City of Blue Earth
Minutes Street Committee
April 19, 2017 @ 4:15 P.M.
Council Chambers
Call to Order:
Chair Wigern called the meeting to order at 4:20 P.M.
Members Present: Ray Wigern, Marty Cassem, Russ Erichsrud, David Classon, and Dan Brod were present. Gray Armon was absent.
Staff Present: Public Works Supervisor Jamie Holland, City Engineer Wes Brown, City Administrator Tim Ibisch and Light and Water Director Tim Stoner.
Correction were made on the minutes from August 30, 2016.
Motion by Classon, second by Erichsrud approving the Street Committee Meeting Minutes from August 30, 2016. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
At this time Chair Ray Wigern addressed the five-year street plan. City Engineer Wes Brown presented the updated street plan. There are changes for two county projects which are planned for 2020 and 2021. There projects would include utility improvements with the street construction. Brown commented the current price of asphalt is down. The sewer and water utilities in Industrial Park might be updated. Six blocks of water line will need to be bore in on 13th Street to Moore Street.
The street plan for 2018 includes five blocks of Galbraith. The committee added two additional blocks of Galbraith to fix water main issues. The street will be mill and overlay instead of reconstructing the street. This street project will consist of Galbraith from 14th Street to Smith Street. Wigern questioned if BELW and the City were okay with the changes. Blue Earth Light and water Director Tim Stoner commented Light and Water were okay with changes. City Administrator Tim Ibisch commented the City was okay with the changes. The project will be bid out in early 2018. Brown mentioned there may be a possibility to bid out this fall if the City goes through the assessments.
The committee continued to review the five-year street plan. The current schedule for 2019 is six blocks of Walnut Street. Ibisch noted that some have requested to move the Sailor Street project up. Public Works Director Jamie Holland mentioned there is a sewer line issue is under 2nd Street between Hwy 169 and Sailor Street. When the jetter was used to open the pipes, clay was pulled out. Water is able to get by the obstruction, but the camera is not able to pass through. The issue may require digging to locate the exact spot and to fit the problem. Holland mentioned there is a similar issue with 3rd Street. He will get camera work done and report results back to the committee.
The committee agreed Gorman Street is in worst condition and has heavier traffic flows then Walnut Street. Currently the 4th Street and Gorman intersection and manhole are in good condition. Stoner commented the water breaks at 6th Street and Walnut Street are in poor condition. Ibisch commented more residents will be affected with the Gorman Street project. He feels Sailor Street is a better project than Walnut Street. Holland commented on the locations of the Sailor Street projects. Sailor Street south of 7th Street will only need to be graded and leveled. There are no sewer and water services for the residents who live on the South side of Sailor. The resident either have septic tanks or holding tanks.
The county projects for 2020-2021 include the West Industrial Park. This would consist of mill and overlaying the three drives within Industrial Park. Water and sewer services are already out to the park. Holland mentioned there are issues with the storm sewer hook-ups, smoke testing confirmed there are illegal connections. Also, there are drainage issues due to the old DOT tiling system. The scheduled project for 2021 is Leland Parkway from Childs Street to HWY 169. The water main will need to be replaced.
The committee went over the plans for 2018 street project consisting of five blocks of Galbraith Street. Brown mentioned the project will consist of lining the sewer, replacing the water main, and mill & overlay. Holland commented the storm sewer is good, and may need to spot fix the curbs. There will be about 40 – 60 feet of section that needs repair. The committee commented the total cost of the project would be funded by the City. Ibisch mentioned the water and mill & overlay will be assessed to the residents.
Committee member Dan Brod mentioned he would like to move up Sailor Street project. Sailor Street could be broken into three section and spread across three years.
