00 p.m.
Pageant begins at 6:30 p.m.
Competition Order
(Subject to change based on number of contestants in each division.)
~ Opening Number
~ Fashion Runway
(Junior High, High School, High School Senior)
~ Evening Gown
(Junior High, High School, High School Senior)
~Parade of Contestants
~ Top 10 announced (if there are enough entries) and theymodel Evening Gown
(Junior High, High School, High School Senior)
~ Top 10 then change into Fashion Runway and Model
Then change back into Evening Gown
~ Top 5 announcement and Top 5 onstage questions
(Junior High, High School, High School Senior)
~ Crowning Ceremony
(Junior High, High School, High School Senior)
All contestants must stay until the completion of crowning of all divisions.
Contestants are to remain in their evening gowns because all contestants of each division will be on stage during awards ceremony and crowning.
Opening Number: Not Scored
Opening Number will consist of each delegate participating in an easy routine &
introducing themselves on stage. (While the opening number is not scored you are making an impression on the judges.)
Your introduction can only be 15 seconds. Include your name and city you are from. You do not need to say Alabama. A simple example follows:
"Representing (Name of School) in (City), I am (Name)."
Opening Number Attire:
The dress worn for the Interview Competition may be worn for the opening number.
Interview Competition: 40% of score
The Interview Competition will be a 3-minute, panel style, private interview with the judges. Questions will be based off of contestant’s fact sheet (Form B) and age relevant topics. It is always a good idea to stay informed on current events in your community, state and nation that are relevant to your age division. The judges will be scoring each contestant on their ability to communicate, answer questions concisely and answer consistently, character and overall presentation. No political or controversial issue questions will be asked.
Interview Attire: A career/Sunday dress is suggested along with coordinating heels. Please choose a dress that is flattering in style and color to you. (No business suits – only dresses are allowed.)
Fashion Runway Competition: 20% of score
Delegates will model a fun outfit that shows off their personality. It can be anything that you choose: but think – “High Fashion New York Runway Model”! Feel free to accessorize with hats, jewelry, belts, etc. No swimsuits or mid-riff revealing attire will be allowed. Each delegate will model her outfit on stage to fun upbeat music. Judges will be looking for personality on stage, an outfit that shows off delegates' uniqueness, personality and confidence on stage. (Do not throw things during your walk. If you bring a prop on stage then you must take it off stage with you.)
Evening Wear Competition: 40% of score
Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High, Miss Tuscaloosa High School and Miss TuscaloosaHigh School Senior America titleholders must project grace, style and sophistication. Each delegate selects her own evening gown. Her choice should reflect her own personality and style. The monetary value of the gown is not a consideration for judging. The judges will be looking at the girl in the gown, not the gown on the girl.
Evening Gown Attire: Gown must be floor-length. Delegates may wear either gowns with full skirts or fitted gowns. (Dresses cannot have splits above the knee. High School and High School Senior delegates should not select a gown that is too revealing or to "adult". Judging Criteria: Overall appearance, beauty, poise, stage presence, fashion sense and delegate's ability to project comfortable elegance.
Miss TuscaloosaJR High, Miss Tuscaloosa High School and Miss TuscaloosaHigh School Senior Optionals:
Miss Tuscaloosa Hospitality:The one contestant who sells the most ad pages for the program book will be named Miss Tuscaloosa Hospitality and will receive a nice award. Minimum of five full page ads must be sold. Only one award will be given between all divisions.
Most Photogenic: The program photo will be judged for Most Photogenic. One winner for each division will receive a nice award. $10.00 to enter.
Mandatory Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High, Miss Tuscaloosa High School and Miss Tuscaloosa High School Senior Delegate Entry Fee:
$75.00 due by March 21, 2014
All headshots MUST be received in .jpg format by March24th via email to . If your head shot is submitted after this date it will not appear in the program book.
Each delegate is responsible for paying her own entry fee to the pageant. She may seek sponsors to help her cover the cost of her entry fee, wardrobe, etc. Their sponsors will be announced during their on stage walk.
A sponsorship letter can be found at the end the application.
Miss TuscaloosaPageant Prize Package -- Each division Queen will receive:
Official Crown
Official Monogrammed Banner
Miss Alabama JR High-High School-Collegiate America Pageant entry fee
First and Second Alternates will receive:
$50.00 paid on their behalf for entry into the Miss Alabama JR High-High School-Collegiate America Pageant
Miss Tuscaloosa High School Senior will receive:
$250.00 scholarship paid to the college/university of her choice.
