Minutesof the Planning Committee meeting
Monday 13th November 2017at 7.00pm, South Lodge
Present: Cllrs J. Chhokar (Chairman), H. Orme, M. Berntson, N. Holmes, P. Roberts, J. Woolveridge, C. Brown, J. O’Keeffe (joined meeting at 7:25pm), I. Bayliss (joined meeting at 7:35pm) andAsst. Clerk, C. McCoy
- Apologies for absence: CllrsM. Baker, T. Scott,
- Declarations of interest: see agenda item 15 (17/01979/FUL)
- The Council considered 23 plans: comments below
- Council noted that Cllr C Brown will be attending a public speaking session of BCC Development Control Committee on 27th November 2017, ref: BCC CM/17/16 (SBDC 17/01841/CM) Wapseys Wood
Application No. / Comments / Site / Proposal
17/01899/TPO / Council objects to this application. The proposed work will remove valuable tree cover/boundary screening. Council is also concerned that the clearing will open up access making the site vulnerable to potential development. / Land Between Cosgrove And Bywood
Windsor Road
Gerrards Cross, Bucks / Mixture of Oak, Sycamore and Limes trees reduce limbs back to boundary line. (SBDC TPO 1995,30)
17/01902/LBC / No objection / Sundown Cottage
42 Hedgerley Lane
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7NR / Listed Building Application for: 3 x replacement windows in front elevation (Retrospective).
17/01908/TPO / No objection / Vikings
24 Top Park
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7PW / T1 - Yew - remove to near ground level and grind out. G2 - Hawthorn - Remove two stems adjacent to road (SBDC TPO No 14, 2001).
17/01909/TPO / No objection / 71 Camp Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7PF / T1 Beech - Reduce and reshape to old cuts (10%) Crown thin by 15% (SBDC TPO No 47, 2002 (W1)).
17/01911/TPO / No objection / 74 Fulmer Drive
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7HL / T1 Oak - Reduce by 35% and reshape. (SBDC TPO No. 48, 2002).
17/01777/FUL / No objection provided the plans comply with Green Belt policy / Lynwood
Over The Misbourne
Gerrards Cross
UB9 5DR / Replacement dwelling with detached triple garage and outbuilding.
17/01944/FUL / No objection provided the plans comply with Green Belt policy / Lynwood
Over The Misbourne
Gerrards Cross
UB9 5DR / Replacement dwelling with detached triple garage, outbuilding, relocated tennis court, relocation of existing vehicular access and construction of second vehicular access.
17/01942/TPO / Council objects to Spruce (T1) which is a fine mature tree which is in full public view and provides good visual amenity.
No objection, Yew (T2) / Woodmount
9 Hillcrest Waye
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8DN / (T1) Spruce - Cut back by 0.5-1m on both sides, (T2) Yew - Reduce by 0.5-1m all round and (T3) Yew - Reduce by 0.5-1m all round (SBDC TPO No. 05, 2001).
17/01968/FUL / Council objects to this application. The proposed dwellings would be un-neighbourly, particularly to the residents of the apartments in South Park View. There would be a great loss of mature trees from the site, particularly in the construction of the new driveway which would remove a great deal of natural screening and result in loss of ecological habitat.
The development would appear cramped and be an over-development of the site within the Conservation Area and would not compliment or enhance the site. This application is contrary to Policies C1, EP3, EP4, H9 and CP8 of the local plan. / Land At Shirley Holms
4 South Park Drive
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8JH / Construction of two detached dwellings,and garage with associated vehicular access. (Amended planning permission 16/00815/FUL)
17/01955/TPO / No objection / Drum House
18 Beech Waye
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8BL / (T1) Oak - Fell and (T2) Alder - Crown reduce by 1.5-2m (SBDC TPO No. 05, 2001).
17/01922/FUL / Council objects to this application. The property is situated in an RAEC (Vicarage Way) which has a residential character in which mature trees and hedges dominate the street scene. The proposed installation of wall and metal railings with the associated loss of shrubs and hedges is out of keeping with the RAEC and is contrary to Policy H10 of the Local Plan. / Highlands
19 Vicarage Way
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8AR / Installation of metal railings with 1.8m heights on the boundary of Mill lane and metal railings with 1m heights on a low brick wall base with 0.45m height on the boundary of Vicarage Way.
17/01963/FUL / No objection but Council recommends that an arboricultural report is provided for SBDC Tree Officer to check the impact of the proposed development on the trees/shrubs on the site; the plans provided are not clear in this regard. / 1 Woodbank Avenue
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7PY / Part two storey/part first floor side/rear extension.
