Minutes Yorkshire & Humberside

27 January 2015

Red Kite - Wakefield


Sharon Seddon (SS) Regional Chair

Robert Clark (RC) Regional Vice Chair

Joanne Campbell (JC) Regional Secretary

Jill Northrop (JN) Regional Treasurer

Peter McGrath (PMG) National Vice Chair

Janet Sylvester (JS)

Hayden Hendry (HH)

Alan Drayton (AD)

Jo Webster (JW)

John Plant (JP)

Steve Hibbert (SH)

Damien O’Brien (DOB)

Danielle Bretherton (DB)


Barbara Kistasamy (BK)

Trevor Moolman (TM )

Item / Action
01/15 / Welcome:
From Sharon Seddon - Chair of the Yorkshire and Humberside Region / SS
02/15 / Apologies:
03/15 / Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Held on 05 12 14 were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting / ALL
04/15 / Committee Structure
Some of the committee are up for re-election this year SS to check who has to be re elected / SS
05/15 / Treasurers Report
Balance to date £6085
SS to email Elygra re Expo income / JN
06/15 / National Councillor Report:
DB to attend first National Meeting on Monday 02 02 15
PM moved from Events to Coms team.
PM written a Communication Strategy to communicate with members re the website good news stories best practice etc. / PM
07/15 / AGM 05 March 15
Date Thursday 5th March 2015.
The Pride of Hull (North Sea Ferries) – confirmed
Passports required
SS to clarify parking arrangements
Bacon butties refreshments and lunch all arranged
SCOTY – Tanya Watkins Regional Winner cannot attend
JS - to ask this year’s regional winner to attend and do a 10 minute presentation
PM to invite Carianne Bishop – National Chair
Labelling / allergen laws – Chris Ford to ask an EH health officer to speak on this topic
If this can’t be arranged DB volunteered
What does being a member of LACA mean?- PM to write to each regional chair and ask for 2 ideas for the way forward
Effects of UIFSM – possible H/T to speak HH to ask Barbara from York and east riding if they know a H/T who could speak
DB to contact Cool Milk to sponsor the event
JS to contact Jerry Brown Young’s Seafood to sponsor the event
PM to contact Keith warren to speak about equipment
JW to compile a quiz on allergens
JP to provide a prize
Cost of Event £35 per head
2 tickets for the main event to be raffled on the day
Jobs on the Day
Reception JW JN
Meet & Greet DOB RC DB
Venue Liaison JC
Badges JW JN
Box TM / SS
CF/ DB ?
08 /15 / SCOTY
Joint Yorkshire, NE and Scotland
& candidates
Good event well attended very good standard particularly the marketing tables.
North Yorkshire was the winner for our region / SS
Main Event in July
Agenda set – no further information / PM
09/15 / November Expo 2015
At the next meeting HCA meeting, AD to speak to the committee to ask if the AGM can be brought forward to half term week to allow a meeting to be arranged for cooks from our region.
Finishing Touches competition to be arranged for this event / AD
10/15 / NSMW
No information to date / SS
11/15 / Date of Next Meeting
05 03 15 AGM North Sea Ferries Hull
21 04 15 Committee meeting SS to arrange venue
09 06 15 Summer Event
04 08 15 Committee Meeting venue TBA
22 09 15 Committee Meeting venue TBA
TBA Expo Doncaster Racecourse
04 12 15 Committee meeting & Christmas Lunch TBA
27 01 16 Committee Meeting venue TBA
03 03 16 AGM venue TBA / SS
12/15 / Thank you to Jill for arranging the venue / ALL