Code of Conduct
Entrant and parent(s)/guardian(s) affirms that she is and will continue to be a person of good moral character; that she has not committed and will not commit any act inconsistent with the highest standards of public morals and conventions or that will reflect unfavorably on the pageant, its representatives, sponsors and/or licensees; that she has not appeared in nude or provocative photographs for any film or publication, Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media. Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High, Miss Tuscaloosa High School, or Miss TuscaloosaHigh School Senior will conduct herself at all times with dignity, grace and good manners. Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High, Miss Tuscaloosa High School, or Miss TuscaloosaHigh School Senior will not slander or libel other contestants, judges, staff, sponsors, or anyone else involved with or connected to the state and/or national pageant. Defamatory verbal and/or written remarks will result in immediate disqualification, forfeiture of any and all prizes and awards won, and possible legal charges. Any delegate found publicly posting slanderous remarks on public forums and/or social media will be immediately disqualified. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Disruptive behavior before, during, or after the pageant may result in disqualification, removal from the premises, and legal charges. The entrant and parent(s)/guardian(s) agree(s) to sign this Code of Conduct statement indicating agreement to abide by the terms specified here. Failure to sign the Code of Conduct statement does not in any way release delegate from responsibility to abide by the Code of Conduct stated here. All issues related to the Code of Conduct and consequences for violation thereof shall be determined solely and exclusively by the Director. Entrant agrees to accept such determinations made by the Director.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) of entrants of Tuscaloosa Junior High, Miss Tuscaloosa High School, or Miss TuscaloosaHigh School Senior will conduct herself at all times with dignity, grace and good manners. Miss Tuscaloosa Junior High, Miss Tuscaloosa High School, or Miss TuscaloosaHigh School Senior will not slander or libel other contestants, judges, staff, sponsors, or anyone else involved with or connected to the state and/or national pageant. Defamatory verbal and/or written remarks will result in immediate disqualification, forfeiture of any and all prizes and awards won, and possible legal charges. Any delegate found publicly posting slanderous remarks on public forums and/or social media will be immediately disqualified. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Disruptive behavior before, during, or after the pageant may result in disqualification, removal from the premises, and legal charges.
You may purchase Pageant Tickets for $15.00 if purchased by the final deadline of March 21st. Pageant Tickets will be $25.00 if purchased the night of the pageant. ONLY CASH will be accepted the day of the pageant.
Program Souvenir Books:
These will be very nice books with all contestants’ photos and make a great souvenir. Program Books will be sold for $10.00 by the March 21st deadline by check only and will be $20.00 at the door (CASH ONLY).
Please email your headshot
Be sure to include name and division. We prefer forward facing head-shots with no hands or props in the photo. Photos may not contain any watermarks, photography logos, clipart, writing of any type, etc.
Program Ad Costs:
Full Page-----$30.00
Half Page-----$20.00
Quarter Page-----$10.00
Patron Page----$5.00
All Applications and Entry Fee’s, and Headshot for Program Book are due by (everything must be sent in together):
March 21, 2014
Delegate Information Sheet
Form A
Full Name of Contestant: ______
Street Address: ______
City & Zip: ______
Contestant’s Cell Phone Number: ______
Contestant’s Email: ______
Birthday: ______Age: ______
Parent's Name: ______
Parent’s Phone Number(s):______
Parents’ Email ______
Name of your school: ______
Grade Level (as of August 2013): ______
School Address: ______
School Phone Number: ______
School Principal: ______
How did you find out about our pageant? (Please be specific): ______
I agree that judge’s decisions are final and any show of poor sportsmanship will result in disqualification of the contestant without a refund of fees from the pageant and related events. No refunds will be given unless the pageant is canceled. I agree that the Directors, members, volunteers, city officials, and facility owners are not responsible for any accident, injury, or theft that occurs during, to and from the pageant. I agree that by printing my signature below and submitting this application via USPostal Service, email/fax/etc. constitutes as my original signature.
(Must be signed by Parent or Legal guardian if contestant is under 18)
DATE: ______
(Delegate needs to submit 5 copies of this form. Please type or print neatly and keep form no more than 2 pages with your name on each page. You may re-type this page, but please use this format and use only black ink/white paper. Pictures, clip art, etc. are not allowed. The Judges will see this form)
DO NOT LIST YOUR AGE/GRADE ON THIS FORM – the judges should not know your grade level
Full Name:
(As you would like listed in program book)
Home Address:
City, State, & Zip:
Other Number:
Email Address:
Parent’s Name:
What are your Hobbies?
In what sports, clubs, and school organizations do you participate?
What honors/awards have you won?
What are your accomplishments?
Form B – Page 2
Full Name:
(As you would like listed in program book)
List any civic/community organization or church/religious groups in which you participate?
What are your Community service/volunteering contributions?
What are other interesting facts about yourself or your family that you would want publicized?
What goals/future plans do you have?
I promise that the information provided above is accurate and true.
Checklist Form
All information, photos, documents, etc. need to be submitted together.
Please include 1 copy of this checklist with your forms and photos.
_____Photos/Ads – email
Check every item that you have enclosed.
_____ Informational Sheet (Form A) 1 copy
_____ Official Fact Sheet (Form B page 1 & 2) 5 copies – WE WILL NOT MAKE COPIES FOR
YOU! (These should not be folded but mailed flat.)
_____ Checklist Sheet (Form C) 1 copy
_____ One Head shot - Please email to:
MANDATORY Pageant Entry Fee: $75
_____ Postmarked by March 21st
_____ Ads must be emailed to:
Program books #_____ x $10 each = ______
Tickets #______x $15 each = ______
All Checks are to be made payable to “BMS”
Attn: Latasha Hubbard
17021 Brookwood PKWY
Vance AL 35490
Contestant Participation Sponsorship Form
Contestant Name:
Contestant Email:
Official Name to be listed as Sponsor:
Contact Name:
Amount of Sponsorship:
Please make checks payable to: BMS
Attn: Latasha Hubbard
17021 Brookwood PKWY
Vance AL 35490
Attn: Latasha Hubbard 17021 Brookwood PKWY Vance AL 35490
Fax: (205)553-9910