OSHRM Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Meeting Minutes

5:00 p.m.

Board members in attendance: Jay Corbett, Dave Phillips, Farrah Newman, Teresa Rascoe, Lisa Knott, Gina Mitchell, Patricia Gibson, Michelle Drake, Jamie Rhoads, Anita Cash, Linda Keller, Pam Cox, Michael Slonecker, Bridget Harris

Board members not in attendance: Sharon Coffman, Naomi Sutton, Brooke Grossman, Marianne Hanley


Dave suggested a quarterly programming plan (focused programming with 3 complimentary programs) @ December meeting

Jay requested ideas for program topics

-Workforce recruiting-Jamie

-Use the HRCI prep course modules as topics-Mike

-Employee benefits 101-ERISA, negotiation and administration, “soft benefits”

-Anita Cash suggested it be tied to Total Rewards module of HRCI course

-Essentials of HR Management


-Best Place to Work-Pam

-Explain the ROI for recipients (T/O, retention, motivation, productivity, etc.)

-Communicate and market program in Sept./Oct.

-Get Chamber/ED involved-Gina

-Benefits of National SHRM membership

-Diversity and AA-Patricia

-Opportunity to partner with BG for Diversity conference

-Labor Relations

-On-going surge in Union involvement

-Immigration-related issues

-Safety and Workers Comp

-KY Chamber holds 2-day conference –Jay highly recommended


-Strategic HR Planning

-Succession Planning-Farrah

-Need issues to attract Senior HR professionals-Pam

-Crisis communication/disaster recovery planning-Jamie

-Dealing with multi-generational needs

-Workforce communication

-Opportunity to partner with GRADD

-Work Ethics

-Use BG’s Work Ethics Seal Program as model

-Jay will send out a tentative program by mid-week for review and approval

-Mike suggested that programming be built and scheduled into the following year

-Jay asked members to consider changing bi-laws to 2-year term

-Members were in favor

-Jay will put together a proposal, compliant with SHRM

-Dave suggested that 6 meetings might be necessary per year vs. 4 due to changing labor laws and the need for labor law updates.

-Patricia suggested that resource materials for purchase or from the library be recommended and available to OSHRM members

-Free resource sites were introduced @ Covington conference-Mike

-Need to build networking into our programming-Jay

-Patricia expressed concern about difficulty in scheduling quality speakers

-HR Games in Knoxville, TN (last Sat. in April) may afford OSHRM members the opportunity to mentor and prep students


“Partnership” was defined as on-going and synergistic; OSHRM helping another group/organization and visa-versa. Partnership must not be confused with Resource.-Jay

“Resources” would include local legal groups, finance officers in the community, local safety group (of which Sharon Coffman is a member), Messenger Inquirer (Jay recommended that an HR article be submitted by OSHRM on a regular basis).

Patricia asked if it is necessary for OSHRM Board Members to have DO insurance

-Board agreed that may be necessary, given that we want to be a community HR resource

-Treasurer will investigate cost of such insurance

Jay requested names of organizations/individuals, etc. with whom to partner:

-Area schools (school systems, colleges/universities)


-Economic Development

-Chamber of Commerce


-National SHRM

-Members voted: GRADD, ED, and Chamber our 2008 FT partners

-Members will approach these organizations and gauge interest in partnering with OSHRM


Jay asked how can we support and assist?

Anita reported two major issues

1. Certification itself

2. OSHRM-on-going provider of recertification hours

-many misunderstand what a qualified certification program is-

-increasing the number of qualified recertification programs may increase SR HR professionals’ participation-Farrah

Assist in the marketing and PR efforts-Farrah

-Differentiate the OCC program vs. USI

-Target Henderson, Madisonville, etc.

Mentor and prepare others for certification

Use E-blasts to communicate

Use membership solicitation letter to encourage PHR/SPHR certification

-Is your HR staff certified? Explain changing HR job market and the necessity of certification-Jay

Anita will join the Programming committee in an effort to keep meeting programs recertification qualified


Jay requested information related to last year’s SHRM Foundation Fundraiser

-Jamie and Brooke delivered clothing to the drop spot @ the Daymar Career Center (4 full bus loads)

-Gina prepared sale (pricing, etc.), but mentioned that there just wasn’t enough help

-$960 was raised for the SHRM Foundation

-Jay clarified that all partners in fundraising events would share 50% of the work, expenses and profit, with clear expectations set up on the front end for all parties involved

-Jay requested that 10 minutes be devoted to additional discussion of SHRM Foundation fundraising

-Dave asked-how is the money raised being used?

-Scholarships, etc.-Pam

-Dave suggested a Golf Scramble to fundraise for National SHRM Foundation

-Pam discussed details of the Daviess County Breakfast Rotary Club’s Snowball Tournament, held each Feb.

-Golf scramble a@ Ben Hawes

-$ per hole

-sell refreshments to earn additional money

-Patricia suggested that we not forget the importance of local, community fundraisers

-Mike suggested that we continue to think about less labor intensive fundraising efforts

-Gina recalled the success of the Silent Auction

-Fundraiser could be paired with wellness-Jamie

-Partner with schools and parents, etc.

-Jay suggested that a separate Committee be formed to support SHRM Fundraiser and local fundraisers


Jay requested ideas to enhance OSHRM’s PR and community relations

-Worthwhile community endeavor is necessary, like Welfare to Work-Pam

-Program to raise money for community health program

-OSHRM should have a united presence @ local events-Farrah

-Discussion on this topic will continue at next meeting-Jay


Gina reported-majority of membership wants to have meetings @ noontime

Allowing little or no time for networking-Jay

Could we consider other meeting times? Jay

Rooster Booser monthly a.m. meeting works out well-Michelle

-Downside is transporting children to school-Pam

-If times are varied, difference audience is captured-Gina

-Travel time is an issue for those outside of Owensboro-Pam

-Jay proposed ½ of all meetings @ lunchtime and other ½ in the evening

-Dave proposed 8 lunch meetings, 2 breakfast meetings, 2 evenings

-Members agreed to Dave’s proposal

-Breakfast meetings suggested during summer months and evening meeting suggested during fall and winter months

Gina suggested that a January membership meeting be held (i.e Networking/Roundtable)

-Dave suggested members discuss how to deal with attendance problems

-Members would be asked to bring policies and best practices to share

-Worst case scenarios could be shared as an icebreaker

-Dave would lead this roundtable discussion

-Patricia/Marianne will confirm availability of Brescia’s room

-Gina suggested 22nd of January as meeting date

Board members were reminded that the second Tuesday of every month is the meeting date set in the bi-laws

Board members will meet on the 1st Thursday of every moth from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m., making Feb. 7th the next meeting. Meetings will last no longer than 1 hour. If unavailable to meet, Board members may call in to participate in the meetings via teleconference.

Teresa handed out Financial Report

-Need to control food cost-Jay

-Losing money every month on food costs-Teresa

-Farrah suggested Fazoli’s a cost-effective caterer for some meetings ($4-$5 per person)

-Need to revitalize sponsorship for lunches-Gina

Teresa requested anticipated 2008 expenses from all Board members

-Teresa will create a budget

-Bring expenses to next meeting, if not before

Jamie passed out “Laundry of Love” flyer

Jay reminded members that a Newsletter Board member was needed

Meeting commenced at 8:05 p.m.