The five-year plan was updated to:
Street Improvement ProgramBlue Earth, Minnesota
Preliminary Estimated Utility Street Improvement Costs
Year / Street Segment / Water / Sewer / Storm / Street / Totals
Assess / Levy
2017 / No Primary Project, SRTS Application and Sealcoat Effort
2018 / Thirteenth/Moore Street - Main to Ramsey/12th to 14th / $ 150,000 / $ 125,000 / $ 12,500 / $ 190,500 / $ 444,500 / $ 922,500
2018 / Galbraith -14th to N. Circle / $ 125,000 / $ 40,000 / $ 25,000 / $ 46,860 / $ 109,340 / $ 346,200
2019 / Sailor Street - 1st Street to 5th Street + Side Streets / $ 520,000 / $ 400,000 / $ 175,000 / $ 450,000 / $ 1,050,000 / $ 2,595,000
2020 / Sailor Street - 5th Street to 9th Street + Side Streets / $ 490,000 / $ 425,000 / $ 175,000 / $ 375,000 / $ 875,000 / $ 2,340,000
2021 / Walnut/Third Street - 2nd to 6th/N. Walnut to Hood / $ 200,000 / $ 250,000 / $ 320,000 / $ 187,500 / $ 437,500 / $ 1,395,000
2022 / North Gorman - 1st Street to 7th Street / $ 45,000 / $ 45,000 / $ 80,000 / $ 234,000 / $ 546,000 / $ 950,000
2023 / Tenth Street - Main to Holland / $ 150,000 / $ 125,000 / $ 80,000 / $ 121,500 / $ 283,500 / $ 760,000
Linton Street - 1st to 4th Street / $ 150,000 / $ 150,000 / $ 75,000 / $ 112,500 / $ 262,500 / $ 750,000
3rd Street - Main to Rice Street / $ 225,000 / $ 157,500 / $ 120,000 / $ 195,000 / $ 455,000 / $ 1,152,500
Rice Street - 2nd to 7th (Mill Overlay) / $ 50,000 / $ 50,000 / $ - / $ 67,500 / $ 157,500 / $ 325,000
Seventh Street - West of Holland to Nicollet (9-Ton Design) / $ 100,000 / $ 100,000 / $ 25,000 / $ 150,000 / $ 350,000 / $ 725,000
2017-2027 Total / $12,261,200
Motion by Brod, second by Cassem to approve the updated five-year street plan and recommend approval by the City Council. The motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Housing have been a big topic discussed at the City Council meetings. Majority of the Council are interested in building a housing development behind Lamperts on property currently owned by the EDA. Ibisch presented the proposed plans for the housing development. There are two options being discuss by the City Council. Developing the whole project would consist of 36 lots at a cost of $2.1 million. The other option is to develop the project in two phases. Phase 1 would consist of 18 lots at a cost of $1.2 million. Council authorized Bolton and Menk to make the plans and specs for the development. Once this is done they will start to take bids on both scenarios of the project. Brown commented the bid numbers may be in the City’s favor due to the off-season timing. Ibisch commented some of the project might be financing though assessments and levies.
Councilmember Russ Erichsrud asked Stoner if the proposed substation can be relocated. Stoner explained the current substation location (East of Hwy 169) was chosen due to the high cost of building it on the West side of Hwy 169. Right now, the substation is not necessary, but once the housing development is built one may need to be added. Ibisch commented the current proposed location of the substation could be developed into four more lots. He feels the current location of the substation would be an unattractive spot for the housing development. Chair Wigern has concerns with using Street funds for the new street in the housing development. Ibisch mentioned the EDA and HRA could be contributing funds through inter-fund loans for the project. When the lots sell, then the inter-fund loans will be repaid. Councilmember Cassem questioned what would happen if the lots do not sell? Ibisch commented the amount owed to the EDA and HRA will be on the City’s books. Cassem commented on who makes the payments on the available lot at the Industrial park. Ibisch commented the City is currently making the bond payments.
Ibisch commented this project is moving forward per the City Council. If the Council decides to develop the whole project at $2.1 million, it would not be feasible to do a street project in the same year.
Committee member Dave Classon mentioned the feasibility of selling all 36 lots. The demographics of Blue Earth are decreasing and not all the lots may be needed. Ibisch commented if the Council decides to do Phase 1 of the housing development at $1.2 million then a $1 - $1.5 million street project might be feasible. The Street Committee recommend doing the small project, so that the five -year street pan can stay on track.
Other Business
The Committee reviewed the status for the SRTS (Safe Routes to School) project. The project was approved for $250K grant by the TAP group. The funding will be for 2020-2021, but the City Council has chosen to fund the project and reimburse with the TAP finance. This will start the project this year instead of waiting till 2020.
The STRS consist of a new sidewalk from Blue Ridge Apartments to Holland Street, along 2nd Street to N. Galbraith then to the elementary school. Also along N. Main Street to Fairgrounds Road then to the high school. Small section of Fairview St to the high school is included in the project as well. Brown mentioned a sidewalk maze will be installed at the railroad on N. Main Street. This would force people to look down the railroad before crossing. Holland commented on the width of the maze for cleaning purposes. Brown commented the current equipment used to remove snow will not work.
The committee discussed the sidewalk policy. The city will be divided into quadrants to determine the sidewalks that need work. Ibisch mentioned the City may had to budget a certain amount per year for the sidewalk improvements the cost of sidewalk repair or replacement will be paid for using the standard assessment policy currently in place. Property owner will be assessed for their share of the cost over a period of fifteen years. In certain situations, the whole city block sidewalk may not need to be repaired. Holland commented on the issues with driveways during the sidewalk improvements. There are times when the driveway or alleyway entrance is not level with the sidewalk. Would the sidewalk improvement spot at the driveway or repair the driveway up to the right of way? Ibisch commented the residents could contact the contractor about replacing driveway while the sidewalk is being repaired. Residents have done this before during street projects. The Street Committee suggested bringing this topic to the planning commission and the Council for recommendation.
Motion by Cassem second by Erichsrud to adjourn the meeting. Wigern closed the meeting at 5:50 P.M.