13/ Info only
17/01969/CLOPED / Larch House
9D Elmwood Park
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7EP / Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed: Single storey rear extension.
17/01974/LBC / Council has no objection to the extension in principal, but does object to the proposed use of 5-door bi-fold door arrangement which it considers to be out of keeping with the existing Listed Building.
No objection to addition of window in the gable end, first floor. / Knights Rest
74 Moat Farm Barns
Hedgerley Lane
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8SX / Single storey rear extension incorporating roof lights, together with internal ground floor alterations. Addition of a window at first floor level to the North Elevation.
17/01979/FUL / Councillor M Berntson declared an interest in this application and left the room, taking no part in the discussion and decision of the Council.
The meeting was closed at 7:40pm to allow a resident to speak. The meeting was reopened at 7:45pm.
Council objects to this application which it considers to be contrary to Policies EP3, H9 and H10 of the Local Plan.
The bulk and siting – the proposed triple garage will be 9.3m forward on the plot – will be out of keeping and overbearing, being the most forward building on the road. The development in such a prominent location will change the character of the road which is in an RAEC, detracting from the visual amenity of the area and setting an unwelcome precedent for other potential developments.
Council also notes that the alterations to the entrance mean that there is no longer a waiting area/pull-in for vehicles turning into the property while waiting for access through the gates. / Grafton House
31 Camp Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7PG / Part single storey/part two storey front/side extension to provide triple garage with additional accommodation above. Alterations to front boundary wall and entrance incorporating entrance gates and railings.
17/01923/FUL / Council objects to this application which it considers to be over-development of the site and contrary to Policy EP3 of the Local Plan. / 10 Mill Lane
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8AY / Part single /part two storey front/side extension
17/01985/FUL / No objection / 10 Donnay Close
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7PZ / Front porch and part single/part two storey/part first floor side/rear extensions incorporating integral garage.
17/01987/RVC / No objection / Bramford House
51 Orchehill Avenue
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8QG / Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 16/00930/FUL (Two detached dwelling houses.) to allow: alterations to site boundaries.
17/01990/RVC / The meeting was closed at 7:06pm to allow a resident to speak. The meeting was reopened at 7:12pm.
Council objects to this retrospective application which is contrary to Policies C1 an EP3 of the Local Plan. Construction is well advanced with the openings for the additional windows and doors already incorporated therefore the developer is in breach of the Condition 12 of the planning permission.
The plans provided do not show the introduction of 2nd floor velux windows (one on the north elevation and one on the south elevation) – also in breach of Condition 12 of the planning permission.
The introduction of a velux window on the south elevation represents a gross loss of privacy to neighbouring property (Woodbank, No.28 East Common) as it looks directly into No.28’s bathroom.
The addition of so many extra windows and the change from windows to doors with Juliette balconies detract from the character of the Conservation area and contribute to an overall significant loss of privacy to No.28 (their garden and above-mentioned bathroom). The height from floor level of the velux windows in the roof is such that they can be fully opened and looked out from allowing an immediate view onto the neighbouring property and this is exacerbated by the depth of the property into the plot.
Council is very concerned about this blatant breach of Conditions (reported separately to SBDC Enforcement by email on 26th October). / Heatherside
26 East Common
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7AF / Variation of Condition 4 and 12 of planning permission 16/01712/FUL (Erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings and construction of vehicular access.) to allow the insertion of windows to both side elevations, 5 velux windows, changing of window to door and juliette balcony in rear elevation.
Condition Number(s): 4 and 12
17/01994/CAN / No objection / Woodlands
Oxford Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7DL / Various tree surgery works (Gerrards Cross Common Conservation Order)
17/01937/FUL / Council objects to this application. The proposed dwelling is out of keeping with the surrounding properties and both over-dominant and un-neighbourly; contrary to Policies EP3 and H9 of the Local Plan. / Charnwood
7 Birchdale
Gerrards Cross
SL9 7JA / Replacement dwelling house.
22/ Info only
17/02011/CLOPED / 5 South View Road
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8RQ / Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed use for two velux windows on front slope and rear dormer.
17/02060/CAN / No objection but Council is unable to judge on the safety of the veteran Ash (T10); this tree has huge environmental value. SBDC Tree Officer’s advice is sought. / Russets
37 Orchehill Avenue
Gerrards Cross
SL9 8QE / Ash (T10) - Fell, Acer (T13) - Fell, Cedar (T14) - Crown lift to give 4m clearance, Beech (T18) - Fell. (Gerrards Cross Centenary Conservation Area)
Meeting started at 7:00pm and ended at 8:20pm
Date of next meeting – Monday27thNovember2017 7:00 pm